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Financial Administration Branch Performance Review

In this presentation to the Portfolio Committee of DMR 2011/2012 Annual Report, the Financial Administration Branch outlines its achievements, challenges, and corrective measures. The focus is on strategic and administrative support services to the Ministry and the Department. The report highlights successes in customer satisfaction, compliance, ICT systems, facilities alignment, transformation policies, internal processes improvement, ICT alignment with business objectives, management and leadership development, skills development, budget alignment, cost management, resource utilization, and corporate governance. Challenges and corrective measures are also discussed.

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Financial Administration Branch Performance Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESENTATION TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE OF DMR 2011/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 17 OCTOBER 2012 Programme 1.1: Financial Administration Branch

  2. Presentation Outline Non Financial Performance Information Programme 1.1: Financial Administration Branch - Achievement/Successes - Challenges - Corrective measures Presentation to be read in conjunction with pages 42 to 48 of the DMR Annual Report

  3. Programme 1.1: Financial Administration Branch Purpose To provide strategic and administrative support services to the Ministry and the Department

  4. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES Customer/Stakeholder Perspective: 1. Provide reliable and timely information: • 92.9% Of reports were submitted within prescribed timeframes, exceeding the target by 2.9% 2. Improve service delivery: • Customer satisfaction index conducted yielded 3 scores out 5. • Defined turnaround times were adhered to by 91.9 %, exceeding the target by 11.9% 3. Educate and empower stakeholders: • A query management system was developed and as such queries and complaints raised due to lack of information were reduced by 100%.

  5. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES (Cont.) Customer/Stakeholder Perspective (cont.): • Non-Compliance with internal processes was reduced by 56 %, exceeding the target by 6 %. 4. Provide ICT Systems • One monitoring tool was procured as targeted. • Availability of Information System was achieved at 98.1%, exceeding the target by 8.1%. 5. Provide adequate facilities for effective service delivery • Facilities were aligned with business needs at 50% as targeted. 6. Promote transformation policies: • Percentage spent on targeted group was achieved by 51.3%, exceeding the target by 11.3%.

  6. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES (Cont.) Internal Processes Perspective • Implement policies, processes and procedures: • 12 Policies Approved were implemented. • 11 Approved processes and procedures were implemented. 2. Improve turnaround times: • 8 Processes had improved turnaround times. • 7 SLAs were signed. • 47 % Improvement in turnaround times, exceeding the target with 37%.

  7. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES (Cont.) Internal Processes Perspective (Cont.) 3. Align ICT with business objectives: • Approved Master System Plan (MSP) • One integrated system was implemented as targeted.

  8. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES (Cont.) Learning and Growth Perspective: 1. Facilitate Management and Leadership development: • All personal development plans were aligned to the Management requirements and 5 managers completed management courses as targeted. 2. Attract, Develop and Retain Skills: • Five HRD initiatives were implemented as targeted.

  9. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES (Cont.) Financial Perspective: 1. Align Budget to Strategy: • 100% Budget allocated to branch priorities, exceeding the target by 20%. 2. Manage Cost effectively: • Wasteful, fruitless and irregular expenditure was reduced by 86%, exceeding the target by 26%. • Under spending below threshold was maintained at 0.91%.

  10. ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES (Cont.) Financial Perspective (Cont.): • Maximize utilization of resources: • 99% Reduction in the number of departmental assets disposed off prior to the end-of-lifespan, exceeding the target by 94%. 4. Promote Corporate Governance: • 100% Zero balance on key control accounts cleared as prescribed.



  13. Thank You

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