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WB OTES UPDATE and REVIEW September 2, 2014. Western Brown OTES TimeLine and Procedures. Jina Bohl, WB Assistant Superintendent Tina Kidd, WB Race to the Top Team Michelle Germann , WB Evaluation Team. 2014 OTES Results. Designations 56% Accomplished 34% Skilled 10% Developing.
WB OTES UPDATE and REVIEWSeptember 2, 2014 Western Brown OTES TimeLine and Procedures Jina Bohl, WB Assistant Superintendent Tina Kidd, WB Race to the Top Team Michelle Germann, WB Evaluation Team
2014 OTES Results Designations 56% Accomplished 34% Skilled 10% Developing Student Growth Measures Overall Scores 60.5% Above Expected Growth 35.2% Expected Growth 4.3 % Below Expected Growth Vender Scores 37% Above 50% Expected 13% Below SLO Scores 56.9% Above 33.3% Expected 9.8% Below
HB 362: Changes to OTES • Accomplished Teachers-A board of education may elect to evaluate a teacher receiving a rating of accomplished every three years as long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure for the most recent school year for which data is available is average or higher. • Skilled Teachers – A board of education may elect to evaluate a teacher receiving a rating of skilled every two years as long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure for the most recent school year for which data is available is average or higher. • In any year in which a teacher who has not been formally evaluated as a result of having previously received a rating of accomplished or skilled, a credentialed evaluator shall conduct at least one observation of the teacher and hold at least one conference with the teacher. • 2014 Student Growth Measures were determined by three groupings 1 being below, 2,3,&4 Expected, and 5 being Above. Now there will be 5 levels of achievement.
HB 362- Changes to otES • A board of education may elect not to conduct an evaluation of a teacher who: (1) was on leave for 50 percent or more of the school year; or (2) has submitted notice of retirement on or before Dec. 1 of the school year. • For the 2014-2015 school year, a district or school may choose to use either the 50 percent teacher performance and 50 percent student growth measure framework (ORC 3319.112) or the following alternative framework (ORC 3319.114): • Teacher performance measure shall be 42.5 percent • Student academic growth measure shall be 42.5 percent • One of the following components shall be 15 percent: • Student surveys; Teacher self-evaluations; • Peer review evaluations; Student portfolios.
WB and WBEA Negotiations • 1) 2013 – 2014 Designations will not be used for RIF if needed. • 2) WB will evaluate all teachers during 2014 – 2015 school year BUT…… Utilize the WB Differentiated Model which allows teachers to have some options depending on their 2013- 2014 evaluation designation. • WB will continue to use the 50 / 50 OTES Framework. • WB encourages teachers who are retiring this year to submit their letter before October 1 (before OTES process begins) in order to qualify for OTES exemption. Dec 1 is final date. • 5) Teachers will not have the same evaluator from the previous year.
WB OTES Process and Procedures • 1) Self- Assessment: 3 Options depending on your needs. 2 are included in OTES Binder or eTPES summary version. Self Assessment should be completed in eTPES by Sept 19, 2014. • Professional Growth Plan: Also due in eTPES by Sept. 19, 2014. Two goals are required: one on student growth and one on teaching standards. • Walkthroughs-Walkthroughs can be conducted at anytime during the school year. More walkthroughs are encouraged throughout the year to collect evidence for final summative rating and to ensure teacher’s daily efforts and practices are recognized on the performance rubric. Walkthroughs are unannounced but results in eTPES should be sent to teacher within two days of walkthrough. • 4) EVAAS / SAS Reports should be downloaded into eTPES by October.
WB OTES Differentiated Guidelines • Three Tiered Model • Tier #1 Instructive: Evaluator directs the interaction based on assessed needs. Information flows from evaluator to teacher. Evaluator provides information about teaching or procedures • Who Are Tier 1 Teachers? • a) New to District b) Resident Educators c) Least Effective d) Developing • Expectations: • A Face to Face Pre-Conference is conducted using OTES /needs based questions. *Pre- Conference questionnaire can be used for evidence. • District lesson plan template is utilized by teacher to encourage productive discussions such as: assessment strategies for evaluating student work, providing samples of classroom discipline procedures or ways to differentiate instruction for unique needs of current students. • Post Conference Reflection submitted for evidence.
Tier 2: Collaborative Evaluator offers suggestions and solutions with rationale. Evaluator guides interaction without controlling it. What are Tier 2 Teachers? Teachers with designation of Skilled. Expectations: Evaluator and Teacher discuss best approach to meet needs of teacher: *Pre-Conference Questionnaire or Face to Face Pre Conference Teacher is given choice to turn in lesson plan, keeping in mind a lesson plan may provide evaluator additional information for scoring performance rubric. *Post Conference Reflection submitted for evidence.
Tier #3 - Facilitative Evaluator and teacher will co-construct solutions and materials. Teachers self assesses and self prescribes. Who are Tier 3 Teachers? Accomplished Teacher has choice between *Pre Conference Questions or Face to Face Pre Conference Teacher is given choice to turn in lesson plan, keeping in mind a lesson plan may provide evaluator additional information for scoring performance rubric. *Post Conference Reflection submitted for evidence.
Observation cycleS • Pre-Conference • 2) Observation- Within five days of observation, performance rubric will be pinned (signed off in eTPES) so teacher can view observation results and compile additional evidence for post-conference if desired. • Reflection Period / Collection of Evidence: A teacher can submit additional evidence at this time or anytime before post-conference. • Post Conference – Within 15 work days, a post conference will be conducted to determine evaluation cycle designation. Sign Off in eTPES required by both teacher and evaluator before second observation.Quality evidence indicates an “effect” on student achievement, instructional planning / intervention, and / or community engagement. • Each teacher will have two observation cycles, the first one being planned by teacher and evaluator. • Second Observation is unannounced. Evaluator will notify teacher through email to ensure teacher is aware of upcoming observation. The evaluator will have two weeks after the notice is sent to conduct the second observation. No documents are required before the second observation but all teachers should fill out post conference reflection document and a pre conference questionnaire, and submit them to evaluator within two days of observation
August / September • eTPES- Log into account • SGM / eTPeS- Teacher VA / SAS downloaded into eTPES. • Begin Evaluation Process-Self Assessment Completed by September 19, 2014Growth or Improvement Plans Revised and submitted in eTPES by September 19, 2014Observation Cycle 1 can begin.Upload required documents / artifacts as neededWalkthroughs can beginSLO Pre-Assessments completed by September 19
October - December • -Cycle 1 continues with some cycles being completed • -Walkthroughs continue • -SLOs are submitted digitally for approval by Friday, October 3, 2014 to Jina Bohl. • -Upload artifacts as applicable
January – April • -Cycle 1 completed by end of 1st semester (Jan 16) • -Cycle 2 continues • -Upload artifacts as applicable • -Walkthroughs continue • -February 20 - Completion of Cycle 2 for teachers on three observation evaluation. • April- Post Assessments are conducted
May • May 1- All SLOs are completed and uploaded into eTPES with assessment data (pre, goal, and post scores) and percentage of goals met. • May 10- Both teacher and evaluator have completed all elements and pinned final summary in eTPES. Summary is placed in teacher’s employment file.
Questions? • Write your question on a post it note and turn it in so I can compile them for a FAQ doc for our website.