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Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 1) PowerPoint Flashcards. Word: detriment. Definition : something that causes damage, harm, or loss. Part of Speech : noun. Derivatives : detrimental. Link : wet cement.
Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 1) PowerPoint Flashcards
Word: detriment Definition: something that causes damage, harm, or loss Part of Speech: noun Derivatives: detrimental Link: wet cement Sentence: Rainy weather would be a detrimentto the pouring of wetcement.
Word: dexterous Definition: skillful in using the hands or body Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: dexterously, dexterousness Link: make a fuss Sentence: A juggler will not make a fuss when he has to be dexterous.
Word: discretion Definition: good judgment or tact in actions or speaking Part of Speech: noun Link: tension Derivatives: discretionary, discretions, discreet Sentence: It is best to use discretionwhen sharing an opinion, otherwise there could be tension.
Word: facetious Definition: humorous; playfully joking Part of Speech: adjective Link: various Derivatives: facetiously, facetiousness Sentence: Her various facial expressions let us know that she was being facetious about the meal she fixed.
Word: gregarious Definition: sociable; enjoying and seeking the company of others Part of Speech: adjective Link: hilarious Derivatives: gregariously, gregariousness Sentence: Gregarious Greg was hilarious at the party until he passed out.
Word: optimum Definition: best possible; most favorable; most desirable Part of Speech: adjective Link: octopus mom Sentence: An octopus mom has the optimum ability to care for her young because of all her arms.
Word: ostentatious Definition: meant to impress others; flashy Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: ostentatiously; ostentatiousness Link: good gracious Sentence: Good gracious she was being ostentatious by showing off her 5 carat emerald and diamond ring in our faces.
Word: scrupulous Definition: careful about moral standards; conscientious Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: scrupulously, scrupulousness Link: no more dust Sentence: She was scrupulous about no more dust.
Word: sensory Definition: having to do with seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: sensorial Link: in a hurry Sentence: I was in a hurry to have a sensory experience when I visited Paris.
Word: vicarious Definition: experienced through the imagination; not experienced directly Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: vicariously Link: marry us Sentence: My parents selected the priest to marryus because they got a vicarious pleasure reliving their own wedding.