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PROVINCIAL MANAGER’S PRESENTATION MR. ALBERT MATSAUNG. Home Affairs Portfolio Committee Oversight Visit. KWAZULU-NATAL. 13 September 2011. Table of Contents. Table of Contents Continue. I NTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND.
PROVINCIAL MANAGER’S PRESENTATION MR. ALBERT MATSAUNG Home Affairs Portfolio Committee Oversight Visit KWAZULU-NATAL 13 September 2011
INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND KwaZulu-Natal is the second largest Province in the RSA, accounting 21% of SA population. Has a population estimated at 10,014,500 as released by Stats SA The Province have 10 District Municipalities and one Metro Council DHA Offices in KZN is aligned to 10 District Municipalities and 1 Metro Municipality. The Province has built on its natural status as the gateway of Southern Africa, founded on the port of Durban being the busiest container port in Africa, and Richardsbay being the biggest bulk cargo port in Africa where DHA have representation The Province has also now established the Dube Trade Port between these two sea ports to harness the value of having an air logistics platform to promote access to global trade and tourist node. Although great strides have been in the delivery of services during the National Population Registration Campaign between March- November 2010, there are still significant backlogs that need to be addressed in providing enabling documents to the citizens. The launching of stakeholders forum on the District and Local Municipalities have greatly improved the way of delivering services especially at rural areas. Monitoring & Evaluation of the departmental performance relating to DHA is at the centre of Service Delivery Improvement Plan.
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW VISION STATEMENT A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship. MISSION The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of migration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil our international obligation. • VALUE STATEMENT • The DHA is committed to be: • People-centred and caring, Patriotic • Professional and having integrity, • Corruption free and ethical, • Efficient and innovative.
National Agenda…(12 Outcomes) ECONOMIC SECTOR AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network SOCIAL PROTECTION, COMMUNITY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER Quality Basic Education A long and health life for all South Africans Sustainable Human Settlements and improved quality of household life Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security GOVERNANCE & ADMINISTRATION CLUSTER Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship JUSTICE CRIME PREVENTION & SECURITY CLUSTER All People in South Africa are free and feel safe
MINISTER PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT IN TERMS OF NATIONAL OUTCOMES The 12 National outcomes are at the heart of the strategic planning process of the Government and DHA is accounting for three as per the signed Minister`s performance agreement. The departmental relevant out comes are NATIONAL OUTCOME 3 All People in South Africa are free and feel safe NATIONAL OUTCOME 5 Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path. NATIONAL OUTCOME 12 An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship
DEPARTMENTAL STRATEGIC ORIENTED GOALS (OUTCOMES) STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 1 Secure South African citizenship and identity engineered by the Civic Services Unit STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 2 Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development engineered by the Immigration Unit STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 3 A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free to be realised by all the departmental Units.
SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT FOOTPRINT FOR THE KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCE Overview of footprint per type of DHA service point (SP) *
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to expand the presence at Umbumbulu, KwaXimba, Umlazi and KwaMashu due to population density and communities that are far from present offices. Ethekwini Municipality in partnership with DHA is looking at using SizakalaCentres as part of expanding services to the public.
DHA FOOTPRINT • Mostly rural areas and economically depressed local municipality in the district lacks DHA presence • In all municipalities, there is a need to increase our presence through opening small offices
DHA FOOTPRINT • The District remains a developmental node in the province. There is a need to expand the footprint at Izingolweni and other rural areas in Ugu DM.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to increase presence within KwaMbonambi, Ntambanana LM. There is weekly mobile visits at Kwa Mbonambi, Ntambanana and Mthunzini to render services. • Although Ntambanana is low in population, it is constituted by many farming community.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to increase capacity within Dannhauser and Utrecht Local Municipalities. • Although they are small in nature, there is a need to increase the presence at Dannhauser and Utrecht. Utrecht is largely farming community and is serviced by mobile.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to increase the presence at Nongoma, uPhongolo and eDumbe due to population density and communities that are far from present offices.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to expand the presence at Hluhluwe and Hlabisa due to population density and communities that are far from present offices.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to increase the presence at Indaka, Colenzo, etc due to population density and communities that are far from present offices.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to increase the presence at Msinga Top and Mkhuphula due to population density and communities that are far from present offices. • In partnership with Social Development there are two offices that will be opened at Mkhuphula and Msinga Top, DHA will have its precence in those centres when they open.
