Graduand Teacher Competencies - A consolidation of artifacts
Professional Practice Nurturing the whole child
Character & Citizenship Education (CCE): • Learn • VALUES, • EDCUCATION & CAREER GUIDANCE, • SEXUALITY EDUCATION, • CYBERWELLNESS. From: http://www.moe.gov.sg/media/press/2012/11/new-syllabus-and-textbook-titl.php
Social Studies Textbooks • To inculcate National Education • Understand our Nation’s past • Cultivate a sense of belonging
Building character through Uniformed Groups “Over the years, the uniformed groups have become an integral part of CCAs in our schools and an important platform for holistic development of our students… I am heartened that schools continue to value and place emphasis in developing students through the uniformed groups.” – Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister of State for Ministry of Defence and Education (16 September 2011)
Leadership and Management Working with others: partnering with parents
Teacher cutting student’s hair before Oral Examinations • Teacher should communicate clearly and professionally to the parents • Call the parents if a child refuses to follow the school rules. • Parents need to cooperate and recognize the need for their children to comply to school regulations. • Youth refusing to leave the nursing room • “"You better not put me in stomp. My parents are very important people. They are really big people k” • Parents must not condone such irresponsible behaviour. They have a very important part to play in teaching right values.
If parents do not show graciousness to others and respect for rules, our young will not do so either. Soon, discipline will be eroded, the tone in our schools will deteriorate, and the tone in our society too. - Education Minster HengSweeKeat (Sept 2012)
From Ms Chang Hwee Nee, Deputy Secretary (Policy): Our students will benefit from schools and stakeholders working in partnership in areas such as academic learning, language acquisition, or more importantly values and character development. What our students learn in schools will be complemented and reinforced by what they experience at home and what they are exposed to in the media and wider community at large. We have seen that the education landscape has evolved over the last few years. We have provided greater flexibility and choice for our students. We need to better reach out to parents to help them navigate and choose programmes and options that best suit the interest and inclinations of their children. Parents and the community are key resources. Our schools and teachers can tap and leverage on them to maximise the educational impact on our students. For instance, schools can avail themselves of parent and adult volunteers as well as community facilities such as swimming pools and other sports facilities to enhance their resources.
Engaging Industry Partners From: http://www.schoolbag.sg/archives/ 2008/09/priceless_lessons_from_a_flea.php
Personal Effectiveness Knowing self and others: Understanding & respecting others
It is important to recognize our differences in a multi-racial and multi-cultural society. • Main ethnic groups: Chinese, Malay, Indian, Others.
From: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20090413-135061.html
Different Socio-Economic Statuses (SES) • Need to understand that not all students have the same background knowledge. • Also, some may feel a sense of discrimination in class. • E.g. using smartphones as clickers for oral presentation: Not all students own smartphones. • What the teacher should do: Understand the background of students when planning lesson activities.