Suzanne McDermott
Commercial Team Leader
2. Introduction PDM Group
PDM’s Food & Drink Waste Recycling Scheme
The PDM Recycling Process
Promotional Materials
3. PDM Group
The largest food waste recycling and recovery processing business in UK with over 80 years’ experience, over 1,100 staff and a turnover in excess of £220M
11 UK processing plants with a fully integrated nationwide collection and processing network
4. PDM Food and Drink Waste Recycling Scheme Secure, compliant and sustainable waste food and drink product recycling service
Developed in response to need to find safe alternatives to disposal of food to landfill
Services tailored to meet individual needs of customers
5. Market Forces Landfill Tax increasing by £8.00 per tonne to £40.00 per tonne April 09
Landfill disposal charges escalating
EU Landfill Directive restricting disposal of organic wastes to landfill
Liquid waste banned from non-haz landfill
Pre-treatment of Waste Regulations
6. Treatment of non-hazardous wastes for landfill Section 7
Developments in the waste industry are expected to result in a wider range of treatments becoming available at a greater number of facilities. Waste producers and holders need to:
• be aware of such developments;
• review regularly whether new options have become available for waste being sent to landfill
7. Customer Incentives
Zero to Landfill Policy
Environmental Performance Indicators
Heightened consumer environmental awareness
Environmental issues now taking on similar importance to H&S
8. Food waste collected from manufacturers, retailers, hospitality and public sectors Compliant with all relevant legislation Food waste recycled to produce bio-fuel for renewable power generation EPI reports detailing quantity of waste recycled and amount of renewable energy produced