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Shlavim Center

ב"ה. With Your Help the Dream Can Be Realized. Shlavim Center. To Children with Love. Building A Brighter Future for Special Needs Children. Chai Ashkelon.

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Shlavim Center

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  1. ב"ה With Your Help the Dream Can Be Realized Shlavim Center

  2. To Childrenwith Love Building A Brighter Future for Special Needs Children Chai Ashkelon We believe that every special needs child deserves appropriate, individual treatment in order to guarantee their best possible advancement into society.

  3. What is the Shlavim Center? Dear Friend, The life of a child with special needs is filled with appointments. Sadly, it is also filled with disappointments. Often it seems that no one cares other than therapists, there are no calls, no visits, and no interaction with anyone but family… We now have a cure for loneliness: Shlavim Center Our unique formula unites teenage volunteers, therapists, families and special children in a special relationship that deeply enriches all involved. Through a wide range of innovative programs and creative activities, all under one roof, they share fun, learning and love: • Children with disabilities receive warmth and love, a feeling of belonging, special education and modern medical treatment. • Parents enjoy the regular respite they need to recharge and refresh themselves through the knowledge that their children are in professional, caring hands. • Teenagersbecome sensitized, enriched and empowered to become leaders.

  4. Early Beginnings… The Start: 1986 • 2 special needs • children • Integrated • kindergarten Chabad's first kindergarten is opened, including 2 children with special needs that through love and special care were eventually incorporated with the others. . 1992 Chabad opens a nursery and four additional kindergartens. 16 children with special needs are integrated with the rest of the children with the help of love, affection and specially trained teachers. Establishment of unique “Jamboree" for children with motor skills difficulties. 1998 Chabad operates First Grade classes, with two special needs girls integrated with the other children with the help of additional instruction, counselors and psychologist. 2006 34 special needs children are integrated in Chabad's 13 kindergartens. Their successful integration is due to modern medical care and psychological treatment. .

  5. 2007 Course opened for 10 children whose integration with normal classes not recommended. Due to intensive environment and advanced methodology, three return to normal academic curriculum. "Friendship Circle" project started – 30 youth volunteers operate in homes of special needs children. 2008 154 children will enter "Shlavim Center" on a daily basis, in special needs kindergartens and programs. Surrounded by the best that modern medicine has to offer. "Friendship Circle" project will double to 60 youth volunteers in over 30 special needs children's houses. All this in addition to working together to support and encourage the families themselves 2009 With your help, the sky’s the limit! Where We Are Today! • 123 special needs children • 1189 children • Special nursery education • Integration implemented • 18 kindergarten classes and 4 schools.

  6. Shlavim Center – First Floor Shlavim’s Vision – advancement of special needs children with the ultimate goal of integration into standard education 1. Center for Mentally Underdeveloped Children Designed for children with underdeveloped cognitive abilities. 20% of the children will integrate into normal classes within a year 55% will achieve integration within 2 years 25% of the children will need on-going care Construction: $50,000 Equipment: $48,000 Specially designed external play area: $29,000 Linguistics Center is for children who have diminished communication skills. 30% of the children will integrate into normal classes within the year 40% will achieve integration within 2 years 30% of the children will need on-going care Construction: $48,000 Equipment: $34,000 Specially designed external play area: $25,000 2 5 4 7 3 2. Linguistics Center 6 1

  7. Therapy through contact with animals; rabbits, hamsters, parrots, will assist the child to become more responsible as well as aware of their environment. Construction: $12,000 Equipment: $22,000 Warm spot for the parents to connect and find a shoulder to lean on. Construction: $14,000 Furnishings: $18,000 6. Petting Zoo 4. Treatment Room 3. Integration Center A normal day care center where special needs children are integrated through special activities. The special needs children acquire positive relationships as well as the opportunity to emulate the other children by exposure to their speech, actions and behavior. Construction: $80,000 Equipment: $26,000 Specially designed play area: $22,000 Here the Children will receive the mostadvanced treatment by our team of medical & education professionals: massage therapy, communication therapy, psychology, physiotherapy. Construction: $14,000 Equipment: $7,800 Numerous forms of therapy will be offered: music, art, movement to name a few. Construction: $18,000 Equipment: $9,000 7. Lobby 5. Therapy Room ממ"ד)

