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Asian Trade Promotion Forum (ATPF) Capacity Building Initiative Program (CBIP) Tokyo, Feb 5 th , 2010. “Design Promotion” for Industrial Competitiveness and Export Promotion -Brief Introduction of the programs-. Hosted by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Asian Trade Promotion Forum (ATPF) Capacity Building Initiative Program (CBIP) Tokyo, Feb 5th, 2010 “Design Promotion” for Industrial Competitiveness and Export Promotion -Brief Introduction of the programs- Hosted by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Working Level Meeting (WLM) Secretariat
The History of “Design Policy” in Japan • Japan’s design policy originally started as “Acts against copying” in industrial designs. • “The Good Design Awards (G-mark)” has been a very important driving power of Japanese design. It has evolved from consumer goods to new arenas such as housing and medical devices. • The trend from mass production to a human-centered approach and sustainable design is happening worldwide. • Japan is working on developing this new value since we are facing environmental and demographic problems. • One approach is to globalize the “G-mark”. We will globalize the award as well as promote “Design to satisfy the demand expected in the near future”. • Another approach is “The Kansei Initiative”. We promote designs that appeal to users, not buyers. We are also promoting this concept both in Japan and overseas.
The Changing Goals of Design Policy in Japan Until the 1990s Growth of the world’s economy The 1990s onward Economic downturn in Japan / Growth of BRICs 2010- A new post-global economic crisis era Global trends European/U.S. market Growing market Asian market Manufacturing industries Service industries Creative industries Mass production / Consumption Long tail / Customization Multi-disciplinary design Design for others Design for model changes Universal design / Ergonomics Safety prevention Product liability / Consumer rights Sustainable design Goals of Japanese design policy • Promotion of original designs • (Prevention of copying) • Promotion of “Kids’ Design” • Kansei Initiative • Promotion of “Social Design” • Promotion of creative industries and its globalization Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
“The Good Design Awards” (organized by JIDPO) • Founded in 1957, Japan’s only comprehensive design evaluation and commendation system. Having built a foundation to nurture Japan’s industry and design and has earned a reputation for being a prestigious trademark for outstanding design and quality. More than 35,000 Award Winners today. Yakult developed in 1968 Canon L-1 1957 Good Design Selection HONDA Super Cub developed in 1958 TOYOTA PRIUS Award Winner of 2009 G-SHOCK developed in 1989 Panasonic LUMIX Award Winner of 2009 Source: Japan Industrial Design promotion Organization (JIDPO) http://www.g-mark.org/english/
“G-mark” in various fields • “G-mark” is selected from various fields. The fields varied from “Industry & Society” to “Human body and Life”. • Every year, around 1,000 items are awarded by more than 70 judges from various fields. • “G-mark” has been helping local products such as traditional craft goods to show their attractiveness • to foreign markets as well as domestic market. Products can be sold at “On-Line Store” of “G-mark”. Wall paper made of Japanese traditional paper Award Winner of 2008 Assembly Type of Japanese room Award Winner of 2008 Source: Japan Industrial Design promotion Organization (JIDPO) http://www.g-mark.org/english/
“G-mark” for Foreign Products to Welcome • “G-mark” is open for foreign products to welcome. • Some companies have been utilizing “G-mark” in entering and promoting their products to Japanese market. • “G-mark” has started collaboration with design evaluation and commendation systems of other countries to help to exchange values and to promote trade among well-designed products. • “Design Awarding System” can be the effective tool for trade promotion. And we, as trade promoting organizations are expected to support its collaboration with other systems. SAMSUNG LED TV Award Winner of 2009 DYSON Cleaner Award Winner of 2009 SAMSUNG PC N310 Award Winner of 2009 Source: Japan Industrial Design promotion Organization (JIDPO) http://www.g-mark.org/english/
An Example of Collaboration • The Collaboration between “Thai Design Excellence Award (DE-mark)” and “G-mark” was supported by Department of Export Promotion (DEP) of Thailand and JETRO (METI). • DE Award winners can skip 1st phase selection of “G-mark”. • One of distinguished Thai products awarded “G-mark” in sustainable design category. • JIDPO have been supporting DE by advising in operating system and by promoting Thai products at its exhibitions. Source: Japan Industrial Design promotion Organization (JIDPO) Nation (Thai Newspaper)
Programs for Study Tour February 5th, 2009
Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization • Objectives • To introduce the history of “Design Promotion” in Japan by JIDPO as a Japan’s only comprehensive design promotion organization founded in 1969 • To introduce “Good Design Award” system • To share understanding the effectiveness of “Design Promotion” for nations’ industrial competitiveness especially in trade promotion, regional revitalization and SME development • Introduction of Speaker (Mr. Yoshiharu SAKAI) • “G-mark” division manager and designer, Good Design Award Office of JIDPO • JETRO Expert for the projects “Collaboration of “Thai Design Excellence Award (DE-mark)” and “G-mark””.
Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization-2 • Agenda • Introduction of JIDPO • Introduction of “Good Design Award” • Collaboration with other Design Awards and designers overseas • Cooperation with regional communities and administration • Introduction of “Tokyo Design Market” Collaboration between “DE-mark” & “G-mark” “G-mark” promotion in Asian countries with the ASEAN-Japan Centre “DE-mark” exhibition in “G-mark” EXPO Source: Japan Industrial Design promotion Organization (JIDPO) http://www.g-mark.org/english/
Lecture by Designer (Mr. KUZE) • Objectives • To share understanding of the “Meaning of Design” • To know the importance of “Design strategy” for competency of an enterprise. • -with the case of ANA (All Nippon Airways, known as successful airline and frequent winner of “G-mark” in Japan) • Introduction of Speaker (Mr. Jin KUZE) • Design director of HIRANO & Associates Inc., principally in charge of product design, however, not limited to product design, also has a hand in business strategy consulting • He is now in charge of Brand & Design strategy for ANA. • HIRANO & Associates Inc. is one of the well-known design firms in Japan, has been advising “G-mark”. Source: HIRANO & Associates Inc. http://www.hd-group.co.jp/index_e.html
Lecture by Designer (Mr. KUZE)-2 • Agenda • “Design”, the important managing tool for enterprises • From “Product Design” to “Bland Design”-case of ANA- ANA multi-purpose printer “G-mark” Winner 2006 ANA New seat with “High-Tech” & “Good Design” “G-mark” Winner 2005 ANA SKYKIOSK “G-mark” Winner 2007 ANA Lounge “G-mark” Winner 2006 Source: ANA (All Nippon Airways) http://www.ana.co.jp/
Nirvana New York (Lunch) • Introduction • Nirvana New York was the legendary NY Indian restaurant, but was closed in 1970. • By the collaboration of Indian distinguished receipe and one Japanese company (M・R・S), Nirvana has started new legend in Tokyo with the new design concept suits to Japanese market. • M・R・Shas succeeded in collaboration with “COCA Restaurant” of Thailand and “Singapore Seafood Republic” of Singapore as well. • JETRO is also promoting “Service Trade” especially with this kind of service industries in ASEAN countries. Here served Vegi-Foods as well Source: Restaurant WONDERLAND http://www.restaurant-mrs.com/english/index.html
Panasonic Center Tokyo • Objectives • To experience the products with pioneering design especially in “Design with High-Tech”, “Eco Design” and “Universal Design”. • To find “Value Adding Process” by design • Introduction • Panasonic is one of the successful companies even under the poor economy today, enjoys the considerable sales of its products all over the world. • Its Center is a Corporate Global Communication Hub with markets. • Panasonic is also a frequent winner of “G-mark”. Hearing Aid (Acoustic instrument) “G-mark” Winner 2009 Source: Panasonic Center Tokyo http://panasonic.net/center/tokyo/index.html
Panasonic Center Tokyo-2 • Floor Guide Ubiquitous Digital Network Idea Ecology Idea Universal Design Idea Eco idea HOUSE RiSuPia Panasonic Digital Network Museum Nintendo Game Front Source: Panasonic Center Tokyo http://panasonic.net/center/tokyo/index.html
RIN • Objectives • To understand the effectiveness of design promotion • for regional revitalization and SME development • To find products by both superior craftsmanship in region and exquisite design, holding good response from overseas. • To experience the example way of promoting • goods from region made by SME • Introduction • Rin is a style-gallery and test marketing shop full of select Japanese local and traditional goods. The organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (SMRJ)operates Rin, as a policy for regional promotion. • Rin has been supporting the matching between craftmanships in region and talented designers. • Rin is actually selling the products at gallery and its onlineshop. Source: RIN http://rin.smrj.go.jp/english/index.html
RIN-2 • Example of product Some of the goods are “G-mark” Winners Source: RIN http://rin.smrj.go.jp/english/index.html
MUJI • Objectives • To understand the “Design Award” can be • an effective tool for sales promotion. • To find an example of way of utilizing • “G-mark” by successful company • holding stores in more than 20 countries. • Introduction • MUJI goods have been awarded “G-mark” • for many times by seeking innovation of • simple, life-style oriented design. • One of its corporate philosophy is “Inquiry • into good product value”. MUJI expresses • this philosophy into its products by design. • Today, MUJI is welcomed by foreign • market sympathizing this philosophy. “G-mark Winners” category in MUJI Onlineshop MUJI New York Source: RyohinKeikakuCo.,Ltd (MUJI) http://ryohin-keikaku.jp/eng/
Points for Discussion • On the way back to hotel, in bus, let us some talk & discussion • by the points as below… • How the “Design Promotion” means in your country ? • How is the “Design Promotion Organization” of your country ? • Is your organization co-working with it ? • How we can utilize systems for trade promotion ? • How we can utilize systems for regional and/or SME development ? • The possibility of collaboration among ATPF members
Thank you very muchfor your kind attention ! Please contact: Kaoru SHIRAISHI (Director, Asian Cooperation Division, JETRO Tokyo), TEB@jetro.go.jp Takashi OKU (Deputy Director, Asian Cooperation Division, JETRO Tokyo), TEB@jetro.go.jp Mariko YAMAZAKI (Asian Cooperation Division, JETRO Tokyo), TEB@jetro.go.jp Tetsuo SHIBATA (JETRO Bangkok (Feb 22th~)), Tetsuo_Shibata@jetro.go.jp