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These guidelines aim to ensure accurate and reliable rapid HIV testing by providing a quality system approach for testers. Includes basic concepts, responsibilities, and processes required for effective quality control and external quality assessment.
PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINES • Most of the rapid HIV tests used today are single-use, disposable devices that may be used to directly test whole blood, serum/plasma samples. • These simple HIV tests present unique challenges – testing is often performed by persons without formal laboratory training, there is no residual sample that can be checked or re-tested, conventional quality control methods cannot be used, and there are special problems associated with efforts to provide conventional external quality assessments (e.g. proficiency testing
CONT. • The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate adoption of a quality system approach that encompasses all aspects essential to assuring accurate and reliable rapid HIV testing. • It is intended to provide assistance to all persons involved in rapid HIV testing service (quality planners/managers, programme managers, trainers and testers).
CONT. • With the expansion of rapid HIV testing to large numbers of testing sites, it will be very important to implement these guidelines, and monitor the processes to assure quality and reliability of the rapid HIV test results. • April 2010- June 2011 target of 15 Mil there is need to make sure the results issued are accurate.
Challenges and the need for guidelines • Discordant results • Test taking longer than 30 minutes to give results. • No line on the control bend. • Reaction bend always faint/ weak but stronger with the other test kit. • No migration of sample on the reaction window. • Test has to be repeated in most occasion to get a result Poor quality HIV rapid test kits
Q.A guidelines & program • Aims The aim of this guideline is: • To provide a framework for the implementation of a quality assurance program around the HIV rapid testing process. The aim of the QA programme is: • To ensure that the process of HIV rapid testing is performed accurately and reliably in a safe and professional manner.
BASIC CONCEPTS APPLIED Quality systems • Organizational structures ( NDOH, NICD, PROV etc) • Responsibilities • Resources • Processes and procedures needed to implement
QC and EQA • QC A set of procedures used internally to validate test performance and reagents stability. • Facilities will have to analyze samples with known controls. Just completed a pilot in Limpopo. • This will be a requirement to all facilities implementing HCT. • EQA Defined as a set of activities performed through an external source to evaluate testing site operations. To follow once the QC is rolled out in all provinces.
QC and EQA CONT. • Proficiency testing (PT) • Re- testing • On-site assessment
THE OVERALL GOAL Improvement in • Occurrence management • Process improvement • Information management • Inventory • Safety in all facilities • Eventually service and satisfaction
CONCLUSSION Identify Problems Take Corrective Action