Project Proposal Talk Problem Description -Create a student evaluation system (E-assessment) that accurately identifies problem areas and tests how well a student grasps a certain subject. Because the system will enable teachers to recognize the specific areas that students don’t understand after a lesson, teachers will be able to better meet the needs of the students. The difficulty in creating such a system lies in being able to identify the specific subcategories or concepts from just a few test questions.
Approach Previous approaches: http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv2p1pd2/imsqti_infov2p1pd2.html http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv2p1pd2/imsqti_implv2p1pd2.html#section10007 http://dkc.jhu.edu/~jrm/oki/javadoc/overview-summary.html#overview_description My approach:
Methodology, Milestones & Deliverables Steps: (write in deadlines) • Map out topic • Amass data base (item bank) • Create algorithm (assessment engine) to traverse map, which would figure out which question to ask next, how to evaluate answers • Testing Things that might prove to be hard: • Figuring out the best way to test students, testing what they truly know • How to test students without asking too many questions • Testing the actual program Fall back plan: