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A CP in Charm Decays at LHCb. B. Viaud (LAL-in2p3) On behalf of the LHCb collaboration. Why Charm Physics ?. Charm Physics is essentially a 2-generation physics: any CPV above O(0.1%) means something new. NP, or unexpected strong effects.
ACP in Charm Decays at LHCb B. Viaud (LAL-in2p3) On behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Why Charm Physics ? • Charm Physics is essentially a 2-generation physics: any CPV above O(0.1%) means something new. NP, or unexpected strong effects • D-D mixing, CP violating decays and rare decays involve FCNC’s that are strongly GIM-suppressed (low mass down-type quarks in the loop) NP contributions can have measurable effects (not hidden by SM) • FCNC with down-type quarks in the loop: constrain NP couplings that • can’t be reached by B/K decays. Complementarity with the B-physics program. • Very large samples of charmed particles at hadronic colliders ! Charm decays are a good place to look for NP and constrain its properties !
CP Violation in Charm Two complementary ways to seek CPV (and NP) in Charm Decays • D oscillate, so one can look for two manifestations of indirect CPV - CPV in mixing: D0 D0 D0D0 - CPV in the interplay between mixing and decay • A(Df)A(Df):direct CPV • Direct CPV is as good an opportunity as indirect - Mixing is slow, strong phases can be large in decays. - While indirect CPV is nearly universal, direct depends a lot on the final state. Measuring many brings many complementary clues. • CPV is small: ~0.1% to ~1% for direct CPV What’s SM; What’s NP ? Probably an order of magnitude below for indirect CPV. Today: direct CPV @ LHCb. Focus on the current most precise example: Acp(KK)-Acp()
NP via the precision study of CPV and Flavor Physics LHCb • Key point: huge b and c production in high E p-p collisions - @s=7 TeV: (ppbb+X)=(284 ± 20 ± 49) μb [1] (ppcc+X)=(6100 ± 930) μb [2] In 1fb-1: ~1012 cc pairs in LHCb’s acceptance • Key point: dedicated experiment, optimized for Flavor Physics • in a hadronic environment. - Forward detector - Performant vertexing, p and M reconstruction, particle-ID - Very selective, polyvalent and configurable trigger. [1] Phys. Lett. B694: 209-216, 2010 [2] LHCb-CONF-2010-013
B-field polarity can be reversed: Up or Down • Typical Performance • Charged tracks momentum: p/p=0.35-0.55%, m=10-20 MeV/c2 • ECAL: E/E=10%/E 1% (E in GeV) • muon-ID () ~95%, mis-ID rate()~1% • K- separation(KK) ~95%, mis-ID rate(K)~10% • Proper time: t~ 30-50 fs, z~ 60m (Prim. Vtx) z~ 150 m (Secondary Vtx)
Trigger/DAQ • Trigger Efficiency • ~30% for multibody hadronic modes • ~90% for di-muons Ex 1/fb : High PT candidates ~0.5M D0+-+- on tape • Output Rate High PT displaced tracks matched with L0 objects. • 3-4 kHz in 2011 • 4.5 kHz in 2012 Full reconstruction (ex: lifetimes) Inclusive/exclusive modes Highly configurable. Easy to add/remove/prescale modes. 3-4 kHz
Peak Luminosity • 2011: 3-4 1032/cm2/s • 2012: 4 1032/cm2/s • <#collisions> per bunch crossing ~1.5 “Luminosity Leveling” to obtained that from LHC’s luminosity 2011 2012 ~1.0 fb-1 @ s=7 TeV 0.3 fb-1 @ s=8 TeV
Peak Luminosity • 2011: 3-4 1032/cm2/s • 2012: 4 1032/cm2/s • <#collisions> per bunch crossing ~1.5 “Luminosity Leveling” to obtained that from LHC’s luminosity 2011 2012 Hope to record 1.5 fb-1 in 2012 + 2.5 fb-1 in 2015/2016 ------------------------------ Ltot=5fb-1
ACP= ACP(D0K+K-)-ACP(D0+-) - 0.6 fb-1 (2011) - Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 111602
Analysis Strategy Use D*: Qslow tells D0’s flavor • Measure a time-integrated asymmetry • First order Taylor Expansion: When f=+- or K+K-: no detection asymmetry between D and D AD(f)=0 Similar for f=+- and K+K- ARAW = ARAW(K+K-) - ARAW(+- ) = ACP
