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Wereda and Zonal REDD+ Awareness Workshop On. Overview of REDD+ Readiness Implementation in Ethiopia. National REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change February 2016, Bahir Dar. National Context: REDD+ in the Green Economy.
Wereda and Zonal REDD+ Awareness Workshop On Overview of REDD+ Readiness Implementation in Ethiopia National REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change February 2016, Bahir Dar
National Context: REDD+ in the Green Economy
REDD+ Embedded in National Green Economy Strategy The Four Pillars of Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy AGRICULTURE POWER Forestry TRANSPORT, INDUSTRY & BUILDINGS
Status of The National REDD+ Readiness Process
REDD+ Readiness • Readiness Phase: • Building capacity in REDD+ Countries to develop the technical and policy/institutional infrastructure needed for effective implementation of REDD+ at the national level • A strict requirement for participation in global REDD+ mechanism
National REDD+ Readiness Key Elements 1. Organize and Consult: • 1a. Establishing the National REDD+ Management Structure • 1b. Capacity building, Consultation and Participation of stakeholders • 2. Developing REDD+ Strategy: • 2a. Assessment of Land Use, Drivers, Forest Policy and Governance • 2b. REDD Strategy Options • 2c. REDD Implementation Framework • 2d. SESA and ESMF 3. Develop Reference Scenario: Forest Reference Emissions Levels/ Forest Reference Levels 4. Design Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System: • 4a. Emissions and Removals • 4b. Other Benefits and Impacts
1. Organize and Consult (የREDD+ ፕሮግራምማስፈፀሚያአደረጃጀት ና የባለድርሻአካላትንየማማከርሂደት)
1a. Progress on Establishing REDD+ Management Structure • 1a. Federal level REDD+ Management Structure completed • Institutionalizing MEFCC • REDD+ Secretariat • Federal REDD+ Steering Committee (Multi-sectoral) • Federal Technical Working Group (Gov’t, Civil Societies, partners) • Task Specific Task Forces (REDD+ Strategy, MRV, & SESA/ESMF) • Regional level REDD Institutions: • Regional REDD+ Coordination Units, RRSC, RRTWG (Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, SNNPR)
Readiness Management Structure MEFCC (State Minister, Forest Sector) Federal REDD+ Technical Working Group Federal REDD+ Steering Committee • Overall oversight of implementation of Readiness Phase • Regular feedback to the secretariat • Day-to-day R-PP implementation • REDD+ readiness grant fund trustee • Administrative support for the federal Steering Committee and the Technical Working Group • Technical Guidance to Secretariat National REDD+ Secretariat Coordination Unit Administration Team Technical Team Task Forces • REDD+ Strategy Task Force • RL/MRV Task Force • Safeguards Task Force • Day-to-day REDD+ activity coordination and management on Safeguards, MRV • Pilot Coordinator, International TA • Financial administration • Monitoring • Supervision of implementation Regional REDD+ Management structure (RCU, RRSC, RRTWG)
1b. Consultation and Participation • Capacity building, Consultation and Participation of stakeholders: • REDD+ awareness at federal and all regional levels • Targeting: Higher officials, media, parliamentarians, youth, women, cooperatives, experts • Capacity building: MEFCC, regions, ToT, REDD+ Syllabus integration) • Support participation of stakeholders in international REDD+ events Communicating REDD+ (print, electronic, SMS, TV, Radio)- Now one year contract with EBC and another with Fana Radio Corporation • Communications Strategy to be finalized • Consultation and Participation Plan • Grievance Redress Mechanism
2. Developing the REDD+ Strategy: (የ REDD+ ማስፈጸሚያስልትዝግጅት)
2a-c. Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover • 2a: Land Use Assessment, drivers • Mapping activities (LULC EMA, LULC FAO/MEF, LULC Hansen 2013); Forest cover map produced; Deforestation analysis; Spatial analysis on potential areas for A/R and Rehabilitation Land Use Land cove Map (LULC) produced; Afforestation and Reforestation Potential Areas mapped • 2b/2c- Strategic options, implementation framework • National/regional assessments/Studies undertaken by a consortium of international and national firms • Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation & strategic options in Ethiopia and Oromia ( • National and Oromia-level legal and institutional analysis for REDD+ implementation
2d. Social and Environmental Safeguards (SESA, ESMF, RPF, PF) • Four safeguard instruments have been prepared for the National REDD+ Program and for the Oromia forested landscape Program (OFLP) • (1) Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment • (2) Environmental and Social Management Framework • (3) Resettlement Policy Framework(RPF) • (4) Process framework
3. Progress on the Construction of the National Proposed FRL (ከደን ምንጠራ ና ከደን መልሶ ማልማት ጋር በተያያዘ አመታዊ የሙቀት-አማቂ ጋዝ ልቀት ና ክምችት መጠን መረጃ ማጠናከር)
Progress on National Forest Reference Level (FRL) National MRV Project - implemented through Technical Assistance from FAO and an International MRV Specialist • Preliminary National Forest Reference Level completed and submitted to UNFCCC • MRV for Oromia by DNV, but still under improvement by FAO
(Forest ) Emissions Estimate Methodological approach of the IPCC to calculate human-induced GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks in forest land
Preliminary results Activity Data On average: 84,882.4 ha loss per year 33,719 ha gain per year Net deforestation: 51,163 ha loss per year
4. Progress on Design of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System
Progress on Design of MRV System • MRV Approach and Methodology will be consistent with those for FRL (Landsat 8 data for AD and NFI for EF) • The National Forest Monitoring System will generate data for MRV • AD every 2 years • EF every 5 years • Scope: Deforestation and A/R initially • Scale: National
Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ Program (OFLP) • Initiated by the REDD+ Secretariat in 2013 • Oromia REDD+ Coordination Units established at OFWE – staffed and budgeted • The Program Document (PAD) Completed and Appraised • Finance mobilization: 68 million USD (Norway, UK and USA) • 18 million USD for investment • 50 million USD for Emission Reduction (ER) payments
Other Regional REDD+ Pilots Initiatives • (a) REDD+ Coordination Units (RCUs): in Amhara, SNNP and Tigray regional states (World bank Supported) • Coordinate REDD+ Pilot design and implementation • Regional REDD+ capacity building and Readiness • REDD+ Pilot Sites selected and Program Concept Note is being completed • (b) UN-REDD supported REDD+ Piloting in Benishangul-Gumuz region
Impacts of the REDD+ Readiness Process Enhanced the visibility and significance of forest sector (institutional upgrading) Foundation for modernizing the forestry operations in the country (Enhanced Data, Information and Knowledge about the sector) Coordination and consultations of Multi-sector Stakeholders Perspectives on problems/opportunities of the forestry sector (several national and sub-national technical studies and assessments) Mobilization of resources (Readiness 13.6 million USD, Oromia REDD+ Program 18 million USD upfront ND 50 million USD ER payments; Ethio-Norway Bilateral REDD+)
Challenges • Limited in country technical capacity • Less effective inter-sectoral coordination • Protracted Procurement Process (goods, services, recruitment etc…) • Delays in MEFCC regional structure establishment • Lack of clear direction in regional REDD+ pilot design
Way Forward: Next Steps • 1) Mid-Term Review finalized and R-Package in Nov. 2016 • 2) Consultation of REDD+ Strategy 3) Implement Remaining Readiness Activities up to Mid 2016 (Secretariat)
For more information (Temporary Website) www.reddplusethiopia.wordpress.com • አመሰግናለሁ