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Building an Empire

Building an Empire. Imperialism. Imperialism - Stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations – economically, politically or militarily. (Expansionism). Justification of Imperialism. Social Darwinism – the nation’s with the best technology will survive

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Building an Empire

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  1. Building an Empire

  2. Imperialism Imperialism- Stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations – economically, politically or militarily. (Expansionism)

  3. Justification of Imperialism Social Darwinism – the nation’s with the best technology will survive ‘White Man’s Burden’- wealthy “advanced” nations have a duty to civilize and Christianize “backward” people Achieve Military and Political “Glory”

  4. Reasons For Imperialism Raw materials New markets Investments Navy bases Citizens are encouraging expansion

  5. Hawaii By the 1890’s populated with U.S. planters and missionaries. At the request of U.S. citizens, U.S. Marines overthrow Queen Lili (Liliuokalani). She fails to restore Hawaiian control.

  6. Alaska Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska for $7 million from Russia Seward’s Folly Seward’s icebox

  7. Causes of Spanish American War 1898 Yellow journalism- Hearst and Pulitzer encourage the war with news stories In 1895 Cubans revolt against harsh conditions especially on sugar plantations. Spanish move Cubans into prison camps. DeLome letter – insults Pres. McKinley (weak)

  8. Spanish American War The Maine explodes Havana Harbor 260 U.S. sailors killed “Remember the Maine and kill Spain” T.R. & the Rough Riders in Cuba John Hay,Sec of State - “The Splendid little War” Manila Bay in the Philippines taken by Adm. Dewey `

  9. Results of Spanish American War Teller Amendment – 1898 U.S. will not control Cuba Cuba becomes a ‘protectorate’ A new constitution is written includes: Platt amendment – US has the right to send/return troops (military intervention) Cuba can not make agreements with foreign countries endangering its independence US gets Guantanamo Bay

  10. Philippines Emilio Aquinaldo – leader of the Philippines independence movement Insurrection: Aquinaldo had been supported by the U.S. against Spain now rebels against the USA. 3 years to end the insurrection Philippines under U.S. control until 1946

  11. U.S. as a World Power China 1899 Sec of State John Hay asks for an “Open Door Policy” access for all countries to trade in China 1900 U.S. sends troops to put down Boxer Rebellion Asia 1905 TR mediates treaty to end the Russian Japanese War – TR wins a Nobel Peace Prize Great White Fleet – TR sends 16 battleships around the world as a sign of power and force

  12. Roosevelt Corollary An addition to the Monroe Doctrine TR tells Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere – U.S. will be the police force & will aid Latin American countries if trouble “Walk softly and carry a Big Stick” Seen as a bully by Latin America

  13. Panama Canal • 1901 U.S. takes over French program to build the canal • Walter Reed: yellow fever from mosquitoes • 1914 the canal is completed • Costs $400 million plus $25 million for and $250,000 per year to rent • 1999 Panama Canal returned to Panama- treaty made by Pres. Carter

  14. Dollar Diplomacy • President Taft uses diplomatic efforts to encourage and protect American investments in foreign countries

  15. Wilson continues Imperialism • Sends troops to Haiti in 1915 – an American Protectorate • Purchases the Virgin Islands in 1917 from Denmark

  16. Key People for Expansion • Teddy Roosevelt – • Assistant secretary of the Navy – orders Dewey to attack the Philippines • Fought in the Spanish American War • Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders • Henry Cabot Lodge & Alfred Beveridge • Pro imperialist senators • Alfred Mahan • Author who promotes the idea that a strong navy is key to being a powerful nation

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