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O.P. URBACT II C.T.U.R. thematic network Closing seminar – phase I. The administrative issues: the required documentation. Naples, 29th September 2008 Venue: Sala Pignatiello / Bobbio, 3 rd floor, Palazzo S. Giacomo, Napoli. William Bellisario – CTUR Communication Officer
O.P. URBACT II C.T.U.R. thematic network Closing seminar – phase I The administrative issues: the required documentation Naples, 29th September 2008 Venue: Sala Pignatiello / Bobbio, 3rd floor, Palazzo S. Giacomo, Napoli William Bellisario – CTUR Communication Officer Unità di progetto interdipartimentale Programma Urbact Reti Nazionali ed Internazionali V direzione Infrastrutture – Assessorato all’Urbanistica
To fulfil all administrative procedures, lead partner, core group partners, and new partners, have to produce, both in the first and in the second phase, some precise documents: • Development phase (phase I) April 21st – October 21st : • Subsidy contract (in charge of the lead partner) • Lead expert request form (in charge of the lead partner) • These documents, in charge of the lead partner, have been already prepared. • The first one represents a contract between the Municipality of Naples, as lead partner of CTUR thematic network, and the Ministère Francais du Logement à la Ville, as Managing Authority of URBACT II Programme. • The lead expert request form, has been prepared by the lead partner and the lead expert, and has been already sent to the secretariat
In order to face the Implementation phase (phase II), and to prepare the Final Application Form, the following documents are required from the three different categories of partners only: From lead partner only: Letter of commitment for Lead Partner From core group partners only: Letter of commitment for Project Partner From new partners only: Letter of commitment for new Project Partner The Lead Partner is: Municipality of Naples The core group partners are the cities of: Varna, Alicante, Rhodes, Matosinhos. The new project partners are: the city of Dublin, the city of Rostock, the city of Trieste, the city of Helsinki, the port authority of Naples, the port authority of Douro y Leixoes (APDL), the Valencia region.
The letter of commitment for core group partners 11.000,00 Euros is the resting amount that each core group partner has to engage for the whole project. It, of course, doesn’t include the ERDF contribution. It takes into account that the core group partners already engaged 2000,00 Euros for the first phase The document has to be printed on project partner’s institution headed paper The document has to be signed by an elected member from your municipality / region / authority
The letter of commitment for new project partners 13.000,00 Euros is the amount that each new project partner has to engage for the whole project. It of course doesn’t include the ERDF contribution. The document has to be printed on project partner’s institution headed paper The document has to be signed by an elected member from your municipality / region / authority.
Each project partner (lead partner + core group partners + new project partners), in order to involve the relevant Managing Authorities, needs to fill a: Letter of intent for associated MA The associated Managing Authorities, doesn’t engage funds to participate to the project. This document represents a commitment of the MA to formally take part to the activities of the network. Also this document has to be signed by an elected representative from your MA.
The Managing Authority is the Authority that usually manages the European funds for your municipality / region / authority; the location of this body is different from country to country. Each partner has to contact his relevant Managing Authority and involve it in the programme. The Valencia Region, being contemporaneously the authority in charge of the management of the ERDF, and a project partner, has to involve the specific department / service /office that is in charge of the ERDF as associated Managing Authority.
Each project partner (Lead partner + core group partners + new project partners) has to fill an: Audit Trail This document has the task to specify the financial management system for each partner The first introductory section needs to be filled in with the general information of the project partner The responsible person is the person formally in charge of the project, and not in charge of the economic department.
Each project partner (Lead partner + core group partners + new project partners) has to fill an: Audit Trail The financial management of the network is Mixed It means that the local contributions are spent, accounted and certified by each Partner
This field has to be filled referring to the same information of the person mentioned in first document page, i.e. the project responsible.
This is the field dedicated to the body that orders the payments: it could be (or not) also the same person already mentioned as project manager (e.g. in the municipality of Naples, there is a special act, the so called “Determina”, signed by the head of department /service, that engage the required funds.