ARAW = ARAW(K+K-) - ARAW(+- ) = ACP • This rule gives a very robust way to detect a CPV effect • But remember ! It can be broken by • Large asymmetries (>>1%): Taylor Expansion breaking down • Dependence of AP(D*) and AD(s) upon (KK)/(). • Ex: AD(s) depends upon the Sphase space, and • KK and selections favor a different region. • Different and asymmetric peaking backgrounds. • So the fun in this analysis is to avoid those problems. • Main protections: • Measurements in separate bins of PT and of D*’s, P of S • Fiducial cuts to remove regions of large asymmetry • Many checks…
What does ACP measure exactly ? • Time integrated asymmetries: a combination of direct & indirect CPV. Depends on <t> of the D0 in the sample (~time given the mixing to interfere). • Indirect CPV universal to a very good approximation, but lifetime acceptance can differ between KK and . Also measure <t> to disentangle each contribution • A year ago…
Selection Cut-based selection: use the decay topology and kinematics, and LHCb’s PID performance. • Track & Vertex fit quality • Tracks must not come from the • primary vertex (PV) & ct(D)>100 m. • D must come from the PV, to reject D* from B decays • between D0 in lab frame and its daughters • in D0 rest frame: |cos|<0.9 • Tracks identified as kaon/pions using PID info from the RICH • PT(D)>2 GeV/c N.B. This offline selection applied on candidates that fired a similar (looser) selection in the High Level trigger
Fiducial cuts The magnetic field breaks the symmetry of the detector Horizontal plane Kinematic regions where ARAW can reach 100% ! Borders where +/- are swept out while -/+ are swepted in. (this includes also the beam pipe)
Fiducial cuts ARAW for |py/pz| slow < 0.2. Horizontal plane. Kinematic regions where ARAW can reach 100% ! • Breaks the formalism (too large an • for a Taylor expansion) • Possible second order effects if the efficiency for being in this region differs between KK and . • Depends more on PX than on PT,D*, D* • or Pslow Directly in beam pipe Thus: not treated perfectly by the kine. binning Py • Left-right binning + the fact that ~1/2 the sample is taken with B-field Up and ~1/2 with • B-field Down should limit the overall effect. • However, to be more robust, sacrifice 25% of • the statistics with Fiducial cuts Px
Fiducial cuts ARAW for |py/pz| slow < 0.2. Horizontal plane. Kinematic regions where ARAW can reach 100% ! • Breaks the formalism (too large an • for a Taylor expansion) • Possible second order effects if the efficiency for being in this region differs between KK and . • Depends more on PX than on PT,D*, D* • or Pslow Cross the beam pipe after VELO / before T-stations Thus: not treated perfectly by the kine. binning Py • Left-right binning + the fact that ~1/2 the sample is taken with B-field Up and ~1/2 with • B-field Down should limit the overall effect. • However, to be more robust, sacrifice 25% of • the statistics with Fiducial cuts Px
Signal Extraction 1 Bin • In 216 bins 54 bins in PT,D* D* Pslow left/right 2 Mag Up / Mag Down 2 Before/After an LHC technical stop 1 2 • Fit to m distributions Signal: double gaussian convolved with a function describing a asymmetric tail. 1 D*+ and D*- parameters float separately. Background: B[ 1 - exp( -(m- m0)/C ) ] 2 • Finally: ARAW and ARAW in each bin, then weighted average ACP =(-0.82 0.21stat )% (2 / NDF = 211/215) • Fit to background subtracted decay time distributions yields: This would essentially be a direct CPV
Systematics ACP =(-0.82 0.21stat 0.11)% 3.5 from no CPV.
