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The R&D programme on Normal Conducting Linacs (NCLinac). Erk JENSEN/CERN Grahame Blair/RHUL CARE 08 EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting 5-Dec-2008. Reminder: History from CARE07. A drastic reduction from initial plans necessitated some difficult and painful choices!. NCLinac overview. Objectives:
The R&D programme onNormal Conducting Linacs (NCLinac) Erk JENSEN/CERN Grahame Blair/RHUL CARE 08 EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting 5-Dec-2008
Reminder: History from CARE07 A drastic reduction from initial plans necessitated some difficult and painful choices! EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac overview Objectives: NCLinac concentrates on the identified issues in R&D to prepare for the future HEP Particle colliders that can reach beyond the LHC… . The issues to be addressed are primarily i) how to reach a high accelerating gradient reliably and ii) how to stabilize the beams and the machine to allow collisions of nm-sized beams without loss of luminosity. For the first, NCLinac limits its scope to normal conducting accelerator structures, complementary to work on superconducting accelerator structures foreseen in the work package SRF. For the latter issue, synergy is actively sought and implemented between the superconducting (SC) and normal conducting (NC) linear collider approaches, where we have observed in the past that the communities of researchers had formed two separate camps. Searching their similarities rather than their differences, one goal of NCLinac is to bring these communities together again wherever possible. Tasks: 9.1 Coordination and Communication 9.2 Normal Conducting High Gradient Cavities 9.3 Linac and FF Stabilisation 9.4 Beam Delivery System 9.5 Drive Beam Phase Control Duration: 4/2009 – 3/2013 (4 years) EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac budget: by tasks EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac budget: by beneficiearies EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac effort (FTE-months/main players): If you’re surprised to see you name here, or that you don’t see your name here: please contact me! EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac, task 9.2: “Normal-Conducting High-Gradient Cavities” • Building on the success of CTF3 and complementing it,the goal of this task is to optimize CTF3 and its use towards • cost- and performance optimized accelerating structures and • their integration in CLIC modules. This also requires • better modelling of breakdown and • better suppression of HOM’s, • experimental verification • Partners: CIEMAT, Uni Manchester (CI), HIP/University Helsinki, University Uppsala, CERN (coord.) • Estimated total: 2.45 M€, 22 FTEy • This task is complementary to the “module implementation” which is financed 100% by CERN and not part of this proposal. • Also note that the CLIC main beam accelerator structures are not explicitly part of this program. EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
CLIC module – integration MB: AS (quadrants) in vac. tank DB: PETS in vac. tank Quads: simplified 3D model MB: AS (disks) sealed DB: PETS with “mini-tank” DB Quads: updated 3D model Tank Version Sealed Version A. Samoshkin EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Test module MB DB Test module, as much as possible close to the final CLIC module Phase 3 Test module activities - Related activities in projects EuCARD, tasks 9.2 and 9.3 - Activities defined with other collaborations Phase 4 G. Riddone EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
The Integration of “NCLinac” into general CTF3 R&D program Kick-of meeting CW50 (proposal) G. Riddone EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NC High Gradient – subtasks (1/5): PETS tank installed in CLEX 15.10.08 Special PETS, used with re-circulation (no HOM damping features) I. Syratchev 14.11.2008 E. Adli • 9.2.1: “PETS”: • Design, manufacture a Power Extraction and Transfers Structure (PETS) for the test module • Install and evaluate PETS in CTF3 at present: EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
New “Test module” PETS: 7 PETS inside of “mini-tank” PETS 3D (fitting on the ST module schematic background) Coupler A. Samoshkin EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NC High Gradient – subtasks (2/5): R. Zennaro 9.2.2: “HOMs and alignment”: Explore the influence of alignment errors on wake fields, elaborate and demonstrate appropriate High Order Mode (HOM) damping in the presence of alignment errors. Types of alignment errors: EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NC High Gradient – subtasks (3/5): K. Nordlund & F. Djurabekova, Accelerator Laboratory, Department of Physical Sciences • Combination of Electrodynamics and Molecular dynamics • Key activities during the last 10 years: examining surface damage formation by irradiation. • For heavy ion bombardment and dense metals, a single incoming ion may lead to really dramatic surface effects: • Planned for EuCARD: Develop and use atomistic simulations of atom migration enhanced by the electric field or by bombarding particles, understand what kind of roughening mechanisms lead to the onset of RF breakdown in high gradient accelerating structures. 9.2.3: “Breakdown simulation”: EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Predicted TEM image Experimental TEM image [Donnelly, Physical Review B 85 (1997) 4968] Surface damage: cratering K. Nordlund & F. Djurabekova • The typical end result is a crater • The craters we get in simulations can be directly compared to experiments by predicting the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of it MD simulation result EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NC High Gradient – subtasks (4/5): • 9.2.4: “Diagnose breakdown event signatures”: • Design and build equipment to diagnose the electrons, ions and light emanating from breakdown events. • Install in CTF3 Two-Beam Test-Stand around the test module • Install inside a Scanning Electron Microscope in UU • analyze the surface science relevant to RF-breakdown EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Upgrade TBTS Experimental area New diagnostics for RF-breakdown (Flash-box) Spectrometers and beam dumps CTF3 drive-beam CALIFES probe-beam Construction supported by theSwedish Research Council and theKnut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation V. Ziemann EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
In Electron Microscope • DC-breakdown in SEM (scanning electron microscope) • 500 V/μm = 500 MV/m • High-voltage (<kV) on manipulator inside FEI DB 235 focussed ion beam SEM • Observe the same spot before and after breakdown • Fowler-Nordheim (I-V) plots • In-situ diagnostics using SEM and TEM Courtesy: E. Coronel, UU V. Ziemann EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NC High Gradient – subtasks (5/5): • 9.2.5: “Precise assembly”: Develop a strategy of assembly for the CLIC accelerating and power extraction structures satisfying the few to 10 micrometer precision requirement of positioning both radial and longitudinal taking into account dynamical effects present during accelerator operation. • tight links to subtask 1 (PETS) and subtask 3 (HOMs and alignment). EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac, task 9.3: Linac & FF stabilisation • Strong synergy between ILC and CLIC! • Main goals: • stabilize elements (linac & FF quads, …) to sub-nm level to guarantee luminosity, to this end: • improve low emittance transport simulation, • build and test (ATF2 & CTF3) interferometric monitoring system • develop & implement feedbacks: ILC: intrapulse, CLIC: pulse-to-pulse • Consider “Linear Collider environment”: some elements will be inside the detector, consider accelerator typical noise (magnetic field, coolant flow, radiation …), assure compatibility with other installations. • Partners: IN2P3/LAPP, CERN, U Oxford (JAI) • Estimated total: 1.79 M€, 13.3 FTEy • Task results also relevant for X-FEL! EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Linac & FF stabilisation – subtasks (1/2): – target: < 1 nm @ > 1 Hz: MLQ Aperture radius: 4.00 mm Integrated gradient: 70 (170, 270, 370 ) Tm/m Nominal gradient: 200 T/m Iron length: 346 (846, 1346, 1846) mm Magnetic length: 350 (850, 1350, 1850) mm Total length: 420 (920, 1420, 1920) mm Magnet width: < 200 mm Magnet height: < 200 mm Magnet weight: ~ 75 (110, 135, 270) kg Indirect water cooling through yoke T. Zickler • 9.3.1: “CLIC quadrupole module” • Design and build main linac (ML) quadrupole (mock-up) • Evaluate inertial sensors • Integrate with ML support • study vibration isolation • implement test bench • install and cross-check interferometric measurement system (9.3.2) • use test bench with MLQ to validate the stabilisation method and equipment • assure compatibility with other subsystems (alignment, vacuum, cooling, …) EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac Baseline: Four different types of Main Beam Quadrupoles: • Length: • 420 mm • 920 mm • 1420 mm • 1920 mm Weight: ~200 to 500kg Alignment & Stabilization Concept: Current layout: MB Quad is supported to the ground F. Lackner
