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Warm-up. Part One. ENTER. Warm-up. Contents. I. Warming-up Qs II. Dictation III. Poem Appreciation. Warming-up Qs. Could you imagine a life without the telephone?. When did the telephone come to your life? .
Warm-up Part One ENTER
Warm-up Contents I. Warming-up Qs II. Dictation III. Poem Appreciation
Warming-up Qs • Could you imagine a life without the telephone? • When did the telephone come to your life? • How do you think the telephone relates to you and your life respectively? The end of Warming-up Qs.
Dictation Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. To be continued on the next page.
Dictation Telephone, a Good or a Bad Thing? • Since the first telephone was ________by Bell, telephones have been used widely for more than 100 years. With no ____, a telephone is a good thing since it is one of the most rapid and effective means of ___________. It plays an important role in modern society. • Firstly, under some ______ circumstances, we must send ________ as soon as possible. A telephone makes us _________ the job in less than one minute. For example, when a invented doubt communication urgent messages complete To be continued on the next page.
Dictation • fire ______ out, we just need to ____ 119, then a fire _________ will arrive without delay. This means saving people’s lives and _________. Secondly, telephone can save people’s time. For example at the time there was no telephone, people had to visit their friends and _____ personally. But now we may be with each other through the phone no ______ how far away we are from one another. breaks dial brigade properties folks matter To be continued on the next page.
Dictation • In a word, the telephone is a highly _______ tool of communication which makes our life much _________. We cannot _______ what the world would be without a telephone. advanced convenient imagine To end of Dictation
Poem Appreciation • The Telephone Edward Field My happiness depends on an electric appliance And I do not mind giving it so much credit With life in this city being what it is Each person separated from friends By a tangle of subways and buses Translation To be continued on the next page.
Poem Appreciation Yes, my telephone is my job It tells me that I am in the world and wanted It rings and I am alerted to love or gossip I go comb my hair which begins to sparkle Without it I was like a bear in a cave Drowsing through a shadowy winter To be continued on the next page.
Poem Appreciation It rings and spring has come I stretch and amble out into the sunshine Hungry again as I pick up the receiver For the human voice and the good news of friends To be continued on the next page.
Poem Appreciation • 我的快乐取决于一样电器, • 我毫不在乎赞赏这小玩意。 • 在这座现代化的城市里, • 纵横交错的地铁和公车线路 • 把我们每个人与朋友隔离; • 确实如此,电话给了我乐趣, • 它告诉我,我还在世上,还有用处。 • 铃声激起我的爱心,或倾诉家常的愿望。 To be continued on the next page.
Poem Appreciation • 我会急忙梳头使头发发亮; • 没有电话我就像洞穴中的熊罴, • 昏昏沉沉地度过幽暗的冬季; • 铃声一响就像春天来临, • 我就会伸伸懒腰慢慢走进阳光, • 当我拿起话筒我又重新盼望 • 听到人的话语和朋友的佳音。 To end of Poem Appreciation.
Warm-up Part One This is the end of Part One. Please click HOME to visit other parts.
Part Two Background Information ENTER
Background Information Contents I. Author II. Location III. Communion
Background Information Contents Ⅰ. Author Anwar F. Accawi Teaching Experiences Works Comments on Works
I. Author—Anwar F. Accawi • Born in Lebanon in a family whose ancestors are believed to have gone to Jerusalem in the Crusades. • While he was living in Lebanon teaching English as a second language at the American University in Beruit, he married an American woman from Tennessee. To be continued on the next page.
I. Author—Anwar F. Accawi • When the civil war broke out in Lebanon, Anwar F. Accawi and his wife were forced to leave the country and eventually moved to her native city of La Follette, Tennessee, and later settled down in the States. • Anwar F. Accawi currently teaches as a full-time instructor at the English Language Institute of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. • He has lived and taught in the U.S. since 1965.
I. Author—Teaching Experiences • As a teacher of ESL/EFL for thirty-two years. • He has taught in the USA and in Lebanon, first at the National Evangelical Institute and then at Sidoon High School, Sidon, Lebanon, and also taught at the American University of Beirut before coming to the University of Tennessee in 1979. • He has also trained students planning to become ESL teachers.
