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Russia. Vocab quiz, 5 to 8 pts., on Fr, Dec. 9. You may use your notes. Russia, theme 1: Geography. Biggest country in the world - 11 time zones 1.8 times the size of China; 1.9 times the size of the US. Russia, theme 1: Geography.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Russia • Vocab quiz, 5 to 8 pts., on Fr, Dec. 9. You may use your notes

  2. Russia, theme 1: Geography Biggest country in the world - 11 time zones 1.8 times the size of China; 1.9 times the size of the US

  3. Russia, theme 1: Geography And its quite far north - Moscow sits at the same latitude as the Hudson Bay in northern Canada Plus, Russia is subject to Arctic air masses in winter

  4. Russia, theme 1: Geography She was right . . . A Russian island in the Bering Strait is less than 3 mis. from a U.S. island . . . It's easy to see Russia from Alaska!

  5. Russia, theme 1: Geography Muscovite state was size of Massachusetts) in 14th C. Warfare & conquest + colonization & settlement expanded Muscovy east to Pacific by mid-17th C. Many ethnic groups were absorbed

  6. Russia, theme 1: Geography 80% of the population lives west of the Urals, which accounts for 25% of Russian territory In terms of population distribution, Russia is primarily a European country

  7. Russia, theme 1: Geography Russia is tied to Europe by economic, historical, & cultural ties Despite rich resources, lands to the east of the Urals have harsh climates that are unattractive to migrants

  8. Russia, theme 1: Geography Siberian forests

  9. Russia, theme 1: Geography Less than 8% of its vast territory is arable About 5% is used for grazing

  10. Russia, theme 1: Geography Serious environmental problems

  11. Russia, theme 1: Geography An oil rich nation!

  12. Russia, theme 1: Geography 81% ethnic Russian; 3.75% Tatar; 3% Ukranian Several groupings: Russians, Ukranians, & Belarusians are Slavs Tatars, Bashkirs, & Chuvash are Turkic Chechens, Avars, Kabardinians are Caucasians

  13. Russia, theme 1: Geography 81% ethnic Russian; 3.75% Tatar; 3% Ukranian Several groupings: Russians, Ukranians, & Belarusians are Slavs Tatars, Bashkirs, & Chuvash are Turkic Chechens, Avars, Kabardinians are Caucasians

  14. Russia, theme 1: Geography When the USSR broke up in 1991, it broke into 15 distinct states . . . Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Belarus, & the Russian Federation The Russian Republic is one of the newest countries in the world!!

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