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What is Science?

What is Science?. Definition of Science. “Science is the search for truth” – NO! “Science is what scientists do” (or what is done at scientific institutions) – NO!

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What is Science?

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  1. What is Science?

  2. Definition of Science • “Science is the search for truth” – NO! • “Science is what scientists do” (or what is done at scientific institutions) – NO! • Science is a process that relies on a strict investigative method for understanding the world around us by evaluating evidence through reason • The scientific method is the process for evaluating evidence

  3. The Scientific Method • Observations are used to develop testable predictions called hypotheses • Additional observations or experiments are used to examine the validity of a hypothesis (falsification) • If necessary, hypotheses are restated in response to discrepancies after testing • A hypothesis that has withstood rigorous testing is considered a theory • Several related theories may constitute a scientific law

  4. Tools of the Scientific Method • Logic • Deductive (general observations → specific conclusions) • All men are mortal (premise 1) • Socrates is a man (premise 2) • Socrates is mortal (conclusion) • Inductive (specific observations → general conclusions) • e.g., specific symptoms are used to identify an illness

  5. Tools of the Scientific Method • The controlled experiment • All variables, except for the one being investigated, are kept constant • Falsification is a critical step where the investigator (and others) try to show that the hypothesis is false • Hypotheses can be disproved but never proven (someday another observation may contradict the hypothesis)

  6. Tools of the Scientific Method • Mathematical models • The language of science should be very precise (no additional “interpretations” are permitted) • Mathematical expressions are the most precise language

  7. Peer Review • Scientific discoveries should be original • The scientist should be free of bias that would influence interpretation of results • Conclusions should stand on their own merit and not need support from outside factors (e.g., social, ethnic, religious, personal desires) • Scientific statements are not accepted on faith and must withstand close scrutiny including falsification attempts • Scientific knowledge, including methodology, should be freely available to the public • The language used should be precise and unambiguous

  8. Key Points • Science is conducted by formulating and testing hypotheses • Scientific advancement depends on rejecting hypotheses (acceptance is always conditional) • If a hypothesis cannot be tested, the scientific method cannot be employed and the hypothesis lies outside the realm of science.

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