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GST Suvidha Kendra is one stop solutions for all types of services which can be done online. The purpose of GST Suvidha Kendra is to enable an entrepreneur to become a successful businessman. If you want to know more about GST Suvidha Kendra you can download Proposal.
OVERVIEW GST Suvidha Kendra is one stop solutions for all types of services which can be done online. The purpose of GST Suvidha Kendra is to enable an entrepreneur to become a successful businessman. जीएसट?सु?वधाक ? ?सभी?कारक?सेवा?क े?लएएक?टॉपसॉ?यूशनहै?जसेऑनलाइन?कयाजा सकताहै।जीएसट?सु?वधाक ? ?काउ?े?यएकउ?मीकोएकसफल?वसायीबननेम?स?मबनाना है। CALL : 01206866777 WWW.GSTSUVIDHAKENDRA.ORG
ARE YOU ELIGIBLE ? Anyone who is Indian Citizen. Minimum 12th Pass. Should have computer/Internet Knowledge. Work from Home/Office. One Photo ID Card & Photo. If you have all of above, you can apply. जोभीभारतीयनाग?रकहै। ?यूनतम 12 व?पास। क ं ?यूटर / इंटरनेटनॉलेजहोनाचा?हए। घर / काया?लयसेकाम। एकफोटोआईडीकाड?औरफोटो। य?दआपक ेपासउपरो?सभीह?, तोआपआवेदनकरसकतेह?।
LIST OF SERVICES Travel PAN Insurance Money Transfer Bill Payment Postpaid Bills Recharges DTH Datacard AEPS & ATM GST Services Income Tax Services DSC & Token Registrations Accounting Audit E-Way Bills IEC Trademark Misc. We have 200+ Services which you can see in details here. हमारेपास 200+ सेवाएँह??ज?ह? आपयहाँ?ववरणम?देखसकतेह?। Download Service List & Pricing COMMISSION (कमीशन) GST & Accounting 50% E-Way Bills 50% Company Related 20%-30% Travel 4%-5% Insurance 15% to 28% Money Transfer 1% AEPS & ATM 1.25% Bill Payment 1 Rs to 3 Rs Postpaid Bills 1 Rs to 3 Rs Recharges 2% - 5.5% DTH 2% - 5.5% Datacard 2% - 5.5% Download Commission Structure
WHAT IS YOUR ROLE ? आपकोअपनाकाया?लययातोघरयाऐसी जगह?ा?पतकरनाचा?हएजहाँआपलोग? से?मलसक ? । You should set-up your office either home or a place where you can meet people. आपकोअपने?ाहक?क?सहायताक े?लए हमारे?ारा?दान?कएगएसभी??श?ण मॉ?ूलसेगुजरनाचा?हए। You should go through all the training modules provided by us to help your customers. आपकोजीएसट? / कर / क ं पनीसेसंबं?धत सभीकाय?क े?लएजीएसट?सु?वधाक ? ??ारा ?नधा??रतसभीद?तावेज?कोएक?करना आव?यकहै। You are required to collect all the documents prescribed by GST Suvidha Kendra for all GST/Tax/Company related work. ?कसीभी??क ेमामलेम?आपकोहमारी सहायताहे?पलाइनसेसंपक ?करनाहोगा। You are required to do contact our support help line in case of any query. आपकोसीखनेऔर?ाहक?वहारक े?लए अ?य?धक?े?रतहोनाचा?हए। You should be highly motivated for learning & customer dealings.