Linac & FF stabilisation – subtasks (2/2): – target: < 0.1 nm @ > some Hz: • 9.3.2: “Final Focus test stand” • to explore FF quad stabilisation potential • design, simulate and construct FF doublet support • adapt feedback software to FF doublet • optimize to reduce cost • design, construct and implement an interferometric measurement system • optimize its resolution • compare to and correlate with inertial sensors • complete ILC prototype intra-train & pulse to pulse feed-back/feed-forward system • perform low-emittance beam transport simulations to predict stability impact on overall luminosity performance (ILC and CLIC) EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
D = (c/ 2π) (ΔΦ/Δnu) D = R (ΔΦ/Δθ) Frequency Scanning Interferometry Reference interferometer FSI: Frequency Scanning Interferometry Phase = 2π (Optical Path Distance) / Wavelength Φ = 2π D / λ = 2π D (ν / c) frequeny scanning R = (c/ 2π) (Δθ/Δnu) EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac P. Burrows, D. Urner
ΔD = (c/2πν) ΔΦ D = (c/ 2π) (ΔΦ/Δnu) D = R (ΔΦ/Δθ) Fixed Frequency Interferometry Frequency Scanning Interferometry Interferometer operation Phase = 2π (Optical Path Distance) / Wavelength Φ = 2π D / λ = 2π D (ν / c) frequeny scanning R = (c/ 2π) (Δθ/Δnu) EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac P. Burrows, D. Urner
NCLinac, task 9.4: Beam Delivery System • Strong synergy between ILC and CLIC! • Main goals: • develop tuning procedures (at ATF2) for ILC & CLIC, to achieve 35 nm vertical beam size, • develop BPM’s for BDS, test at ATF2, • develop laser wire scanner & profile reconstruction, test at PETRAIII and ATF2. • Partners: Uni Manchester (CI), STFC/ASTEC, RHUL (JAI) • Estimated total: 1.1 M€, 7.5 FTEy • Requires good coordination with task 9.3! EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Beam Delivery System: subtasks (1/2) • 9.4.1: “Tuning Procedures” • aim: vertial beam sizes <35 nm! • test tuning procedures at ATF2 • optimize the designs of the interaction region of both ILC and CLIC • test local chromaticity correction final focus system experimentally • 9.4.2: High Precision BPMs • with particular emphasis on system integration EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Beam Delivery System: subtasks (2/2) G. Blair • 9.4.3: Laser wire system • develop laser wire system (emphasis on high-speed operation) • test at ATF2 and PETRAIII • support by simulations (BDSIM) EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
Current research: • Optimal timing conditions for efficient extraction of pump energy in pulsed conditions. • Externally triggering seed laser _after_ pump pulse. • Coupling of seed and pump into crystal fibre. • Operation of crystal fibre as cw amplifier at low power levels, pulsed at low power and up to highest powers. • Investigation of frequency doubling efficiency. EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac G. Blair
NCLinac, task 9.5: Drive Beam Phase Control • CLIC luminosity sensitive to drive beam phase, requires phase stabilization (feedback) to ≈ 20fs. • First step: high resolution φ-measurement! • Main goals: Build, develop and test in CTF3 • low impedance φ-pick-up with band-reject filters, • laser system & electro-optical detector • the phase monitor electronics • Partners: INFN/LNF, CERN, PSI • Estimated total: 0.95 M€, 5.1 FTEy • Task results also relevant for future linac based light sources (e.g. SPARC / FERMI / PSI-XFEL / LCLS) • X-FEL, electro-optical system also for ILC! EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac
NCLinac: Summary • NCLinac complements ongoing research towards a Linear Collider • NCLinac intentionally searches and supports synergy between CLIC and ILC. (Stabilisation, BDS, Diagnostics) • Synergy with future Light Sources (High gradient, Phase jitter) • A challenging work program is ahead of us – let’s get started! EuCARD Kick-Off Meeting :: NCLinac