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ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik. http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik. Pendahuluan Jurusan Teknik Elektro memiliki komitmen untuk menerapkan standar integritas yang tinggi dalam setiap aktifitas akademik.
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik Pendahuluan Jurusan Teknik Elektro memiliki komitmen untuk menerapkan standar integritas yang tinggi dalam setiap aktifitas akademik. Semua tugas, proyek, laporan praktikum, artikel, dan ujian yang dikerjakan mahasiswa harus merupakan hasil kerja sendiri setiap mahasiswa. Mahasiswa harus membedakan secara jelas antara ide mereka sendiri dan informasi yang diperoleh dari sumber lain. Integritas akademik mencakup perilaku etis dan jujur serta menghargai ide orang lain dengan cara melakukan pengutipan dan referensi secara benar. Disintegritas (ketidakjujuran) akademik mencakup plagiarisme, kolaborasi illegal, kecurangan dalam ujian, pencurian karya orang lain dan lain sebagainya.
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik Disintegritas Akademik Plagiarisme • Bahan dicopy kata-demi-kata tanpa quotation marks (“...”) dan tanpa menyebutkan sumber. • Bahan di-paraphrase, tapi sumber tidak disebutkan. • Gambar, desain, hasil eksperimen, kode/program komputer, dsb., digunakan tanpa menyebutkan sumber. Penulis Bayangan Tugas dibuat oleh orang lain tapi diganti nama seolah-olah dikerjakan sendiri oleh mahasiswa pelaku. Kolusi Bahan di-copy dari mahasiswa lain dengan sepengetahuan dan seizin pemilik. Pencurian Bahan di-copy dari mahasiswa lain tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik.
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik Sanksi Atas Pelanggaran Integritas Akademik Pelanggaran terhadap integritas akademik yang ditemukan pada tugas-tugas, ujian dan riset Tugas Akhir, sebagaimana diuraikan pada tabel di atas, dapat dikenakan sanksi serius. Bergantung dari tingkat keseriusan pelanggaran, ketidakjujuran akademik dapat berakibat pada pengurangan nilai, kewajiban membuat ulang tugas, hingga tidak lulus dari suatu mata kuliah. Di masa depan, sanksi akan ditingkatkan misalnya me-nonaktif-kan mahasiswa selama satu semester hingga pemberhentian.
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik
ac 03 Standar Integritas Akademik http://elektrouinsuska.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/ac-03-standar-integritas-akademik
Prosentase Nilai Reguler • Tugas Mandiri (quiz, tugas individu) 15 % • Tugas Terstruktur (absen, ketertiban*) 15 % • UTS 35 % • UAS 35 % *ketertiban …mhs yang duduk 2 baris bangku depan mendapatkan 1 poin tambahan/pertemuan
Tertib Kuliah • No Kaos Oblong • No Sandal / Kecuali jika jari kaki bengkak • Jeans BOLEH ASAL RAPI & SOPAN • HP silent mode • Late = 15 Minutes • Absence permittable = harus ada bukti tertulis / Orang Tua / Wali / RT / RW
Niat & Komitmen • Proyektor sudah tersedia di Kelas sebelum perkuliahan dimulai • Ketua kelas wajib menanyakan ke Dosen jika 10 Menit tidak ada kabar(via sms/telepon) • Tes/pertanyaan diadakan sewaktu-waktu • Tugas latihan soal diadakan sewaktu-waktu, jika mhs tidak berada ditempat*, dianggap tidak hadir * = pada saat ditunjuk
Sekilas Silabus Mikroprosesor Kredit = 3 SKS Referensi InternetReferensi Buku 1. http://www.asprg.net/ihsan_yassin/notes/SEMJUL08%20- %20LECT02%20-%20INTRODUCTION%20TO%20MICROPROCESSOR%20SYSTEMS%20COMPLETED.ppt.
Sekilas Silabus Mikroprosesor Tujuan Mata Kuliah :1. memahami konsep dari arsitektur mikroprosesor2. pemrograman bahasa rakitan(assembly)3. memperkenalkan spesifikasi4. perancangan hardware5. perancangan program ( program < software ) Materi :1. Perkembangan mikroprosesor2. Arsitektur mikroprosesor3. Peta memori4. Struktur pemrograman5. Bahasa rakitan(assembly)6. Sistem stack7. Dasar teknik antar muka mikroprosesor
Introduction to Microprocessor Systems ECE511: Microprocessor & Digital System Sumber http://www.asprg.net/ihsan_yassin/notes/SEMJUL08%20- %20LECT02%20-%20INTRODUCTION%20TO%20MICROPROCESSOR%20SYSTEMS%20COMPLETED.ppt.
