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Test your knowledge of parliamentary procedure with this interactive Jeopardy game featuring questions and answers on meeting etiquette.
4-H Jeopardy – Parliamentary Procedure Click here for directions Ruth Ann Vokac, University of Illinois Extension
Green 10 This is the first thing a president says when he/she begins a meeting. Correct Question Slide 32
Green 20 This is the person who takes notes during a meeting and then reports a summary of the meeting to the membership. Correct Question Slide 33
Green 30 During this time in the agenda, members continue to discuss topics they have discussed in previous meetings. Correct Question Slide 34
Green 40 This is the term for the number who must vote for a main motion for it to pass. Correct Question Slide 35
Green 50 This is the name of a written list of the order of business to be conducted at a meeting Correct Question Slide 36
Green 60 These are the three general ways a main motion may be amended. Correct Question Slide 37
Yellow 10 This is the item on the agenda during which the secretary calls the names of all the members to determine if each is present. Correct Question Slide 38
Yellow 20 These are the first two words that one would use to start a motion. Correct Question Slide 39
Yellow 30 This is the person who takes over in the president’s absence. Correct Question Slide 40
Yellow 40 These are two sentences a president would say immediately after a member has seconded a motion to conduct a food drive at Webber’s grocery store next Saturday at noon. Correct Question Slide 41
Yellow 50 This is the type of motion a member might make if he/she thought the vote shouldn’t be taken on a motion until the next meeting. Correct Question Slide 42
Yellow 60 This is what a member says if he/she wishes to stop debate and vote immediately on a motion. Correct Question Slide 43
Blue 10 These are the words one would say immediately after another member has made a motion. Correct Question Slide 44
Blue 20 This is the item on the agenda during which it is time in the meeting to discuss items never brought before this club previously. Correct Question Slide 45
Blue 30 This action introduces business for the group to act on. Correct Question Slide 46
Blue 40 This is what other members do to the treasurer’s books at the end of the year. Correct Question Slide 47
Blue 50 This is the number of votes necessary to postpone a motion if there are 31 members voting at a meeting. Correct Question Slide 48
Blue 60 These are the people who must sign checks written on a 4-H checking account. Correct Question Slide 49
Red 10 This is the person who keeps the financial records for the club. Correct Question Slide 50
Red 20 This is the number of yes votes needed to pass a main motion if 17 members are voting. Correct Question Slide 51
Red 30 This is the sentence a member would say if he/she wanted to end the business portion of the meeting. Correct Question Slide 52
Red 40 This is what a president might say if a member makes a main motion when another main motion has already been made and is still under discussion. Correct Question Slide 53
Red 50 These are five ways the president may use for voting. Correct Question Slide 54
Red 60 This is the number of members of the 18 present who would need to vote to stop discussion on a main motion for the motion “to call the question” to be successful. Correct Question Slide 55
Purple 10 This is the person in the club who is responsible for sending information about club activities to the local media. Correct Question Slide 56
Purple 20 This is a sentence that one would speak if he/she wished to nominate Sue Black for president. Correct Question Slide 57
Purple 30 This is the sentence the president would say if he/she wanted members to begin the nomination process to elect a new president. Correct Question Slide 58
Purple 40 This is what a member should say to get the floor if he/she wants to make a motion. Correct Question Slide 59
Purple 50 This is what a member has if he/she is recognized by the president (given permission to speak). Correct Question Slide 60
Purple 60 This is what a member would say if he/she wished to change a main motion that stipulates the club tour start at noon if he/she wanted the tour to start at 1:00 p.m. Correct Question Slide 61
Green 10 Question What is “I call this meeting (of the Pioneer 4-H Club) to order”? Slide 2
Green 20 Question Who is the secretary? Slide 3
Green 30 Question What is the unfinished business? Slide 4
Green 40 Question What is “majority”? Or. . . What is one more than one-half? Slide 5
Green 50 Question What is an agenda? Slide 6
Green 60 Question What are Inserting a word or phrase Adding a word or phrase Substituting a word or phrase ? Slide 7
Yellow 10 Question What is roll call? Slide 8
Yellow 20 Question What are “I move”? Slide 9
Yellow 30 Question Who is the Vice President? Slide 10
Yellow 40 Question What are “It has moved and seconded to conduct a food drive next Saturday at Webber’s grocery store at noon. Is there any discussion”? Slide 11
Yellow 50 Question What is a motion to postpone? Slide 12
Yellow 60 Question What is “I move (call) the previous question”? Slide 13
Blue 10 Question What are “I second the motion”? Or What is “Second”? Slide 14
Blue 20 Question What is new business? Slide 15
Blue 30 Question What is making a motion? Slide 16
Blue 40 Question What is “audit”? Slide 17
Blue 50 Question What is 16? Slide 18
Blue 60 Question Who are the treasurer and one elected or designated adult? Slide 19
Red 10 Question What is the treasurer? Slide 20