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Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware. Course: CIS 3003 Fundamental of Information Technology. Logic and Binary. Logic FALSE is represented with binary 0. Logic TRUE is represented with binary 1. AND/NAND Gates. OR/NOR Gates. XOR/NXOR Gates. Binary Addition Gate. Transistors, Logic Gates, and IC.

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Computer Hardware

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  1. Computer Hardware Course: CIS 3003 Fundamental of Information Technology

  2. Logic and Binary • Logic FALSE is represented with binary 0 • Logic TRUE is represented with binary 1.

  3. AND/NAND Gates

  4. OR/NOR Gates

  5. XOR/NXOR Gates

  6. Binary Addition Gate

  7. Transistors, Logic Gates, and IC • Transistors make a logic gate • Logic gates make integrated circuit • Integrated circuits make processors

  8. Transistors, Logic Gates, and IC http://230nsc1.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Electronic/trangate.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_gate

  9. Lots of transistors in tiny area

  10. Types of Computers • Smart Phone • Tablet • Laptop • Desktop • Servers • Mainframe

  11. Common among computers • All computers take some input, process the information, and then output the result. • Input devices: mouse, stylus, touch screen, camera, etc. • Processing devices: CPU, memory, hard drive, etc. • Output devices: monitor, printer, projector, etc.

  12. Latest input device • Nintendo Wii controller: • accelerometers • Microsoft Kinect: • VGA video camera, • Depth sensor, • Multi-array microphone

  13. Latest output device • 3 – D printer • Layers of liquidfied material • Deposit material similar to a ink-jet printer nozzle • Different composite materials

  14. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

  15. CPU-ALU • ALU - arithmetic logic unit • Performs logic, integer arithmetic, and bit-wise operator • Trade off of speed and complexity of the unit

  16. CLU – Register and Cache memory • Register – Hold one data value, an instruction, a program counter, etc. • Part of the processing logic architecture. • Various type of registers. • Cache – On-board memory resides on CPU • Stores frequently used instruction and data • Reduces need to communicate with external memory • Several levels of cache

  17. CLU – Register and Cache memory • Register • Cache memory

  18. CPU – Controllers • Issues control signals to various components of a CPU and to the external device.

  19. Assignment 1 • http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~aho/cis3003/hw/ • Due next Wednesday 9/14/2011 at the beginning of the class. • Chapters 1 – 3 • Question #1 to be searched on Internet.

  20. Motherboard - PCB

  21. North and South Bridges on PCB

  22. CPU socket and BIOS on PCB

  23. Buses on PCB

  24. Buses on PCB

  25. CPU, PCB, and Computer

  26. Storage – Memory – RAM • RAM – Random Access Memory • Dynamic RAM • Recharged constantly • One transistor and capacitor per bit. • Simple and compact • Static RAM • Retains value thru flip flop. • Faster but less bits

  27. Accessing RAM

  28. Storage – Memory – ROM • ROM – Read Only Memory • Programmable ROM (PROM) – cannot change • Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM) – difficult to change • Electrically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM) – use electricity • A device that is similar to EEPROM is flash memory

  29. Storage – Hard Drive

  30. Storage – Optical

  31. Storage – Optical

  32. Other computer components

  33. Computer Performance • Word Length • 32 and 64 bits • Bus speed • RAM size • Processor speed • Hertz, • KHz, MHz, GHz • Overclocking • CPU count – Duo Core, Quad-core

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