What we are going to learn in this session: What is a microprocessor. History of microprocessors. What is a microprocessor system. Components inside the microprocessor system: Component description. Function. Arrangement. The CPU execution cycle. What is it. How the cycle works.
Microprocessor A microprocessor is an electronic device that consists of millions (or billions) of transistors packed into one IC. Its function is to execute instructions in the form of programs, calculate and store its results. Microprocessors are used widely in our everyday lives.
Microprocessor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Transistor_Count_and_Moore's_Law_-_2008.svg
Microprocessor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Transistor_Count_and_Moore's_Law_-_2008.svg
Microprocessor µP is a complex, powerful device: Able to process huge amounts of data. Built using transistors etched on silicon die. Needs external components to support operation. Microcomputer system – support µP operations.
Microprocessors Fabrication • Microprocessors are • manufactured by etching • transistors into an • empty silicon wafer. • The etching process • is done in a clean room • using machines. • Once proper leads • and connections are • attached, the microprocessor • is ready to be used.
Microprocessor The microprocessor can be used to perform complex operations by giving it instructions. These instructions are called programs. Programs are loaded into memory, and are executed line-by line by the microprocessor.
Microprocessor and Computers Since its invention in 1970s, the microprocessor has undergone major improvements. We can look at the history of microprocessors by looking at computers and how they have evolved over the years.
History of Computers Has undergone significant improvements: 4 generations until now. Tied to development of electronics, semiconductors.
History of Computers G1 G2 G3 G4 Vacuum Tube Transistor IC Better IC technology
History of Computers What’s next? Conventional computing: Advancements in semiconductor technology. Smaller, faster, less power. More cores in one processor. Unconventional computing: Quantum computer. Chemical computer. Molecular computer.
History of Computers First Generation (1954-56): Vacuum Tubes as switches. Magnetic drums as memory. Very big, unreliable, slow. Examples: ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer).
First Generation Computers Vacuum Tubes Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
History of Computers Second Generation (1956-63): After invention of transistors. Smaller, faster, cheaper. Limited to military and business use.
Second Generation Computers Vacuum tube circuit Transistor circuit
History of Microprocessors Third Generation (1964-71): After invention of Integrated Circuits (IC). Many transistors can be packed into IC – birth of microprocessors. Early microprocessors: Intel 8008, Intel 4004. Medium Scale Integration (MSI) and Large Scale Integration (LSI) devices.
Third Generation Computers PC Laptop
History of Computers Fourth Generation (1971-now): Improvements in IC technology, µP design. More transistors more processing power. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). Intel Montecito Itanium: 1 bln. transistors. Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). 32, 64-Bit microprocessors.
Comparison between Computer Generations Computer Speed Memory Cost UNIVAC (1st Gen.) $1.6 million 1.3 kHz 1MB IBM 1401 (2nd Gen.) $47,900 2.2 kHz 1.4kB DEC PDP-8 (3nd Gen.) $20,000 1 MHz 6 kB $700 Pentium III (4th Gen.) 500 MHz 128 MB
Penerapan Mikroprosesor • Industri Kesehatan • Industri Perminyakan • Industri Perakitan • Industri Pengecoran Logam • Industri Pertanian • Industri Otomotif • Dll…
Penerapan Mikroprosesor In many applications such as control of life-critical systems, control of nuclear waste, and unattended remote system operation, the reliability of the hardware is of utmost importance. The need for such reliable systems resulted in fault-tolerant systems. These systems use redundant microprocessors to provide reliable operation. Real-time controllers such as flight-control systems for aircraft, flight simulators, and automobile engine control require high-performance microprocessors. For example, the flight simulators use multiple microprocessors to perform graphic manipulation, data gathering, and high-speed communications. Microprocessors are widely used in robot control systems. In many cases, the microprocessor is used as the brain of the robot. In a typical application, the microprocessor will input the actual arm angle measurement from a sensor, compare it with the desired arm angle, and will then send outputs to a motor to position the arm. Mitsubishi manufactured the first 68020-based robot control system.
Varian Mikroprosesor • Microprosesor • Microcontroller • Embedded PC • Super Computer