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10 th Lit Comp Final Exam Review. Ms. Kirk. Poetry Terms. Alliteration Epic poem Rhyme Scheme Metaphor Simile Onomatopoeia Hyperbole Meter Villanelle. More Poetry Terms. Sonnet Figurative Language Personification Lyric Poem Imagery Free verse End marks Dialect End Rhyme.
10th Lit CompFinal Exam Review Ms. Kirk
Poetry Terms Alliteration Epic poem Rhyme Scheme Metaphor Simile Onomatopoeia Hyperbole Meter Villanelle
More Poetry Terms Sonnet Figurative Language Personification Lyric Poem Imagery Free verse End marks Dialect End Rhyme
More Poetry Terms Internal Rhyme Haiku poems
Proper Word Choice Its/It’s You’re/Your Accept/Except Affect/Effect There/Their/They’re Then/Than Have/Of
The Hunger Games Understand the main ideas and characters Why do the Hunger Games exist? Review the Panem Research Activity- name origins What is the significance of the mockingjays and the tracker jackers? Outcome of the Games Setting Author
Complete Sentences Do your homework. I laugh. Let’s go. He walked the dog. It was great.
Fragments Because I want to go. The dog barking at the window. Walking on the beach. Riding on the train at Disney World in the summer on a gorgeous day. While I sit near the pond and write in my diary.
Parallel Form I like eating, sleeping, and watching television. It was a darkand stormy night. My daughter picked up her baby doll, sang a little song, and put the doll in the crib. This summer we are going to Walt Disney World, to Sea World, and to Lewis-Smith Lake.
Sentences that are not parallel We are going to the park, to the lake, and also hoping to go to the beach. My favorite movies are The Lion King, Places in the Heart, and I also really like Cinderella. My daughter sang a song, played with her baby doll, and is dancing with her teddy bear. That teacher makes me sad, angry, and to feel bad about that subject.
Dangling Modifiers I danced with my husband wearing my favorite black dress. Riding the monorail, the lake looked beautiful. She picked up the book with an angry look. Driving to the beach, I saw lots of beautiful hotels looking out the window.
Run-On Sentences The dog did not eat her dinner, I think she is not feeling well. It was cold, I needed my coat. I like sushi, do you? How is the steak here, good? Please don’t feed the animals, they are wild. Which is your favorite ride, Soarin’?
Vocabulary Avid Arduous Formidable Explicit Sanction Ominous Pertinent Frugal Cynical
More vocabulary Clandestine Deprecate Circumvent Latent Dolorous Amicable Enraptured Genial Charlatan
More vocabulary Mundane Fickle Novice Fiasco Omniscient Naïve Audacity Chaos Juggernaut Nocturnal