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The good news is it’s possible to break up all that sitting with small bouts of exercise. By regularly practicing these office workouts using outdoor workout equipment, you’ll avoid ruining your health.<br><br>We offer a large collection of Buy fitness equipment online India at best price at Grand Slam Fitness. Please Visit our website.
AMAZING EXERCISE YOU CAN DO AT THE OFFICE Sitting all day long is seriously not good for you. It increases your risk of developing everything from heart disease to diabetes and even cancer. The reality is that a lot of us simply don’t have the time or ability to spend all day on our feet either. The good news is it’s possible to break up all that sitting with small bouts of exercise. By regularly practicing these office workouts using outdoor workout equipment, you’ll avoid ruining your health. These ar These are the Simple Exercises You Can Do in Your Office: e the Simple Exercises You Can Do in Your Office: Stair climbing Stair climbing Assuming you has an access to a staircase at your job, run up and down as fast as you’re able. Set a timer for as many minutes as you have. You can also get your heart rate up by walking briskly up and down the stairs. Buy Fitness Equipment Online India Buy Fitness Equipment Online India
Pushups Pushups If you have access to a desk or the floor, then you have access to a powerful workout for your triceps, biceps, and more. If you already have the muscle mass to do regular pushups on the floor then by all means do so. Otherwise, you can perform an easier version of the exercise by placing your hands on your desk, walking your feet away from the desk and hold at a 45- degree angle, and then proceed to do a modified pushup. You can also go outdoors and practice this one as an Outdoor Fitness Exercise. Planks and side planks Planks and side planks Core training is easily one of the best ways to build full-body strength and functional fitness. It can easily be achieved by using Outdoor Fitness Equipment. And also for developing core strength require no Outdoor Workout Equipment beyond your own body. So you can do them in the office or anywhere else. Planks and side planks will tone your core along with your back muscles and your gluts. Rotate through a regular plank and side plank on either side, holding each position for 30 seconds. Perform at least two or three sets. Wall sits Wall sits Boost your strength and endurance with this simple yet challenging workout. Stand with your back against the wall, and then slide your back down the wall while bending your knees. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor and hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Calf raises Calf raises This is a simple but effective Gym Raise your heels off the floor as high as possible, and then slowly lower them back down to the floor. Repeat this exercise 15 times. If you want to increase the challenge, hold something heavy in your hands while performing this exercise. Gym Workout Workout. Stand near your desk or the wall. Best Treadmill for Home Use in India Best Treadmill for Home Use in India
Squats Squats This is the exercise that is incredibly effective for building lower body strength apart from using Open Gym Equipment. Proper technique is critical here if you want to protect your knees, so make sure you know how to squat before performing this exercise. Once you’re confident about your technique, go ahead and perform this exercise. Aim for sets of 10. Leg lifts Leg lifts Here’s another exercise that can be done without the help of any Outdoor Fitness Equipment Fitness Equipment. While sitting, extend one leg in front of you and hold it for about 20 seconds, then repeat the same with the other leg too. No matter how you distribute these moves throughout your day, they’ll help you stay healthier and combat the dreaded effects of sitting. Outdoor Contact Information: Contact Information: Company Name: Company Name: Grand Slam Fitness Contact Address: Contact Address: C-58, Sector 58, Near Labour Chowk, Noida, U. P. (India) Toll Free Number: Toll Free Number: 1800-200-2566 Zip Code: Zip Code: 201301 Website: Website: http://www.grandslamfitness.co.in/