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Key Elements. Modernisation of pay in NHSWill cover over 1 million staffDoctors and most senior managers excl.Common Pay SpineBased on Job EvaluationHarmonised Terms
1. Agenda for Change Summary Briefing and London update
February 2004
Mike Jackson, UNISON Regional Officer, Greater London Region
2. Key Elements Modernisation of pay in NHS
Will cover over 1 million staff
Doctors and most senior managers excl.
Common Pay Spine
Based on Job Evaluation
Harmonised Terms & Conditions
Linked to better services to patients
Implemented on a partnership basis
3. Overview Negotiations took over 3 years
Some unions agreed (RCN, RCM, CSP)
Others second ballots (UNISON, AMICUS)
All agreed to 12 Early Implementer Trusts (in London Guys & St.Thomas, SWL MHT)
Will be national review after EI reports
If agreed national roll out in October 2004
Shadow Staff Council established
4. Main features - Pay Eight Pay Bands
Pay points (increments) within bands
Progression through bands normal but not automatic
‘Gateways’ within bands linked to a Knowledge & Skills Framework (KSF)
5. Main Terms & Conditions Replaces Whitley Councils
Harmonised Terms & Conditions
Standard Working Week of 37.5 hours
Overtime at time and a half (Bank Hol X2)
Unsocial Hours – now a % addition to pay
On-Call – also a % addition to pay
Annual Leave 27 days rising to 33 + 8 BHs
Pay Protections
6. Premia High Cost area premia (replaces London Weighting)
Inner London = 20% of basic Pay with a minimum of Ł3.097, maximum of Ł5,161
Outer London = 15% of basic pay with a minimum of Ł2,581, maximum of Ł3,613
COLS incorporated into these figures
Recruitment & retention premia, long term or short term, up to 30% addition
7. Job Evaluation Covers all Staff Groups – Equality proofed
Sixteen Factors – Knowledge & Skills, Responsibilities, Effort & Environment
Scores under each Factor
Total Score determines band for job
Jobs matched against national profiles
Evaluated locally if no match
Joint management/staff side panels
All panel members trained to JEWP standard
Appeals to different joint panel
8. Knowledge & Skills Framework Common descriptions of Knowledge & skills across the NHS
KSF for all posts
Development Review meetings
Personal Development Plans for all staff
Achievement of required knowledge & skills allows progression through ‘Gateways’ to top of pay band
9. Assimilation Following matching or evaluation all jobs will enter new band at nearest point above current salary.
If pay not within the band there will be transitional pay points
If total earnings lower protection applies
Hours if less than 37.5, will increase over 3 or 4 years to harmonised hours
10. Implementation Structures (London) All based upon Partnership Working
Pan-London Reference Group (Employers/WDCs/Trade Unions)
Five Sector Implementation Groups organised by WDCs – Reps from Trust Management & Staff Sides
Trust/HA Project Boards
Sub Groups on Job Evaluation
Terms & Conditions
11. Early Implementers Timetable slipping – end of February 2004?
Majority of jobs now matched
Shortage of job profiles hindered early progress
Difficult jobs still to do (Matching and JE)
Size of task – need to create new capacity
Difficulties with release ( Managers and TU)
Less than 8% require protection (to date )
Slow progress on KSF pilots
London Weighting a big issue in SW London
Unsocial Hours negotiations
12. Issues for Unions in London Need to undertake sensible preparation but not to compromise our ballot
Managers trying to take control of process
Capacity problems – Branches and FTOs
Need to keep members informed
Need to recruit members
Need to find new activists, trainers, panels
London Weighting
13. Preparation (1) Start making partnership work now!
Set up Project Board (flexible)
Identify sub groups, e.g. JE, KSF, T&C, Comms.
Develop a communications strategy
Identify Management and Staff Side resources – TU facilities, IT and payroll capacity
Ensure organisation has budgeted for Ag4Ch
Identify Trainers for JE and KSF (TtT courses)
Identify managers and TU members for panels
Identify negotiating objectives
14. Preparation (2) Conduct an audit of Job Descriptions/P Specs
Update Job Descriptions and Person Specs.
Develop Briefing Materials
Set up Job Evaluation and KSF awareness training day for Management/Staff Side
Draw up Timetable/Project Plan
Decide on KSF Pilots – audit appraisal systems
Set up Diversity Audit - integrate Race Equality Plan
15. Partnership Working in London AFC Based on the Principle of Partnership Working - Joint Decision Making
London NHS Trades Unions and NHS Employers are committed to partnership working in preparing for and implementing Agenda for Change in the Capital.
Already working at Pan-London and Sector level; now make it work in Trusts
16. Levels of Involvement Partnership Joint Decision Making, Trust and credibility
Feedback mechanisms
Information Sharing
No involvement/Lack of Awareness
17. Partnership a working definition Partnership at work is about unions, employers and employees creating long term positive relationships which focus on the future of the business and improving working life for employees.
Source TUC Partnership Institute
18. The Benefits helps employers achieve sustained success through improved workplace morale and performance
ensures the success of organisational change by ensuring that it is built on the involvement and participation of the workforce
helps unions play an active role in developing an organisation’s policy and strategy
improves union membership and organisation in the workplace
Source TUC Partnership Institute
19. Some Quotes “…by involving all staff in the planning and delivery of service modernisation, the best years of the NHS are still to come” - Andrew Foster, HRD, NHS
“My Trust has derived real dividends from managers and staff reps working in partnership…” Phillip Orme, Dep. Chief Executive, Southport & Ormskirk Trust
20. Pan London Group Membership: WDCs, Trusts and Trade Unions
Terms of Reference
Making recommendations to SHAs/WDCs on matters relating to the implementation of Agenda for Change in London
Acting as a reference group on specific issues with pan London implications for example recruitment and retention premia
Promoting communications in partnership
Identifying opportunities for sharing learning and best practice
Linking, as appropriate, with other stakeholders within and outside London
Commissioning work as appropriate
Agreed at meeting on 18 November 2003
21. Sector Implementation Groups London Sectors: North East, North Central, North West, South East, South West
Receiving reports from EI’s / Preparation
Sharing Learning and Best Practice
Ensuring organisations work collaboratively
Ensuring implementation within deadlines
Monitoring impacts - e.g. Services /R&R
22. Trust Project Model
23. Keep yourself updated www.doh.uk/agendaforchange
24. Now is the time to join UNISON You have a voice – UNISON ballot in 2004
You get information – on how AFC works
You get advice – on what AFC means to you
You get support – in preparing for matching
You get representation – if you need to appeal
Unionised workplaces will get the best outcomes
Ring UNISON Direct 0845 355 0845