Cross Checks • Electron and muon vetoes on the soft pion and D0 daughters • Different kinematic binnings • Stability of result vs data-taking runs • Stability vs kinematic variables • Toy MC studies of fit procedure, statistical errors • Tightening of PID cuts on D0 daughters • Tightening of kinematic cuts • Variation with event track multiplicity • Use of other signal, background line-shapes in the fit • Use of alternative offline processing (skimming/stripping) • Internal consistency between subsamples (splitting left/right, field up/ field down)
Cross Checks • No evidence of dependence on relevant kinematic variables
Stability wrt PID • Stability with time No significant variation of ACP when tightening the cut on the hadron PID information provided by the RICH PID tight+ Final value ACP =(-0.88 0.26stat )% PID tight++ ACP =(-1.03 0.31stat )% A technical stop occurred here • Internal consistency: • a closer look Split the 216 bins into 8 smaller sets and check 2 for each, and betweenthem: 2 / NDF = 6.7/7
World Wide CDF public note 10784 Agreement with no CPV: 610-5
SM or NP ?? • Predictions are difficult with D mesons - Too light (heavy) for the techniques that work in B (K) physics • Present consensus - Difficult for the SM to generate more than O(10-4-10-3) (canonic point of view till 2011) - But possible: one can think of Hadronic enhancements pushing it up to O(1%) - Would help: Individual asymmetries - Would help: Several decay modes should be affected by the same NP, but not the same strong effects: compare ACP measured in each mode to distinguish enhanced contributions of higher order standard model diagrams from NP effects Ex: D+(S) KSh+; h+ D+ K+K*0; K*+K0 D+ 0+; + 0 ; +’ DS K+, K+’ , K(*)0+ Dh+h-h+ ; h+h-h+h- Grossman, Kagan, Zupan (arXiv:1204.3557)
Prospects Short term (1.1 or 2.5 fb-1) • Update ACP= ACP(K+K-)-ARAW(+-) from 0.25% to ~0.15% may be enough to confirm a 4-5 effect. • ACP with D+(S) KSh+ vs. h+(work started !) Expect ~7M D++ and ~3.5M D+KS+ Belle: ACP (D++ vs. D+(S)+) = (0.510.280.05)% with 0.238M D++ Belle: ACP (D+KS+) = (0.360.090.07)% with 1.7M events arXiv:1203.6409 CPV due to the kaon • Dalitz analyses of Dh+h-h-, h+h+h-h- modes Longer term: LHCb upgrade (2019)
Conclusion ACP (K+K--+-)=(-0.82 0.21stat 0.11)% • Control of systematic effects: good ex. of precision physics @ pp collider. • Evidence for CPV in charm decays at LHCb Mostly a direct CPV Not yet a 5 effect But not far from it when combined with other experiments (4) • Could be SM, could be NP, it’s anyway very interesting. • There’s a large Charm physics programme at LHCb. Other modes will be studied in the future to over-constrain the problem. • And don’t forget the LHCb’s upgrade ! Stay tuned (at least for the next 15 years ) !
LHC’s Schedule M.Nessi, Chamonix 2012
Upgraded LHCb (start by 2019) Should bring ~180 times more hadronic charm decays ! • 50 fb-1 with Lpeak=1-21033 cm-2s-1 • At s=14 TeV: CC ~1.8 times larger • Fully software trigger: Trigger Efficiency on hadronic decays 2 (reduce the role the hardware L0 trigger) -This means ~460M D0K+K- & 130M D0+-. Naïve extrapolation: Acp~0.015%. That’s far below the current systematics. A part of the statistic could be sacrificed to improve it. (2011: 1MHz) -Also for decays like D+(S) KSh+ vs. h+, will we probably be pushing on the systematics by then. -And many other things: DCS, precision Dalitz studies, etc… See e.g. “Workshop on the Implications of of LHCb measurements”, CERN, April 16-18, 2012 (2011: 4kHz)
Preliminary estimates ! + Not everything is solved by increasing the statistics. In some cases, some will be sacrificed to improve systematics.
Fraction of indirect CP • Reminder: • <t>0 since the lifetime acceptance • differs between KK and e.g. Smaller KK opening angle: easier to miss cut vetoing tracks from Primary Vertex. • Fit to background subtracted decay time distributions yields: Essentially due to the fraction of D* from B decays
Fraction of indirect CP • Reminder: • <t>0 since the lifetime acceptance • differs between KK and e.g. Smaller KK opening angle: easier to miss cut vetoing tracks from Primary Vertex. • Fit to background subtracted decay time distributions yields: Indirect CPV mostly cancels