Author— Works Anwar is a published writer whose work has appeared in books, literary anthologies, reviews, and college textbooks in the USA and abroad. • Bibliography • Short Fiction "The Camera" in Homeworks(1996) • Non-Fiction The Boy from the Tower of the Moon(1999) (Luminous memoir from a Lebanese village boy) To be continued on the next page.
Author— Works • With the telephone everything is done. We can get our mail, buy groceries, do research, create websites, and get the latest news. On the Internet, you can learn everything: how to cook, and how to make a bomb. The telephone, for Accawi, was, in fact, a bad news. As for the world as a whole, the telephone brought great technological advances and the world would be a totally different place without it.
I. Author—Comments on Works • Cynthia Ozick selected “The Telephone” for the best American Essays in 1998. • Publishers Weekly described the piece as a memorizing and magical account of a boy's childhood, “a loving rendering of the Lebanese village of his childhood, where time was measured not by calendars and clocks, not by events—‘the year of whirlwind during which fish and orange fell from the sky’ and ‘after the big snow that caused the roof on the mayor’s house to cave in’.” —December 30, 2002 To be continued on the next page.
I. Author—Comments on Works “If Mark Twain had been born in Magdaluna, Lebanon, instead of Hannibal, Missouri, his most enchanting character would have been named not Tom but Anwar. Here, then, is Anwar Accawi’s Tom Sawyerish boyhood in an idyll of village life—endearing, simple yet rich, given countless escapades and delights, where news and gossip and a sense of civilized fulfillment flow lavishly and purely, despite the absence of radio and telephone. To be continued on the next page.
I. Author—Comments on Works But modernity does come, and so do the devastations of civil war. All that is left of the old Magdaluna resides in Anwar Accawi’s memory, and in this radiant record of a childhood as engaging and lively as Tom’s.” —Cynthia Ozick To be continued on the next page.
I. Author—Comments on Works Comments: “I cannot think of another book I've read with greater passion. Anwar F. Accawi possesses the ability to draw the reader into the mind of a five-year-old boy, and into the creative way its thinking process helps him understand the world around him. To be continued on the next page.
I. Author—Comments on Works At the crossroads of change in the 1940s, the Mount Lebanon village of Magdaluna has very colorful and unique characters living at the fringe of what (then) modern life had to offer. The five year old Anwar untethers his mind to describe the village, villagers and their changing way of life.” The end of Comments on Works.
Location Magdaluna: a village that lies in the Lebanon Mountains running parallel to the Mediterranean coastline. A narrow plain lies along the Mediterranean coastline. In some places the plain is just wide enough for a road. Sidon: a city on Lebanon’s southern coast, approximately 25 miles south of Beirut. It is one of the country’s largest ports and one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. In 1985, the city had approximately 100,000 residents. The end of Location.
Communion • What is a Sacrament in the United Church of Christ? • Sacraments are ritual actions in worship which, according to Scripture, were instituted by Jesus. In the sacraments of baptism and communion we ask the Holy Spirit to use water, bread, and wine to make visible the grace, forgiveness, and presence of God in Christ. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Origin • The communion meal recalls the table fellowship Jesus shared with his disciples, and in particular the Last Supper on the night before his death as well as his appearances to the disciples during meals following his resurrection. Throughout its history, these Biblical accounts of Last Supper have been central to the Church's worship life. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Meaning • In the sacrament of Holy Communion, also called the Lord's Supper or Eucharist, meaning "thanksgiving", Christians hear, taste, touch and receive the grace of God revealed through Jesus Christ in a unique way. • Communion is: a joyous act of thanksgiving for all God has done, is doing, and will do for the redeeming of creation. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Elements the broken bread and poured wine→the crucified and risen Christ the wheat (to bake one loaf) and the grapes (pressed to make wine) → they are one body in Christ the breaking and pouring→ the costliness of Christ's sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin Some churches provide non-alcoholic and gluten-free elements. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Service How is Communion served? • The pastor presides at the Table, normally assisted by elders or deacons • the sharing of a common loaf or bread and the sharing of a common cup or of individual cups either at the Table or in the pews • (Intinction) Dipping the bread in the wine is also an acceptable practice. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Service How often is Communion served? • In the early church Communion was served weekly. • Gradually the frequency of Communion decreased in many Protestant churches. • Many congregations are moving toward monthly or weekly Communion. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Service Who may receive Communion? • In most United Church of Christ churches, the Communion Table is "open to all Christians who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God's people" (Book of Worship), even including Christian baptized children and even infants. To be continued on the next page.
