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Pasta is known to be the most versatile food item in the world. Not only is it a meal in itself, but it is also often used as an ingredient in several other preparations. And with this variety in use, pasta also varies in its composition a lot as well. While there are kinds of pasta that are made with Semolina, durum flour, etc., a number of pasta suppliers in India have begun to produce pasta with whole-grain or with whole wheat. But how is that different from regular pasta? And how beneficial is it? This article discusses all you need to know about whole wheat pasta.<br>Know More: https://is.gd/yLDeO4
What Are The Benefits Of Whole Wheat Pasta? Pasta is known to be the most versatile food item in the world. Not only is it a meal in itself, but it is also often used as an ingredient in several other preparations. And with this variety in use, pasta also varies in its composition a lot as well. While there are kinds of pasta that are made with Semolina, durum flour, etc., a number of pasta suppliers in India have begun to produce pasta with whole-grain or with whole wheat. But how is that different from regular pasta? And how beneficial is it? This article discusses all you need to know about whole wheat pasta. What is Whole Wheat Pasta? Regular pasta is made with what is known as refined flour, which is just the starchy innermost part of wheat grain, called the endosperm. In whole grain or whole wheat pasta, the flour used is obtained from the entire grain, instead of just the endosperm. This means that while the flour was processed from the grain, it made use of everything; the kernel, the germ, the bran, and the endosperm. However, before you decide that you need to buy whole wheat pasta online India, make sure that you make a run through the ingredients in the pasta. Every grain used should be preceded by the word ‘whole' in it. Why? Let’s take a look.
What are the Benefits of Whole Wheat Pasta? Whole wheat flour is a rich source of several necessary nutrients and dietary fibres. These together have a number of benefits like establishing the regularity of body systems, maintaining cholesterol levels, and aiding in prevention of cancer. Apart from these, there are several benefits that come with the consumption of whole wheat pasta, which can be categorized as follows. ●Energy Boost: The average calorie need for a human body to function properly is between 2000 to 2500 calories per day. Studies have pointed out that about 45 to 65% of this need must be consumed in the form of complex carbohydrates that come from whole wheat, vegetables, and legumes. A cup of whole-wheat pasta has more than 35 grams of complex carbohydrates, which are the primary source of energy for your muscles, your red blood cells, and your nervous system. Needless to say, the best way to boost your energy on a slow day is definitely a bowl of smacking pasta made from whole wheat. ●Vitamin B and Minerals: Whole wheat pasta, or just about any whole grain pasta is a rich source of B Vitamins and minerals like copper, selenium, magnesium, and manganese. While the B vitamins maintain a healthy nervous system and body metabolism, copper is important in forming connective tissue, and blood cells, thus, maintaining the functions of the nervous system, immune system, and cardiovascular system. Selenium is important for the thyroid gland and immune system, magnesium
maintains blood pressure and bone strength, and manganese helps in bone formation and metabolizing carbs and proteins. While the refined flour does carry B vitamins, it comes up empty in the case of other minerals. ●Dietary Fibre:Dietary Fiber helps in the process of digestion of food, helps in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, regulates bowel movements, and is one of the most important nutrients in weight management. Whole wheat pasta is rich in dietary fibre, making it great for your digestive system, and can form a part of your weight loss diet shall you wish to include it. Apart from this, research has also shown that the nutrients and minerals in whole wheat pasta like copper, selenium, magnesium and manganese can actually help in reducing the risk of diseases and cancers that are caused by the deficiency of these nutrients in the first place. So whole wheat pasta not only makes for a great meal, but it also makes for a great way of living your life as well.