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Beta Cell Mass in Type 2 DM

Beta Cell Mass in Type 2 DM. Gepts et al. Ann Roy Sci Med Nat 10:1, 1957. Reduced. McClean et al. Diabetes 4:367, 1957. Reduced. Westermark et al. Diabetologia 15:417, 1978. Reduced. Saito et al. Tokohu J Exp Med 129:273, 1979. Reduced. Stefan et al. Diabetes 31:694, 1982. Reduced.

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Beta Cell Mass in Type 2 DM

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  1. Beta Cell Mass in Type 2 DM Gepts et al Ann Roy Sci Med Nat 10:1, 1957 Reduced McClean et al Diabetes 4:367, 1957 Reduced Westermark et al Diabetologia 15:417, 1978 Reduced Saito et al Tokohu J Exp Med 129:273, 1979 Reduced Stefan et al Diabetes 31:694, 1982 Reduced Kloppel et al Surv Synth Path Res 4:110, 1985 Reduced Clark et al Diabetes Res Clin Prac 4:151, 1988 Reduced Guiot et al Diabetes50 (Suppl 1):S188, 2001 Reduced Sakuraba et al Diabetologia 45:85, 2002 Reduced Butler et al Diabetes 52:102, 2003 Reduced Voon et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88:2000,2003 Reduced Rahier et al Diab Obes Metab Suppl 4:32, 2008 Reduced

  2. In T2DM, β-Cell Mass in Islets is Significantly Reduced Control T2DM 35% -cells 65% β-cells 52% -cells 48% β-cells P <0.01 Adapted from Deng S, et al. Diabetes. 2004;53:624-632.

  3. Beta cell mass is a function of relative rates of apoptosis, replication and neogenesis.

  4. Butler et al Diabetes 52:102, 2003

  5. Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Beta Cell Mass and Function Normal Abnormal + + Insulin Resistance Insulin Resistance Yes Compensation No Normal Glucose Tolerance Abnormal Glucose Tolerance Deterioration in Capacity to Secrete Insulin Glucose-Lipotoxicity Loss of Mass Type 2 Diabetes

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