CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS Chemical Abstracts is the premier abstracting service for the field of chemistry and related areas. This is a huge database with over 700,000 documents added each year. CA abstracts are summaries of scientific discoveries reported in the published literature. They are intended to help you decide whether the original document is of interest. If it is, you can use the bibliographic heading material as the route to retrieve the document. Chemical Abstracts covers around 8,000 journals.
CAS CHEMISTS CREATE ABSTRACTS FROM: * journal articles (74%) * chemical and chemical engineering patents (16%) * conference proceedings (5%) * technical reports * dissertations * books
EACH ABSTRACT CONTAINS: • complete bibliographic references • patent references (details of what was patented by whom and the country in which the patent was issued) • commonly used chemical substance names or molecular formulas • chemical structure images (when available)
Many researchers unfamiliar with the content of the CAS databases assume that CA is strictly "chemistry," and are astonished by the diversity of its coverage. Agricultural Sciences Biology and Life Sciences Engineering Sciences Food Sciences General Chemistry Geological Sciences Material Sciences Medical Sciences Physics Polymer Science
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES More than 574,000 documents in the CAS database focus on agricultural sciences. Animal nutrition Immunochemistry Agrochemical bioregulators Pesticides Plant growth regulators Essential oils and cosmetics Pharmaceuticals Fertilizers, soils, plant nutrition
BIOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCES More than 21% of the document references in the CAS database focus on biology and the life sciences. Agriculture Molecular biology Food engineering & Biotechnology Microbes, algae, and fungi Fermentation Bioindustrial methods Animal science Plant science
ENGINEERING SCIENCES Approximately 35% of the CAS database focuses on information of interest to engineers. Geological chemistry Propellants and explosives Coatings and inks Plastics manufacturing Nuclear technology Textiles and fibers Apparatus and plant equipment Waste treatment and disposal
FOOD SCIENCES Nearly 700,000 document references in the CAS database focus on food sciences. Plant biochemistry Food and feed chemistry General physical chemistry Microbes, algae and fungi Nonmammalian biochemistry Neutraceuticals Animal nutrition
GENERAL CHEMICAL INFORMATION All documents cited in the CAS database cover some aspect of chemistry. Biomolecules and synthetic analogs General organic chemistry Benzene and its derivatives Organometallic compounds Biochemical methods Aliphatic compounds Heterocyclic compounds Electrochemistry
GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Nearly 760,000 documents in the CAS databases focus on geological sciences. Geological chemistry and materials Air pollution Natural gas exploration, reservoirs Fossil fuels, related products Mineralogical chemistry Industrial hygiene Nuclear technology Water, groundwater
MATERIALS SCIENCES Approximately 10% of document references in the CAS databases focus on material sciences. Nuclear technology Ceramics Extractive metallurgy Plastics fabrication and uses Ferrous metals and alloys Nonferrous metals and alloys Cement, concrete, and related building materials Physical properties of synthetic high polymers
MEDICAL SCIENCES Approximately 18% of all documents in the CAS databases focus on the medical sciences. Pharmaceutical Sciences Physiological chemistry Toxicology Pathological biochemistry Veterinary medicine Nutrition Immunochemistry Radiation biochemistry
MEDLINE • SciFinder Scholar also includes the MEDLINEdatabase. • The MEDLINE database contains more than 12 million references to journal articles in the life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine. • MEDLINE indexes more than 4300 journals.
PHYSICS Approximately 23% of the CAS databases focus on physics. Surface chemistry and colloids Electric phenomena Mass spectroscopy Crystallography and liquid crystals Thermodynamics Thermal properties Nuclear phenomena Magnetic phenomena
POLYMER SCIENCE Approximately 15% of the document references in the CAS databases focus on polymer science and technology. Pharmaceuticals Leathers, fats, and waxes Fossil fuels and derivatives Plastics manufacture and processing Surface chemistry and colloids Synthetic elastomers and natural rubber Chemistry of synthetic high polymers
FORMAT AND COVERAGE Print: Chemical Abstracts 1907- to date Electronic: SciFinder Scholar 1907- to date
SCIFINDER SCHOLAR • SciFinder Scholar is a desktop research tool designed especially for use by students and faculty to easily access the information in the Chemical Abstracts databases. • Search by author name, research topic, substance identifier, chemical structure, or chemical reaction. (Sub-Structure searching ability is not available at U.C.)
SCIFINDER SCHOLAR • You can search the entire CA file electronically with SciFinder from 1907 to the present. • There are 15 computers in the Chemistry/Biology Library with the SciFinder software loaded on it. It is available during normal Library hours. • The system is very easy to use and requires no training.
LICENSE AGREEMENT • We currently have a “three seat” license. That means only three people at UC can use the database at the same time. If all sessions are in use you will get the following message. • “SciFinder Scholar is unable to establish a session because all concurrent sessions on your campus are in use. Please try again later.”
SciFinder: Author Search ICONS HITS
Abstract/Full Text Icon Abstract Full Text
FULL TEXT ICON SciFinder Scholar provides full text capability via the ChemPortSM Connection. If full-text is available for a selected patent or journal article, a Computer icon will be present. Not every citation links to full text.
SciFinder: Research Topic By default, Explore by Research Topic searches for terms in the title, abstract, and index fields in both MEDLINE and Chemical Abstracts. SciFinder Scholar applies truncation automatically. SciFinder retrieved hits for ‘inhibitor’ as well as ‘inhibition’, ‘inhibiting’, ‘inhibit’, ‘inhibitors’, etc.
SciFinder: Research Topic Scifinder Scholar also searches synonyms because within SciFinder there is a very extensive synonym dictionary. In this example, SciFinder also searched ‘human immunodeficiency virus’ and ‘HIV.’
REFERENCES CITED IN DOCUMENTCitations have been added to the database since 1999.