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Discover classic Lithuanian holiday recipes including Eglutė cake, Christmas cookies with ginger, small Christmas Eve kūčiukai, and cranberry jelly. Easy instructions for delicious festive treats!
LITHUANIA„EGLUTĖ“ Christmasrecipes
HOLIDAY CAKEŠVENTINIS KEKSAS Raisinsorpoppyseeds (asmuchasyoulike) 1 egg 0,5 glassofsugar 1 teaspoonbakingpowder 2 glassesofflour 0,5 glassofyogurt Fordecoration: Coconutshavings Sugarpowder Gratedchocolate Differentcolourchocolatecandy Stiruptheyogurtandthebakingpowder. Mixuptheeggwiththesugar. Mixtheyogurtwiththeeggandsugarandaddflour. Mixraisinsorpoppyseeds. Bake 180 °C for 50-60 minutes. Saulė and her mom baked the cake
CHRISTMAS COOKIES WITH GINGERKALĖDINAI SAUSAINIAI Halfcupofsugar 3 cupsofflour 2 teaspoonsvanillasugar 1 teaspoonbakingpowder 2 teaspoonsofcinnamon 2 teaspoonsofgroundginger Halfteaspoonofgroundcloves Halfteaspoonofgroundcardamoms Halfteaspoonofaromaticpepper 225 g ofbutter Halfcupofhoney Mixsugar, flour, bakingpowder, spices. Grate butterandkneaddough. Pourhoneyandkneaddough. Putthedoughinto a frigdeandhold it therefor a halfhour. Thenrollthedough, cut it intocookieshapes, putthemintobakingtin. Bake 180 °C for 15 minutes.
SmallChristmasEveCookiesKūčiukai Recipe: Ingredients: 2 kg flour 30 g yeast Salt 2 teaspoonsugar Water Poopyseeds Firstmeltyeastinoneglassofwaterwithsugar. Add salt intotheflour, pourwaterwithyeastandsugar, mix it. Addsomepoppyseeds. Kneaddough (like a snake) andcutintothesmallpieces ( assmallstones). Fryintheovenfor 35 minutes.
CRANBERRY JELLYSpanguolių kisielius Ingredients: 1 literoffreshorfrozencranberries 0.5 cupsofsugar 2 tablespoonsofstarch 2-3 litersofwater Cookingtime: Crushcranberrieswithsugar. Pourthemixtureintoboilingwater. Mixstarchwithwaterandpourthemixtureintotheboilingwaterwithcranberries. Heat 5 minutes. Cool it a few minutes anddrink it. Enjoy!