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McGill Nanotools Microfab Facility: MCRF Site Visit . Peter Grutter Academic Director September 2011. McGill Nanotools Microfab Facility . 3300sq.ft . facility, 1000 sq.ft . clean room space. $13 million capital investment , $615K/year operating budget In 2010 :
McGill NanotoolsMicrofab Facility: MCRF Site Visit Peter Grutter Academic Director September 2011
McGill Nanotools Microfab Facility • 3300sq.ft. facility, 1000 sq.ft. clean room space. • $13 million capital investment, $615K/year operating budget • In 2010: • 87 individual projects • 42 principal investigators • 38% users external to McGill • Internal users from 5 faculties • 10 corporate users • 91 students/PDFs trained • At least 63 peer reviewed papers, 6 patents, 52 thesis 0.7um features
Outline - Selection Criteria • Accreditation: • Character of the facility • Efficient use of the facility • Quality of the nanotechnology research program • Accessibility: • Users • Benefits for Quebec • Integration and promotion • Development plan
1. Characteristics of the Facility • Facility: over the past 10 years over 13M$ capital equipment invested by Quebec, CFI and NSERC • Equipment enables R&D and training in: • Nanoelectronics • Nanobiology • NEMS/MEMS • Nanophotonics • Providing leadership within QNI: • integrating fabs of 4 major universities in Quebec: • Training: NSERC CREATE ISS (2009) • Infrastructure support: NSERC MRS (2011, in prep.)
1. Characteristics of the Facility Equipment: • Complete NEMS/MEMS fab facility (see section F for details). • Complementarity with the global QNI offer (see Section C of application). Unique character of McGill NanotoolsMicrofab: • Ecosphere of integrated training and world-class R&D in terms of processing know-how and established collaborations along 2 major axes: • fundamental – industrial • interdisciplinary (medicine – biology – chemistry – physics – ECE – materials science – tissue eng.)
Unique Ecosphere: Green Technology Growing, understanding, processing and integrating InN for energy and sensing applications University: Z. Mi (ECE), G. Gervais (Physics), P. Kambhampati (Chemistry), T. Szkopek (ECE), A. Kirk (ECE), Lennox (Chemistry), R. Sladek (Genomics) Companies: ICP Solar Technologies, Future Lightning Solutions, Silonex Inc. DNA Landmarks (St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC), BASF Government and Crown Corporations: IREQ (Hydro Quebec), DRDC (Val Cartier, QC), Canadian Space Agency (Brossard, QC)
Unique Ecosphere: Green Technology MBE growth of GaNnanowires (Z. Mi) Closed loop growth-fabrication-characterization-application Proximity to fab crucial! McGill leads the pack in nanoscale nitride semiconductors. Only nitride MBE system in Canada. Vol. 11, 1919 (2011). World’s most efficient phosphor-free white light LEDs: Devices grown in McGill MBE lab and fabricated in McGill Nanotools Microfab. 17.8.2011: $ 667,500 MDEIE for commercialization (wafer scale demonstration)!
Fabrication of Optical Ring Resonators ZetianMi,ECE, McGill GaAs Substrate OSA Optics Express 19, 12164 (2011) Integrated tube lasers waveguides on Si
Unique Ecosphere: SiC SiC Micromachining compatible with CMOS technologies University: Mourad el-Gamal (ECE, McGill), Srikar Vengallatore (Mechanical, McGill) Companies: MEMS-Vision (Montreal), Thales Inc., Boston Microsystems
The Vision • Very small, for portable devices … • Batch fabrication, for very low cost • Endless functionalities • Much less battery consumption MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) Micro Mechanical Sensors & Actuators + =
State-of-the-Art in MEMS Integration MEMS Technology Connections IC Technology At least three manufacturing or assembly facilities are needed MEMS Connections IC
Objective: “Growing” the mechanical devices “on top of” the electronics using IC compatible technologies Challenges: Incompatible temperatures,materials, and chemicals.
A Breakthrough Material ? - High elastic modulus - High acoustic velocity - High fracture strength - Sustains higher temp. - Inert surfaces - Resists corrosion, erosion, and radiation - Biocompatible Metals IC & MEMS Before New Inventions: - Difficult to deposit - High temp. processing - Not compatible with IC manufacturing - High residual stresses - Difficult & slow etching and deposition SiC is routinely used in the manufacturing of CMOS electronics, for example in some of today’s state-of-the-art and very high-end microprocessors.
