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Staff Instruments IfHRM using your manystaffinstruments. But what exactlydo thesemean andhow are theyused?That you canreadbelow. Recruitment andselection When you work asHRM thereisoneofyour tasksstaffing. Thismeans that when a vacancy arisesit as good as possibleshould becompleted. But also when newfeatures areformedhereshould besought at theright people. There must therefore becarefully looked at whom this place will fulfill. But beforeyou peoplecan go therefirst must select people arerecruited. Recruitment When thereis a vacancyis not automatically thereis a vacancy. It may also bethefact that thefunction has becomeredundant. Thefirst step of therecruitmentis that therehas to beviewedorreplacement of theemployeeisrequired. Whenreplacement is necessary, and therefore thereis a vacancyshould beviewed asthefunction of thejob entails. In addition, whetherit is a permanent ortemporary appointment is an appointment oron a project basis. It should beclarified beforeyourecruit the tasksareassociated with thefunctionenhancement. Thisiscalled a job. In a job, wefind theexact tasks aswell asthelocation of thefunction in theorganization is and what powers andresponsibilities belong. What includein such a job must faceis: Nameof thefunction DepartmentContentsfunction Levelfunction(received training) Regularactivities IncidentalactivitiesOr there must be ledSalary IndicationNecessaryexperienceSkills Properties(Findsomeone who works well in a team or a leader) Internal orexternal recruitment recruitment? Ifit isclear what requirements the applicant must meet therecruit can begin.Thefirstquestiontobeaskedis whether thepreferencegoes toan internal orexternal candidate.The advantageof a single candidateis that thereis afamiliarity with theorganization is present. Theemployee knows themission,vision and goalsof thecompany, thisoften means a shorterexposure time as anexternal candidate. In addition, theemployeeisfamiliar with thecompany andcantherefore be betterassessed whethertheemployeeissuitablefor the vacancy. Theorganization shall establish an internal candidateso manyadvantages. For many people also get thechance to get ahead byinternal Performancereviewexamples– http://www.performance-‐review-‐examples.com
promotion opportunitiesinsteadofhaving to look at anothercompany. Thisisgoodfor theimageof thecompany. Recruitment Resources When thechoiceis madeforexternal recruitment will be a recruitment plan be developed. It isstated that recruitment agents are going to be used and when what will take place. There are a numberofresources that canbeused. Thejob ad With the job profilein yourhand then set the ad text. Advertising isexpensive. Somake themost of thespaceyou have. Your ad must first clear. A person seeking leave generallyhis gaze wanderovertheadpage.If not obvious at a glance exactlywhoyouare lookingfor,chances are that your ad will remain unread. Alsoimportant is thereliability. Not promisemountainsof gold that you can not keep. Because then it's likely that the new employeein theshortest timedeparts andyou can gofind again. What is going on in the ad must be: description of thefunction (function name, dutiesresponsibilities) Therequirements(job description) Working conditions Information about thecompany(good points, how big it is, whereit is located,address) Psychological test. (Ifit isrequired that must appearin the ad) Respond. (Whereinformation can beretrievedfrom, how the applicant can applyandwhen) CWI TheCWI is appointed by the government tosupply anddemandforskilled laborandtogether. TheCWI providessuitablecandidatesandknowledgeabout the current job market. You can goherefor: advicein finding job seekers recruitment andselection ofsuitablecandidates information on personnel and labor law matters publicationofvacancies implementing legislation for workersoutside the EU information on the labor market. TheCWI hasthe task toguide peopletofind a job.(Vacancy). Other tasksofCWI: Employers may at CWI for personnel recruitment and labor market information.Job seekerscan at CWI tofind work or applyfor unemployment orsocial welfare CWI shall discharge permits and work permits, and providesemploymentinformation. Gatekeeper are.Thisincludes:CWI supports people up infinding a job, beforeanydistribution isdiscussed. Andsecond:CWI keeps an eyeor legal persons Performancereviewexamples– http://www.performance-‐review-‐examples.com