HOW WILL YOU OPERATE ? क ु छसेवाएंह?जोतुरंतकामकरतीह?। उदाहरणक े?लए: ?रचाज?, बीमा, ?ेन?, बस, उड़ान, होटल, डीट?एच, डेटाकाड?, ?बल भुगतान, पैनआ?द।आपकोइनसेवा?को संचा?लतकरनेक?आव?यकतानह?है।आप इनसेवा?कोथोड़े??श?णक ेसाथकर सकतेह?औरआपकोतुरंतकमीशन?मलता है। There are few services which work instantly. For example : Recharge, Insurance, Trains, Bus, Flight, Hotel, DTH, Data Card, Bill Payment, PAN etc. You do not need us to operate these services. You can do these services with little training & you get instant commission. There are GST & Company realted services where you need expertise from our back office. You should focus on our CRM for such services. CRM contains pricing, document checklist of each service and 100% backend support provided by our Support Professionals. जीएसट?, डीएससीऔरपंजीकरणसेवाएंह? जहांआपकोहमारेबैकऑ?फससे?वशेष?ता क?आव?यकताहोतीहै।आपकोऐसीसेवा? क े?लएहमारे CRM पर?यानक ? ??तकरना चा?हए।सीआरएमम?मू?य?नधा?रण, ??येक सेवाक ेद?तावेजचेक?ल?टऔरहमारे सहायककम?चारीपेशेवर??ारा?दान?कएगए 100% बैकएंडसमथ?नशा?मलह?।
YOU NEED WEALTH OR INCOME? Most of us are always behind income which is temporary in nature and used in day to day expenditure. Income flows till the time you are working or continuously running your business for longer terms. No recurring flow of money - It works only for those hours when you are working means if you encounter any issue in your life, you will not get income. Wealth is a permanent source of happiness. You earn money from your resources and keeps on increasing. Moeny flow remains same or higher even if you are not able to devote your regular hours to the business. Recurring money flow - Even if you are not availble, your assigned family member or partners can be benefited if you know the difference between wealth and income. धनसुखकाएक?ायी?ोतहै।आपअपने संसाधन?सेपैसाकमातेह?औरबढ़ातेरहतेह?। य?दआप?वसायम?अपने?नय?मतघंट?को सम?प?तनह?करपारहेह?तोभीमूनी?वाह समानयाअ?धकबनारहताहै। आवत?धन?वाह - य?दआपउपल?नह?ह?, तो भीआपक े?न?द??प?रवारक ेसद?ययासाझेदार लाभा??वतहोसकतेह?य?दआपधनऔरआय क ेबीचअंतरजानतेह?। हमम?से?यादातरहमेशाआयक ेपीछेहोतेह?जो ?क ृ ?तम?अ?ायीहैऔर?दन-??त?दनक ेखच?म? उपयोग?कयाजाताहै। आय?वाहतबतकबनारहताहैजबतकआप कामकररहेहोतेह?यालंबेसमयतकलगातार अपना?वसायचलारहेहोतेह?। धनकापुनरावत??वाहनह? - यहक े वलउनघंट? क े?लएकामकरताहैजबआपकामकररहेहोते ह?य?दआपअपनेजीवनम??कसीभीसम?याका सामनाकरतेह?, तोआपकोआयनह?होगी।
GST SUVIDHA KENDRA & WEALTH GST Suvidha Kendra is a source of ongoing recurring income. You need to divide your services in 3 parts : GST & Other Tax Related Services Utility - Recharges, Insurance, PAN, Bill Payments, Bus, Train, Flight, Hotel etc. Money Transfer - ATM and Direct Money Transfer. Since, GST Services have monthly income facility because GST Returns needs to be filed on monthly basis , you can earn monthly income from GST. Rest of the services like Utility and Money Transfer are needed to have Crowd in your shop to do indirect marketing of your GST Services. You can also think of Utility is helpful to overcome the initial investment & ongoing cost. Let's say if you make 300 GST Registrtions in one year , it means if the clients are going to file returns with you , you can earn 200 Rs from each client and it makes 60,000 Rs monthly recurring income. Let's take another example of AEPS ( Aadhaar Enabled Payment System ) & Money transfer. If you are able to rotate 2,00,000 Rs with AEPS and DMT, you can earn 1% of it on daily basis which is 2000 Rs per day. It makes 60,000 Rs per month as well. In short, if you put your efforts in right direction, you can earn from 25000 to 100,000 Rs per month if your location and efforts are enough. If you want to learn more about - How much you can earn, please go through the income calculaor here : Open Calculator Here
