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Distance BBA from PTU at EduProz Institute of Professional Studies in New Delhi
----~------------------~ ..::: . .. Ar~.~;_"'~ r~~ ----- - Roll No ........................ [Total No. of Pages: 02 Total No. of Questions : 131 Paper ID [B0101) BBA (BB -101) (S05) (0) (Sem. - I") INTRODUCTION TO MODERN BUSINESS Maximum Marks: 75 Time: 03 Hours to Candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section -A (/5 2 = 3(1) QI) x Define Sole Proprietorship. a) b) Partnership. c) Define Joint Stock Company. d) M.B.O: e) Principles of Organising. f) Span ofManageiTlent. g) Departmentation. h) Authority and Responsi bi Iity. i) Delegation of authority. j) Manpower Management. Performance Appraisal. k) I) Leadership styles. Define Communication. Ill) Barriers to control. 11) 0) Socinl Respollsihility of Business. f /299/ I~1:0. D-9.'\
Se-ction - B (9 x .1 = 4.1) Q2) Define Sole Proprietorship and give its features. QJ) Distinguish between Public and Privaleconlpany. Define Organising and cxplai.n its principles. Q4) Q5) What is departmentation. Explain departmentation by territory and customer group. What is delegmion of authority? How it can be made effective? Q6) Q7) Describe briefly various functions of management. Q8) What is Planning? Discuss various steps in planning process. Q9) "PerfoITn~ce Appraisal is a systematic evaluation of the individuah ... ith re~pect to his performance on the job". Discuss. QJO) Define Motivation and explain Hierarchy of Needs theory. QJl) Define Communication and explain various barriers to communication. Q12) Define Controlling and discuss budgetary and non budgetary control devices . . QI]) Discuss challenges of.lnformation Technology in the present era . D-9X
Roll No . Total No. of Questions: 131 ITotal No. of Pages: OJ Paper ID [BOI02] (PIc'lsr fill chis I'aper III in O,\IR Sheell BBA (BB - 102) (S05) (0) (Scm. - I") BASIC BUSINESS STATISTICS Time: 03 Honrs Maximum Marks: 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Section - A QI) (/5 x 2=30) a) Write note on importance of statistics. b) Arithmetic Mean. C) Limitations of Geometric Mean. d) Continuous series. e) Independent Event. f) Fixed Base Method. 170, what is Median. g) If Mean ~ 140, Mode = h) Additive law of probability with one application. i) Random Sampling. j) Give any two uses of Index Numbers. k) Write any four properties of Normal distribution. I) ofgetllng al least (wo Three coins are tossed oncc. Find the prohability heads. Mutually Exclusive Events. 111) n) Give anv four merits of Movin!2 '-- ,-]verauL' 1lH..'lhOlI -. '- Purposive Sampling. 0) I~ o. r D-IIiX {1299{ ---------------_._---------- -----