Communion—Service • A PRAYER Father in heaven, you call us into communion with you and with one another: Bless and strengthen the ties that bind us in the Anglican Communion, that we may be one as you and your Son Jesus are one, through the same Jesus Christ, who with you is the author and unifier of all creation, and who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. The end of Communion
Part Two Background Information This is the end of Part Two. Please click HOME to visit other parts.
Part Three Text Appreciation ENTER
Text Appreciation Contents I. TextTheme II. Text Structure III. Text Analysis IV. Sentence Paraphrase V. Writing Devices
Theme of the Text • Text Theme 1)The text describes, from a boy’s perspective, how the telephone affected people’s way of life in a Lebanese mountain village: It broke the seclusion of the village. 2)The text raised us a question: what attitude we should adopt toward new things, whether we should welcome them or boycott them. The end of Text Theme.
Structure of the Text Ⅱ.Text Structure • Part 1 (Paras. ) : • Part 2 (Paras. ) : The author introduced the story by providing background information: very detailed description of the villagers’ way of life before the telephone came. 1—10 11—25 How the telephone was installed, and what changes it brought about in the village. The end of Text Structure
Ⅲ.Text Analysis Plot of the story Setting of the story Protagonist of the story
Ⅲ.Text Analysis For reference Plot: The coming of telephone brought some changes into a small village, both personally and socially. Setting: social setting: in the early 20th century before the process of modernization story setting: in the village in Lebanon Protagonist: “I”—when the author was young To be continued on the nest page.
Part 1 (Paras. 1—10): village life before the telephone came Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Para. 1) Q1:What was the overall picture of the this village before the telephone arrived?What specific details did the narrator give to present this picture? A:from its geographical location; (Para. 1) from the detailed description; (Paras. 1—3) from the carefully-chosen words To be continued on the nest page.
Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Paras. 2—7) Q2: What do you make of the fact that the people in the village had no calendar and clock and had no need for them? What kind of society is it that does not need so much to keep track of the hours, days, months, and years? For more reference in the text A: Not industrialized countryside. Everything is slow and there is no need to hurry. To be continued on the nest page.
Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Para. 4) Q3: What can we infer from the fact that the roof of the mayor’s house caved in under the heavy snow? A: Snow was usually heavy. It was a good sign of heavy snow. To be continued on the nest page.
Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Paras. 8—9) Q4: How did the people there keep track of the important events in their lives? A: The important events were always remembered with time marked by the mentioning of earthquakes, droughts, floods, locusts, and pestilences To be continued on the nest page.
Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Paras. 9—10) Q5:What interesting things happened the year of the drought which the narrator remembered so vividly as a boy? A:Arguments escalated into full-blown, knockdown-dragout fights for water. Boy’s memories reveal anything important? To be continued on the nest page.
Part 1 (Paras. 1—10) Ⅲ.Text Analysis Q: What impression did you get about the life in the small village according to the text? A: The very traditional countryside society. Q: Retell the normal life in the small village. To be continued on the nest page.
Part 2 (Paras. 11—25): changes brought by the telephone Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Para. 11) Q1:Why did the narrator say that it was one of the worst years for him? What happened? A:Magdaluna decided to install its own telephone. Q2: Why does the author introduce the subject of the telephone so late in the article? Does it indicate poor organization and lack of coherence on the part of the author? Do you find the decision-making process interesting? To be continued on the nest page.
Ⅲ.Text Analysis (Paras. 12—18) Q3:Why did the narrator think the telephone installment was a big event? Find more examples in the text to demonstrate it. Well-chosen words to describe people’s reaction to the telephone installment. To be continued on the nest page.