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Servo i ventilator

Servo i ventilator. Charles Gomersall Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care The Chinese University of Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hospital. Version 1.1. Disclaimer.

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Servo i ventilator

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Servoi ventilator Charles Gomersall Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive CareThe Chinese University of Hong KongPrince of Wales Hospital Version 1.1

  2. Disclaimer Although considerable effort has been taken to ensure that the material in this tutorial accurately reflects the information provided by Maquet AB in its publications the author takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this tutorial nor for any adverse event that occurs as a result of using this tutorial. Users are advised to consult the manual that accompanies their ventilator. Please note that this tutorial has not been endorsed by Maquet AB.

  3. Navigation What’s different from a 300A?

  4. User interface – a quick tour What’s different from a 300A? Setting the mode Modes Changing parameters Alarms Starting up Advanced Click on “Maquet” to end the tutorial at any stage

  5. A quick tour

  6. Alarmprofile Save Trends i Quickstart Menu Mainscreen Additionalsettings Additionalvalues ! Startbreath O2breaths Exp.hold Insp.hold Menu touch pad

  7. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Using the menu touch pad Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  8. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  9. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  10. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  11. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  12. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 550 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  13. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 550 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  14. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 550 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  15. Text and alarm messages appear here

  16. Alarmpofile Fixed keys Additionalsettings Additionalvalues Startbreath O2breaths Exp.hold Insp.hold

  17. Silence/pre-silence alarms Alarmpofile • Silences or pre-silences alarms for 2 minutes Additionalsettings Startbreath O2breaths Exp.hold Insp.hold

  18. Silence/pre-silence alarms Alarmpofile 1:58 • Silences or pre-silences alarms for 2 minutes • After silencing an alarm the Alarm silence symbol is shown with the remaining time Startbreath O2breaths Exp.hold Insp.hold

  19. Silence/pre-silence alarms 0:55 • When alarms are pre-silenced a pre-silence symbol is shown as well as the remaining mute time

  20. Alarm profile • Press this button to: • Display upper and lower alarm limits • Adjust preset limits • Adjust the alarm sound level

  21. Alarm profile Lower Upper Alarm sound level Pressure cm H2O 40 100% Minute Ventilation l/min 5.0 40.0 Respiratory Rate b/min 5 30 End Exp. Pressure cmH2O 3 Autoset Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  22. Save • Saves: • Current curve values • Current parameter values • Setting values • 10 secs before and 10 secs after pressing key

  23. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Recording T 50 cmH2O 70 l/min -70 700 ml Additionalsettings Additionalvalues Startbreath O2breaths Exp.hold Insp.hold

  24. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  25. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Menu Alarm Review Options Compliancecomp. Copy data Biomed Panel lock Changepatient category Close Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  26. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Menu Alarm Trends Review Recordedwaveforms Options Compliancecomp. Copy data Biomed Panel lock Changepatient category Close Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  27. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Recorded waveforms 12/25/02 14:32:10 50 cmH2O 40 cmH2O 70 l/min 0 l/min -70 700 ml 475 ml 0.0 s Settings Cursor Close Additionalvalues

  28. Trends graphs 14:32 Recording saved l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  29. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Recorded waveforms 12/25/02 14:32:10 50 cmH2O 40 cmH2O 70 l/min 0 l/min -70 700 ml 475 ml 0.0 s Settings Cursor Close Additionalvalues

  30. Trends graphs 14:42 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  31. Trends graphs 14:42 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  32. Trends graphs 14:42 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  33. Trends graphs 14:32 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  34. Trends graphs 14:38 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  35. Trends graphs 14:32 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  36. Trends graphs 14:38 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  37. Trends graphs 14:38 l/min 2  Vee 0 0 l/min 20 10.5 10.0 MVi MVe 0 ml 800 VTi VTe 300 296  0 15:00 14:00 Cursor Hours 1 Close

  38. i • This function is not currently available

  39. SIEMENS Alarmprofile Save Trends i Quickstart Menu Mainscreen Additionalsettings Additionalvalues ! Startbreath O2breaths Exp.hold Insp.hold Main rotary dial

  40. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Using the main rotary dial . Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  41. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status . Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  42. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status . Additionalsettings Additionalvalues

  43. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  44. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  45. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  46. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 500 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 . Additionalvalues Cancel Accept

  47. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 550 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 Additionalvalues Cancel Accept .

  48. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 550 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 Additionalvalues Cancel Accept .

  49. ModeVolume Control Automode Admitpatient Nebulizer Status Set ventilation mode Volume control  Automode Ti =1.33 s (33%) Basic I:E Trigger . Tidal volume 550 I:E1:2.0 Trigger sensitivityV Resp. Rate15 T. pause10 PEEP5 T. Insp. rise5 O2 conc.40 Additionalvalues Cancel Accept .

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