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Arts Faculty Research Performance Day

Arts Faculty Research Performance Day. Digital Publications Presentation prepared by Suzana Sukovic Coordinator, Digital Innovation Unit for the Humanities & Social Sciences. collections, editions, books. collections, editions, books. Digital Editions of Modernist Literary Texts :

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Arts Faculty Research Performance Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Arts Faculty Research Performance Day Digital Publications Presentation prepared by Suzana Sukovic Coordinator, Digital Innovation Unit for the Humanities & Social Sciences

  2. collections, editions, books

  3. collections, editions, books Digital Editions of Modernist Literary Texts: Samuel Beckett’s Novel Watt Mark Byron ARC Discovery Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of English

  4. collections, editions, books: Byron

  5. collections, editions, books: Byron

  6. collections, editions, books Sydney eScholarship & Faculty of Arts

  7. collections, editions, books Services Text expertise – XML TEI Project platforms Publishing services Digital archive eResearch support

  8. collections, editions, books: Sydney eScholarship Text projects Patrick White Notebooks project Webby/Harris/NLA

  9. collections, editions, books: Sydney eScholarship Rare book image projects ‘Spanish16thC Liturgical Manuscripts at the University of Sydney’ weekly comic strips 1962-87

  10. collections, editions, books: Sydney eScholarship Publishing services

  11. collections, editions, books arms and the woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity Margaret Poulos ARC Discovery Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of History http://www.gutenberg-e.org/poulos/index.html

  12. collections, editions, books: Poulos

  13. collections, editions, books

  14. collections, editions, books Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages Margaret Clunies Ross McCaughey Professor of English Language and Early English Literature Hannah Burrows Research Associate & a large collaborative team http://skaldic.arts.usyd.edu.au/

  15. collections, editions, books: Clunies Ross

  16. collections, editions, books: Clunies Ross

  17. collections, editions, books SiliusItalicus in RepertoriumPomponianum Frances Muecke Department of Classics and Ancient History http://www.repertoriumpomponianum.it/

  18. collections, editions, books: Muecke

  19. encyclopedias

  20. encyclopedias Confucius in Stanford Encyclopediaof Philosophy Jeffrey Riegel Professor and Head of School School of Languages and Cultures http://plato.stanford.edu/

  21. encyclopedias: Riegel

  22. encyclopedias Theoretical Paper: Toward a Theory of Critical Genocide Studies In Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence Dirk Moses Senior Lecturer Department of History http://www.massviolence.org/Toward-a-Theory-of-Critical-Genocide-Studies

  23. encyclopedias: Moses http://www.massviolence.org/Toward-a-Theory-of-Critical-Genocide-Studies

  24. blog

  25. blog Transient languages and cultures PARADISEC Department of Linguistics http://blogs.usyd.edu.au/elac/

  26. Communication dreams Yolngu often don't understand what non-Indigenous people are telling them, and vice versa. But the consequences are much worse for the Yolngu who, so Trudgen says, are living in nightmarish confusion. Bureaucrats/teachers/police etc. are irritated by communication breakdown, but it doesn't affect their day-to-day lives so much. At least three languages attest kartiya: Walmajarri, Gurindji, and Warlpiri (in the form kardiya). Mudburra attests kardiba in the same meaning, and Gurindji attests kartipa as a variant of kartiya. (Note that in view of the Gurindji change *rt > r [Pat McConvell, pers. comm.; see under *kartu below], both of these Gurindji variants must be reckoned as loans.) More... http://blogs.usyd.edu.au/elac/

  27. resource

  28. resource The National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance in Australia Aaron Corn Research Fellow SLAM http://www.aboriginalartists.com.au/NRP.htm

  29. resource: Corn

  30. resource: Corn

  31. Presenters Mark Byron Margaret Clunies Ross Aaron Corn Dirk Moses Frances Muecke PARADISEC & Department of Linguistics Margaret Poulos Jeffrey Riegel Sydney eScholarship

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