  8. SecondFloor 10 7 9 8 11 6 5 3 4 2 1

  9. At Shlavim we offer families guidance and counseling, here we are all one big family. Construction: $18,000 Equipment: $8,600 Immediate psychological treatment room in moments of extreme distress, such as terror and rocket attacks. Construction: $9,000 Equipment: $7,500 Improvement of physical fitness and motor skill development Construction: $25,000 Equipment: $25,000 Modern treatment for a myriad of eye disorders Construction: $7,000 Equipment: $ 73,000 Multi-sensory Room Construction: $19,000 Equipment: $47,000 1.Support Groups Center Uniquely designed games and activities for special needs children. Children use them on site and take them home in order to continue their therapy. Construction: $20,000 Equipment: $24,000 Construction: $24,000 Equipment: $19,300 Construction: $12,000 Equipment: $13,700 Construction: $24,000 Equipment: $18,600 Construction: $12,000 Equipment: $18,000 For heart to heart conversations. Construction: $25,000 Equipment: $9,000 6. Game & Activities Library 6 2. Psychological Trauma & Stress Therapy 7. Physiotherapy Center 7 8. Communication Therapy 3. Exercise Room - Jamboree 9. Occupational Therapy 8 4. Darkened Room for Treating Eye Disorders. 10. Music Therapy Room 9 11. Lobby 5. SNOEZELEN 10

  10. Dedication Opportunities 1,100,000$Project Cost: Elevator: $50,000 Linguistics Center Construction: $48,000 Equipment: $34,000 Yard area: $25,000 Center for Mentally Underdeveloped Children Construction: $50,000 Equipment: $48,000 Yard area: $25,000 Integration & Advancement Center Construction:$80,000 Equipment:$26,000 Yard area:$22,000 Treatment Room Construction:$14,000 Equipment:$7,800 Therapy Room Construction:$18,000 Equipment:$9,000 Petting Zoo Construction: $12,000 Equipment: $22,000 Lobby Construction & Furnishings: $18,000 Administration Construction & Equipment:$32,000 Group Therapy Center Construction:$18,000 Equipment:$8,600 Psychological Therapy Center Construction:$9,000 Equipment:$7,500 Exercise Room - Jamboree Construction:$25,000 Equipment:$25,000 Vision Therapy Center Construction:$7,000 Equipment:$73,000 SnoezelenRoom Construction:$19,000 Equipment:$47,000 Game & Activities Library Construction:$20,000 Equipment:$24,000 Physiotherapy Room Construction:$24,000 Equipment:$19,300 Communication Therapy Room Construction:$12,000 Equipment:$13,700 Occupational Therapy Room Construction:$24,000 Equipment:$18,600 Musical Therapy Room Construction:$12,000 Equipment:$18,000 Lobby Construction:$25,000 Equipment:$9,000 Ground Level Second Floor

  11. To Childrenwith Love Chai Ashkelon Final Phase ConstructionCosts Kitchens $20,000 Playground Equipment $46,000 Educational Games $64,500 Furnishings $40,000 Petting Zoo $22,000 Elevator for Handicapped $55,500 Medical/Therapy Equipment $264,000 Doors $13,000 Flooring $52,000 Tiling $21,000 Air-conditioning $20,500 Landscaping $54,300 Stairs $3,300 Insulation $4,200 Windows $40,100 Plastering $90,000 Ceilings $24,000 Dry walling $33,400 Installation $58,200 Electrical wiring $58,000 Computers & Phones $19,500 ●The Following Donations Will Be Honored on a Decorative Plaque at the Center’s Main Entrance● ● Builders Circle ● Pioneers Circle ● Benefactors Circle ● Sponsors Circle ● Patrons Circle ● $36,000 $18,000 $10,000 $5,400 $3,600 Chai Ashkelon Institute www.CAshkelon.com email-chaiashkelon@juno.com Tel. 972-8-671-1522 Fax 972-8-671-2369 1 Eliezer Milrod P.O.B 6073 78208 Ashkelon

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