GST SUVIDHA KENDRA & WEALTH जीएसट?सु?वधाक ? ?चलरहीमा?सकआवत?आयकाएक?ोतहै।आपकोअपनीसेवा?को 3 भाग?म? ?वभा?जतकरनाहोगा: जीएसट?औरअ?यकरसंबं?धतसेवाएं उपयो?गता - ?रचाज?, बीमा, पैन, ?बलभुगतान, बस, ?ेन, उड़ान, होटलआ?द। मनी?ांसफर - एट?एमऔरडायरे?टमनी?ांसफर। चूं?क, जीएसट?सेवा?म?मा?सकआयक?सु?वधाहै?य??कजीएसट??रटन?कोमा?सकआधारपरदा?खल करनेक?आव?यकताहै, आपजीएसट?सेमा?सकआय?ा?तकरसकतेह?। यू?ट?लट?औरमनी?ांसफरजैसीसेवा?क े?लएआपक?जीएसट?सेवा?क?अ??य?माक ? ?ट?गकरनेक े ?लएआपक??कानम??ाउड (People ) होनाआव?यकहै।?ारं?भक?नवेश (Investment) औरचलरही लागत ( Rent, Electricity etc) को?रकरनेक े?लएआपउपयो?गताक ेबारेम?भीसोचसकतेह?। मानली?जए?कय?दआपएकवष?म? 300 GST Registration (पंजीकरण) करतेह?, तोइसकामतलबहै ?कय?द?ाहकआपक ेसाथ GST ?रटन?दा?खलकरनेजारहेह?, तोआप??येक?ाहकसे 200 ?पयेकमा सकतेह?औरयह 60,000 ?पयेमा?सकआवत? (Recurring Income)आयबनाताहै। आइए AEPS (आधारइनेब?पेम?ट?स?टम) औरमनी?ांसफरकाएकऔरउदाहरणलेतेह?।य?दआप AEPS और DMT क ेसाथ 2,00,000 ?पयेकोघुमानेम?स?मह?, तोआपइसेदै?नकआधारपर 1% कमासकतेह?जो??त?दन 2000 ?पयेहै।यह??तमाह 60,000 ?पयेभीकमाताहै। सं?ेपम?, य?दआपअपने?यास?कोसही?दशाम?रखतेह?, तोआप 25000 से 100,000 ?पये??तमाह कमासकतेह?य?दआपका ( Location ) ?ानऔर?याससहीह?। य?दआपअ?धकजाननाचाहतेह??कआप?कतनाकमासकतेह?, तोक ृ पयायहाँआयगणना (Income Calculator ) पर??लककर?: Open Calculator Here
ABOUT OUR COMPANY We are Prologic Web Solutions Private Limited a GSTN Approved GSP (Cygnet Infotech Private Limited) partner which is registered in 2012, July ( 7 year old company). Our CIN is U72900DL2012PTC238413 & Company GST Number is 09AAGCP7559N1ZI. We are authorized by GSP to open GST Suvidha Kendra anywhere in India. We do not have any branch and we work directly with Cygnet Infotech who is GSTN approved GSP. At GST Suvidha Kendra, we facilitate opening of other GST Suvidha Kendras by providing you with all the required details, so you don’t required to put much efforts for it. GST Suvidha Kendra is a small scale setup where neighbouring clients can register and obtain the GST number, file GST returns and get any GST related query or services of their clients resolved in timely manner.
APPLICATION PROCESS Your KYC Submission 1 Photo 1 Photo ID ( DL, Aadhaar, Passport, Voter ID, PAN Card) Location Address Step 1 Verification Document Verification Location Verification Step 2 Payments Payment for 25 years of license. Agreement Free Coupons Equivalent to License Fees. Step 3 Training 1:1 Training CRM Training Relationship Manager Step 4 Ongoing Support 24/7 Helpdesk Escalation Matrix New Services Up-gradation Step 5
WHAT YOU WILL GET ? License + Software GSTN- GSP License (not a letter head License of our company or any other company.) License will be delivered by Cygnet not by us. Software & CRM to login and place any new order. Item 1 100% Money Redeem 240 quanity of 100 Rs coupons. Get 100 Rs discount on all services. e.g. GST Registration is 400 Rs. Your commission is 50%. With this coupon, your fees is only 300 Rs. Item 2 Services Cheapest Services in Market. e.g GST Registration 400 Rs & GST Filing is 200 Rs. 200+ Services inclusive of Recharge, Bill, PAN, Money Transfer, AEPS, Travel, Insurance etc. Item 3 Promotional Material User Manual,CRM Instruction Manual,Information Kit about Services,Phemplate in PDF Format,Letter Lead with .ai file,Visting Card with .ai file,Banner with .ai file,GST Suvidha Kendra License Item 4 Training & Support + 20 Leads 4 Days Trainings Relationship Manager 24/7 Helpdesk by phone + Email + Ticket Support 20 Leads (Local Clients ) in your local area. Item 5
NEXT STEP PAN CARD/Aadhaar Card/Voter ID Card/ Driving License/ Passport etc. 1 Photo Please also mention your location. Email : info@gstsuvidhakendra.org Whatsapp : 8860975519 , 9953215863 Sales Helpline : 0120-6866777
SUMMARY Business Proposal – Online http://bit.ly/earnGSK Demo of Entire Program – Learn Before you Pay. http://bit.ly/GSKdemo Business Proposal – PDF http://bit.ly/GST-all List of Services http://bit.ly/GSTServices2019 4 Days Training Schedule & On-going Support http://bit.ly/GSK-Training Commission Calculator http://bit.ly/GSKcommission Welcome Kit - Promotional Material with License - 8 Items http://bit.ly/WelcomeKitGSK Offline Videos & Practice Sets http://bit.ly/GSKYouTube Cost & Redeemable Money http://bit.ly/GSKCost Frequently Asked Questions http://bit.ly/GSK-FAQ
COST License Type https://www.gstsuvidhakendra.org/gst-suvidha-kendra-franchise-cost/
CONTACT US GST Suvidha Kendra c/o Prologic Web Solutions Pvt Ltd H-183, Noida, UP 201301 Sales Helpline 0120 - 6866777 Email info@gstsuvidhakendra.org Website : www.gstsuvidhakendra.org 8860975519 9953215863 Whatsapp