This field refers to the body, inside your organization, that is in charge of making executive the payments It could be also the same person who orders the payments (as for the city of Naples) or even the project manager
This is the field in which all partners have to put the body in charge of the first level audit control, i.e. the certifying body already mentioned in the declaration of interests Of course it cannot absolutely be the same body in charge of the project management, or in charge of ordering o executing the payments.
This section depends on each partner. Be careful: from this points derives a different financial control. E.g. Should you put the mark here, you would have a hide money availability
The sign has to put by the project responsible, and not by an elected member. It means that it refers to the person mentioned in the first page of this audit trail, i.e. the project manager.
Each project partner has to sign the same document, i.e. the Joint Convention, and the Lead partner has the task to collect all signed papers, to send one original document to the secretariat, to archive another original copy, and to send one copy per partner. This document represent a contract between the Lead Partner and all project partners, providing all the information concerning the management (administrative and financial) of the network, including the responsibilities both of the Lead Partner and of the Project Partners. The document has to be signed by an ELECTED MEMBER. In case the institution has no elected representatives, the signing person must be in the position of committing the institution’s resources to be engaged in the project.
Each partner has to sign 3 original copies of the document and send them to the Lead Partner: In these two examples of core group partners (one from a convergence region, and one from a competitiveness region), you can find the amount concerning the total (first phase + second phase) contribution, and the relevant ERDF contribution This is where the ELECTED MEMBER has to sign the document
Obviously the amounts, for the whole duration of the project (phase I + phase II) reflect the contribution rules of the European Programmes, therefore: The city of Varna, from a convergence region, engages 13.000 Euros, generating an ERDF contribution of 52.000 Euros, so that the percentages are: Varna 20%, and ERDF 80%. The city of Alicante, from a competitiveness region, engages 13.000 Euros, generating an ERDF contribution of 30.333 Euros, so that the percentages are: Alicante 30%, and ERDF 70%.
Summarising up, the documents to be produced to face the second phase are the following: • 1 Letter of commitment for each core group project partners • 1 Letter of commitment for each new project partners • 1 Letter of intent for each associated managing authority • 1 Joint Convention for all partners (each partner has to sign 3 original copies of the last page on which the elected member affixes the sign) • 1 Audit trail for each partner Part of this documentation has to be attached to the Final Application Form Signed by an elected member Signed by the project responsible
The Application Form is the final document that describes all the project: • Lead Partner institution; • Project Partners institutions; • Starting situation and relevant objectives of each partner and of the whole network; • Actions; • Outputs; • Financial Plan; The Lead Partner is in charge of the final redaction of the document, but each partner has to give its contribution, concerning the local situations
The Final Application Form First of all, take care to fill in correctly this sections, at point 1,3, on page 5, concerning the partner istitution and the relevant associate MA
The Final Application Form This section is a brief summary of the local situations from all partners, the different challenges, objectives, and expectations that we will get from your baseline studies.
The Final Application Form As you all know, each project partner has to set up a ULSG, in which have to be involved all relevant stakeholders, to guarantee a better dissemination of the international activities, to prepare a real shared LAP, and to have a stronger impact on the local initiatives The purpose of this field is to describe HOW the group and its relevant activities will be managed within your ULSG, also specifying how you think to animate the meetings.
The Final Application Form To assure a wide dissemination of the results and of the activities of the network, at international and at local level, each partner has to organise a media/dissemination strategy. In this section you need to write which kind of media you have / you are going to “target”, and how you think to manage this activity (which tools are you using to disseminate your activities? Pamphlets, press releases, articles, reports, web pages, newsletters; newspapers, magazines, Tv, etc.)
The Final Application Form This section takes in detail the Partner organization, and the contact person formally in charge of the management of the project. Specify your certifying body (first level audit control body), and the name and all contact details of the person from this body. Here, you have to write where the decision of engaging the funds has been taken. e.g. the source can be the Municipal Council of a city, the legal basis can be the approval of the general municipal budget. The amount is for all partners of 13.000,00 Euros
The Final Application Form This section serves to specify the contacts of your associated Managing Authority.
The Final Application Form hasn’t to be signed because the sign will be affixed on the letters of commitment that will be subsequently enclosed to the document.