Isolation Input Problems Solved - MoSiC™ MEMS (El-Gamal, McGill) patented, published, commercialization venture started – MEMS Vision Inc. Pressure Sensors Micro Beam Resonators Harp-like Vibration Sensors Output Input Micro Switches Square Resonators Tunable Capacitors Actuation Isolation Input Output Input Output
Problems Solved - MoSiC™ MEMS Processing and materials know-how key! Many have tried, all others have failed! Stress Control High Yield - Small gaps (high sensitivity) - High initial sensors accuracies < 50 MPa of stress
Unique Ecosphere: Nanobiotech & Health Nanofluidics Microfluidic systems Sculpting the energy landscape of polymers and DNA. DNA melting assay. 3D microfluidic probe: Shear free gradient at the stagnation point for cell chemotaxis studies. Juncker et al., Nature Commun.2 465 (2011) • nanochannel Si pins for multi-spotting proteins. System used to identify 6 relevant markers for breast cancer. Developing protein chip. Pla-Roca et al. Mol. Cell. Prot. (under review) 100 nm Reisner et al., PNAS (2010) Myoblast response to RGD Peptide Gradient (MNI)
Concept: Nanopore-Nanochannel Device Conventional Nanopore NanoporeNanochannel reservoirs nanopore nanochannel Reisner (Physics, McGill) reservoirs reservoirs reservoirs reservoirs nanopore nanopore nanopore nanopore nanochannel nanochannel nanochannel nanochannel nanopore in 20nm thick SiNxmembrane (made via TEM milling) nanopore in 20nm thick SiNx membrane (made via TEM milling) nanopore in 20nm thick SiNx membrane (made via TEM milling) nanopore in 20nm thick SiNx membrane (made via TEM milling) nanopore in 20nm thick SiNx membrane (made via TEM milling)
Nanopore-Nanochannel: Device Fabrication loading microchannel nanochannel Membrane (50x50μm) 10μm nanopore TEM image of nanopore embedded in nanochannel 100nm
Other concrete example of interdisciplinary interactions Plasmonic Micro-array Biosensor Low cost 24,000 element plasmonic sensing array based on patterned, functionalized self assembled gold nano rods. Read-out: absorption spectrum shift. Integrated system demonstrated. Currently being tested with leishmania (protozoan infection common in northern Asia), in collaboration with B. Ward (Fac. of Medicine) Kirk (ECE), Lennox (Chem.) and Reven (Chem.) Completed chip Gold nanorods 100 nm • Cantilever based biochemical sensing • Functionalized microfabricated cantilevers transduct electrochemical signal (Lennox (Chem.), Sladek (Genomics) & Grutter (Physics)). • Systems integration in collaboration with A. Boisen (DTU) and M. Roukes (Cal Tech). • Transfer of fundamental insights to nanowire sensors: Si nanowires (M. Reed, Yale) and InNnanowires (Z. Mi (ECE) and DNA Landmarks Inc.). cartridge Read-out
10 nm Unique Ecosphere Micro/NanoSystems Light off Light on CuPc:PTCDI deposited on KBr PTCDA on KBr(001) Grutter (Physics, McGill), Guo (Physics, McGill), Silva (Chemistry UdM), Beerens (ECE, Sherbrooke) Microelectronic Engineering 87, 652 (2010) Advanced Materials 21, 2029 (2009) (including cover page) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 423101 (2009) (invited topical review) Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 186104 (2008)
Unique Ecosphere Micro/NanoSystems T. Szkopek (ECE, McGill), R. Martel (Chem., UdM) M. Siaj, (Chem. UQAM) Molecular electronics, OPV, CNT, graphene, nanowires for topological quantum computing, ... Z. Mi (ECE), T. Szkopek (ECE, McGill), G. Gervais (Physics, McGill) SNS A. Champagne (Concordia) graphene FET memory cells Suspended bridge CNT device
3. Quality of Nanotechnology Research Programs From NanoQuebec’s website: http://www.nanoquebec.ca/en/nano-in-quebec.php
Unique Ecosphere Training: • New type of students: • Sébastien Ricoult: neuroengineering PhD with extensive fab experience. Industry needs such people! • Michael Ménard: ECE McGill -> Cornell -> UQAM • FrédéricNabki: ECE McGill -> UQAM (NanoQAM) • NSERC CREATEs: ($900k p.a. total) • Integrated Sensor systems (2009); PI Kirk • Neuroengineering (2010); PI Lennox • Nanobiomachines (2010); PI Gehring • NanobiotechnologyMicrofab Course:Hands-on course, organized by D. Juncker4th year in 2011, attracted 26 participants (national, international and industry).
