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Explore the dilemmas faced by a 15th-century Ottoman sultan when conquering lands with different cultures and religions. How to treat the conquered people while maintaining power? Learn about tactics, challenges, and the integration of diverse societies.
Empire Building A comparison
How will you treat the people you conquer? You are a 15th century Ottoman sultan, ruler of a growing empire. To increase your power and control over an area, you go to war against your neighbors. With a well trained army and modern weapons, you conquer most of them easily. They do not share your religion and way of life, however and if you allow them too much freedom, they might rebel. On the other hand, enslaving them and keeping them under strict control might sap your empire’s resources.
How will you treat the people you conquer? • What problems might conquered people present for the conqueror? • In what ways might a conqueror integrate those he conquers into the society? • How might people of various religions and customs coexist without giving up their ways of life?
In what ways might a conqueror integrate those he conquers into the society? • Turn native customs into evil • Take best ideas and say they are yours • 0 tolerance policies • Forced relocation based upon occupation • Make no changes at first and simply observe • Welcome ideas • Allow the right to vote
Conflict With Native Americans What does this image say about Portuguese relations with Native Americans?
African Slaves In Brazil What do notice about the food they are carrying?
Portuguese Colonies Shade your map where the Portuguese colonized.
Portuguese Goal Government God, gold, spices--Trading empire—crush Muslim and Italian trade King sends viceroys and Admirals to conquer land and set up trading posts along Africa and Asia
Portuguese Religion Slavery Impact on Natives Convert to Catholicism Natives, Africans, Muslims, really anyone War and domination
Treatment of Native Americans What is the division of labor in this image? Who is doing what?
A Voice from the Past- Bartolome de Las Casas Bartolome de Las Casas was a vocal in his protest of the treatment of Native Americans by Europeans. In his Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, Las Casas described the terrible ordeals that the Native Americans faced as forced labors, despite orders from the king of Spain that they be protected and taught Christianity. “The Indians were totally deprived of their freedom and were put in the harshest, fiercest, most horrible servitude and captivity which no one who has not seen it can understand. Even beast enjoy more freedom when they are allowed to graze in the fields. When the Indians were allowed to go home, they often found it deserted and had no other resources than to go out into the woods to find food and die. When they fell ill, which was very frequently because they are a delicate people unaccustomed to such work, the Spaniards did not believe them and pitilessly called them lazy dogs, and kicked and beat them; and when illness was apparent they sent them homes as useless. I sometimes came upon dead bodies on my way, and upon others who were gasping and moaning in their death agony, repeating “Hungry, hungry.” And this was the freedom, the good treatment, and the Christianity that Indians received.”
Spanish Colonies Shade your map where the Spanish colonized.
Spanish Goal Government God, gold King sends viceroys; set up Encomienda system Social Structure based upon blood Peninsulares Creoles Mulattos
Spanish Religion Slavery Impact on Natives Convert to Catholicism Natives, Africans Destroyed Aztec and Incan empires, spread diseases
How did the British build an Empire? Wars of trade and Religion Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 8 August1588 by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada encourage England to build a colonial empire?
Leaving for the North America What caused these people to decide to try to settle in North America?
British Colonies Shade your map where the British colonized. Note: Britain took control of Canada from France and Florida from Spain in the mid 1700s.
English Goal Government Make money, compete w/ Spain, eventually cash crops and raw materials Joint Stock company granted a charter from King Eventually known as East and West Indies Companies and given monopoly Built colonies ruled by Council of Indies and Governor. Some colonies set up legislature Families encourages as well as persecuted (especially New World) In Asia: set up trading posts and trade. Strong navy and army
Economy Religion Slavery Natives Financially with stable money, bank, stock exchange & reputation for never defaulting on debts. Protestant; haven for religiously persecuted Yes Often contentious with many fights—fights in 1622, 1675 and many in 18th century
Trade in New France What items are being traded in this image?
French colonies Shade in your maps where the French colonized.
French Goal Government Make money…East Indies and spices eventually fur #1 Kings prior to Louis XIV bring stability and peace w/ Protestants Build Strong army and navy eventually charters for East and West companies were given a monopoly Colonies set up ruled by Council of Indies and Governor In Asia: set up trading posts and trade
French Religion Slavery Natives Catholic, sometimes shipped non Catholics over to New World Some involvement. Not major cooperative--Individual relationship with native often through marriage
Dutch Colonies Shade your map where the Dutch colonized.
Dutch Goal Government Northwest passage; Seize Portuguese trade routes; silk, indigo, saltpeter, textilesfurs East & West Indian Companies given monopoly (1602) Officials appointed by company Patroons (company head, often noble) given land, civil and criminal jurisdiction In New World encouraged all to come to increase colonial population In Asia: set up trading posts and trade Largest navy in world by 1620
Economy Land Distribution Religion Slavery Impact on Natives Became financial capital of world with a stable currency, guaranteed deposits, Bank & Stock Exchange Majority given to patroons who rented out the rest Freedom of Religion granted Involved in Slave trade: indentured servants mainly cooperative but took land for Holland caused war in 1643 (Only Europeans allowed to remain in Japan with trade city of Nagasaki)
How do you account for two countries claiming the same area?