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to expand the footprint at Msunduzi especially in the neighbouring townships of Mbali, etc. There is One stop Centre earmarked to be build at Mkhambathini and the presence of DHA will be cardinal importance at this area .
DHA FOOTPRINT • There is a need to increase the presence at Underberg and Donnybrook due to population density and communities that are far from present offices.
STAKEHOLDER FORUMS • Home Affairs Stakeholder Forum was established to enhance consultation with communities at a Provincial, District and Local level. • Their main objectives is to reach out to communities that are in dire need of Departmental services and also to monitor and evaluate the community service needs. • These has been evident through the National Population Registration Campaign(NPRC), which some of its goals is to register birth within thirty days (30), elimination and eradication of corrupt and fraudulent entry into the National Population Register (NPR) by non-South African citizens. • During the period April 2010 -March 2011, 58 DHA Stakeholder Forums were launched i.e. 10 Districts, 47 Local Municipalities and 1 Metro. • Each Municipality has the executive structure and the Chairperson of that structure chairs the stakeholders forum, • DHA within the Forum takes the status of the secretariat.
DHA CLUSTER PARTICIPATION ECONOMIC SECTOR AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network SOCIAL PROTECTION, COMMUNITY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER Quality Basic Education A long and health life for all South Africans Sustainable Human Settlements and improved quality of household life Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security GOVERNANCE & ADMINISTRATION CLUSTER Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship JUSTICE CRIME PREVENTION & SECURITY CLUSTER All People in South Africa are free and feel safe
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING(PARTNERSHIPS) • In line with the spirit of co-operative governance, two Municipalities i.e. Ethekwini Metro and Umgungundlovu District entered into Memorandum of Understanding with DHA. • The agreement was aimed to formalize the relationship in order to give meaning to the National Population Registration Campaign. • Ethekwini Metro pledged 95 and uMgungundlovu 56 volunteers, subsequently, the successful volunteers were trained by the Department of Home Affairs with a stipend paid by the Municipality. • The Department in conjunction with the Municipalities deployed volunteers in areas where the services are needed. • Monitoring and evaluation of their impact was also conducted which led to positive outcomes.
OPERATION SUKUMA SAKHE (OSS) • In line with the spirit of co-operative governance the Department is part of the government departments that are participating in the flagship programme. This initiative is headed by Premier’s office in ensuring that all government departments comes together to address issues affecting the communities in one hub. • The implementation of this programme addresses 5 key areas: • - Community partnership and participation • - Integration of government services • - Behavioral change campaign • - Economic activities & • - Environmental care • The critical factors of the OSS is • - to ensure that government respond to issues on the ground level. • - Community partnership & partnership to ensure that there is no boundary • between community and government. • - Improve coordination, communication and integration of services. • - Cooperation of Departments and their interdependence to be • enhanced.
DUPLICATES CASES - STATISTICS CAUSES OF DUPLICATES One person with two ID numbers: Incorrect filing of manual applications. Two people sharing one ID number: Incorrect fingerprint classification.
VACANT FUNDED POSTS NB. Recruitment & Selection for the ff offices is at its final stage: - King ShakaInt Airport Inspectorate Level 6 x 6 posts - Durban Harbour Inspectorate Level 6 x 13 posts - Chief Admin Clerks Level 7 x 27 posts - Admin Clerks for Hospitals Level 5 x 11 posts Total posts to be filled in near future = 57 POSTS