2. Efficient operation • Our guiding principle is to fund operating costs (including maintenance/repairs) from user fees. • Keeping the Microfab ‘ready for use’ requires dedicated and highly trained personnel – which is financed by a combination of other contributions. • Responsive, transparent management structure. • User driven
4. Usage 60% increase in 2 years Source: annual McGill Nanotools Microfab reports
4. Usage 40% of PIs hired since 2005 45% increase in processing tool capital investment: 3M$ new equipment in 2009/10 (ebeam, DRIE, spray coater, PECVD, evaporator, sputtering) Expect 75% increase in total hours per year: • Expect to be able to offer better and more services to outside users (both academic and non-academic). • Need to run longer hours. • Expect to increase access by bio and med. researchers. 60% increase in 2 years
NanoQuebec funding 1. Increase capacity of McGill NanotoolsMicrofab • Requests by users for extended hours. This is a result of 50 new faculty since inception and hands-on component of NSERC CREATE programs. • Customer services for the life sciences: large number of untapped biomed users (2 CREATE, 1 CIHR Systems Biology Training grant). 2. Develop active industrial outreach • ‘From academia to industry’. Coordinate disperse academic know-how that solves real-world problems for industry and facilitate the creation of start-ups. Complimentary to NQ outreach coordinator. 3. Enable sustainable funding model
5. Benefits to Quebec • Empirical observation: most companies access microfabs through collaboration with academic research groups. They value the expertise and access to world class facilities of academic researchers; very few companies have the need or interest to directly access the fab. • In 2010, direct, funded collaborations with more than 10 companies from Quebec in key economic sectors (see p.29 of 34 for list). • In 2010 NEW contracts/grants worth 2.7M$ p.a. were obtained (2009: 1.3M$). These grants are often multi-year and fund HQP, R&D as well as fab access.
6. Integration and Promotion within the QNI Integration & Leadership: • Founding member of NQ (2000) • NSERC CREATE ISS (2009) • NSERC MRS QNI (to be submitted 2011) Increased international visibility: • In 2010 McGill nano researchers have signed MOUs and started exchanging researchers with: • RIKEN (Japan): green chemistry, nanoelectronics • IIT Mumbai (India): micro and nanofabrication training • IoP CAS (Beijing): nanoelectronics and photonic Google ‘microfab’: ranks nr. 2 !!!
7. Development plan for the facility • Development and upgrade plans for the McGill NanotoolsMicrofab are driven by its users and coordinated with other facilities. • In upcoming CFI call VII the McGill NanotoolsMicrofab facility will replace, upgrade and expand equipment necessary for: • Fabrication, including material deposition and growth • Packaging and assembly • Characterization In particular we are planning to establish a rapid prototyping facility suitable for bio/medical applications
Summary • Unique R&D and training ecosystem: from fundamental to applied, across all disciplines. • Broad user base and efficient management – NanoQuebec and partners finance ‘ready for business’ status; users pay for operation. • Close interactions of Science & Eng. with biomed R&D unique among all NanoQuebec supported fabs. By increasing fab manpower we will capitalize on this opportunity. • New outreach and industrial coordinator to facilitate knowledge transfer and the creation of start-ups. • NanoQuebec funding to partially replace unsustainable current bridge funding from MIAM.
What will 300k$ from NanoQuebec enable? • Extended operation hours needed due to usage increase. • Incorporation of unique R&D ecosphere within NQ – from fundamental to applications. • Grow and nurture emerging applications in bio med. • In-reach coordinator to take advantage of academic know-how and facilitate transfer to industry.
Budget details: Expenses (see p 14 of 34 for overview)
Budget details: Expenses Future:
Budget details: Revenues (*) CREATE: cash from McGill support of ISS, Neuroeng. and Nanobiomachines for help with facilitating internships as a result of Business Development person. (see p. 14 of 34 for overview)
Budget details: Revenues Current (past): (partial) FTE to bridge funding shortfall and establish well functioning infrastructure. Future: Equivalent in cash, frees up the previously used manpower to support intensified R&D and training at CMP. Note: Increased MIAM funds will directly benefit fab – training, networking, characterization facility support (e.g. SEM, TEM).
Complementarity with other microfabs • Toolset (in particular spray coater, wafer bonder) • Processing know-how (SiC, nitrides, microfluidic systems) • Leadership • Training
Statistiquesd'utilisation des QNI Source: RQMP annual report (2011)