ALL ABOUT MY LIFE • I was born on April 27, 1951 in Racine, Wisconsin. • My dream job has always been to work from home. • I have many hobbies including learning more about history, gardening, cooking, and camping. • I have two pets that I love with all my heart. A female dog named Sarah who is 10 years old, and a dog named Gizmo who is an 8 year old male. • My dream vacation is always the beach, preferably at the “Redneck Rivera” in Alabama to Florida, then to continue the rest of the “Emerald Isle” to Panama City Beach. • My dream car is and SUV for traveling and camping.
MY SHORT TERM GOALS • To work and learn through my college opportunity until I get my degree and always learn something everyday. • To get a job so I can help and contribute more to my family. • Get a new car so I can go and see my family in different states more often. • Go on vacation so I can be relaxed by myself for a few days.
MY LONG TERM GOALS • To grow spiritual everyday with prayer and meditation. • To be the best daughter, sister, friend, and community member that I can be. • To be able to return to work and once again be self-sufficient and independent. • I need to get my house paid for in 7 years so I can use reverse mortgage.
FURTHERING MY EDUCATION I was, and at times, still intimidated by starting college at age 58 with no technical skills. When I see my competition for the job market I flinch, but I know I need and want these skills.