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California Community College Chancellor’s Office 2013-14 CCCSE/ Osher , Return to Title IV (R2T4), SSARCC BFAP-SFAA Annual Report Final Expenditures (FORM 3). Presenters: Tim Bonnel , Terence Gardner. Today’s Agenda. Introductions CCCSE/ Osher (Terence Gardner)
California Community College Chancellor’s Office 2013-14 CCCSE/Osher, Return to Title IV (R2T4), SSARCC BFAP-SFAA Annual Report Final Expenditures (FORM 3) Presenters: Tim Bonnel , Terence Gardner
Today’s Agenda • Introductions • CCCSE/Osher (Terence Gardner) • R2T4 reimbursement reporting (Terence Gardner) • BFAP-SFAA funding formulas and allowable uses (Tim Bonnel • BFAP-SFAA allocations and reporting • Brief background on SSARCC • 2012-13 BFAP-SFAA Form 3 Final Expenditures • Entering data by object code • “Validate” Final Expenditures • Address any “error” messages • Address other messages • “Submit to Chancellor’s Office” • Print final expenditures for signatures • Mail SSARCC_FA signature pages to Chancellor’s Office
CCCSE/Osher Reporting California CommunityCollege Scholarship Endowment
Annual CCCSE/Osher Report • The 2013-14 CCCSE Scholarship Reporting Worksheet is an Excel workbook that contains four tabs. • Cash Flow & Selection Process (blue tab) • Scholarship Recipients (green tab) • 2013-14 Scholarship Award (yellow tab) • Acknowledgement Form (red tab)
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportCash Flow & Selection Process (blue tab) Cash Flow for Academic Year 2013-14 • Cash on Hand Section • This section refers to the cash-on-hand carryover balance from academic year 2012-13; as of July 1, 2013, and as reported in the 2012-13 CCCSE Scholarship Report. • Please refer to the 2013-14 Scholarship Award spreadsheet (yellow tab) for the previously reported cash-on-hand amount for your college. • If the amount listed on the 2013-14 Scholarship Award spreadsheet does not match your records please contact the FCCC.
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportCash Flow & Selection Process (blue tab) Cash Flow for Academic Year 2013-14 • 2013-14 Distribution from CCCSE Section • This section refers to the amount your college received in scholarship funds in academic year 2013-14, from both the Initial Gift and the Matching Fund (i.e. College & FCCC Scholarships). • Please refer to the 2013-14 Scholarship Award spreadsheet (yellow tab) for the 2013-14 scholarship distributions from the CCCSE. • If the amounts listed on the 2013-14 Scholarship Award spreadsheet does not match your records please contact the FCCC.
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportCash Flow & Selection Process (blue tab) Cash Flow for Academic Year 2013-14 • Value of Scholarships Distributed to Students Section • This section refers to the total amount of scholarship funds your college distributed to students in academic year 2013-14
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportCash Flow & Selection Process (blue tab) Cash Flow for Academic Year 2013-14 • Cash on Hand (as of June 30, 2014) Section • This section refers to the amount of scholarship funds remaining from academic year 2013-14, as of June 30, 2014. • Cash-on-hand amounts require an explanation.
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportCash Flow & Selection Process (blue tab) Application & Selection Process • This section refers to the Osher scholarship application and selection process at your campus, including the application deadline, the approximate number of applications reviewed, changes made to the process, and donor recognition efforts.
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportScholarship Recipients (green tab) • This section refers to the detail regarding individual scholarship recipients, including: • Student ID number • New scholarship or renewal • CCC BOG Fee Waiver recipient(required) • Confirmation that the recipient completed a minimum of 24 degree applicable units prior to the initial disbursement • Amount and date received for each semester • Number of units enrolled in each semester
Annual CCCSE/Osher Report • Informal double-checks section • The error messages in this section indicate that the information reported in the ‘Cash Flow’ (blue tab) and ‘Scholarship Recipients’ (green tab) sections do not reconcile. • Should these messages appear after completing both sections of the report, please revise the information reported or contact the FCCC for assistance.
Annual CCCSE/Osher Report • Tips regarding the Informal double-checks section • A should equal B (scholarship funds distribution data) • The total amount distributed to students in scholarships, as reported in the Cash Flow spreadsheet (blue tab) should equal the total amount of scholarships distributed to students, as reported in the Scholarship Recipients spreadsheet(green tab). • C should equal D (cash-on-hand data) • The total funds available for scholarships minus the value of scholarships distributed, as reported in the Cash Flow spreadsheet (blue tab) should equal the total amount of cash on hand from 2013-14, as reported in the Cash Flow spreadsheet (blue tab).
Annual CCCSE/Osher ReportAcknowledgement Form (red tab) • Please scan the completed signed Acknowledgement Form, and return via email along with electronic copies of the completed report workbook to the FCCC at endowment@foundationccc.org. • Any questions should be directed to the above email address, or 866-325-3222 ext. 144 • Additional resources and information can be found at the following link: http://www.foundationccc.org/WhatWeDo/ScholarshipEndowment/ResourcesforColleges/tabid/579/Default.aspx
DUE DATE COB Friday, October 31, 2014
R2T4 RESOURCES • R2T4 Reimbursement memo • R2T4 Reimbursement Report spreadsheet • Budget Act Language: Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), Apportionments: “Up to $500,000 is to reimburse colleges for the costs of federal aid repayments related to assessed fees for fee waiver recipients. This reimbursement only applies to students who completely withdraw from college before the census date pursuant to Section 58508 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.” • Not a mandatory reporting process (college option)
R2T4 Reimbursement Claim Process • The reimbursement system works as follows: • All R2T4 payments to the federal programs that have been made or will be made on behalf of the college for the 2013-14 award-year should be recorded on the spreadsheet provided. • Submit the spreadsheet electronically to the Chancellor’s Office as an attachment to the email on or before Friday, October 10, 2014. • Colleges may receive up to 98% (or a prorated portion based upon claim volume) of the total amount returned to the Federal Title IV programs for students who: 1. Withdrew prior to census; and 2. Were eligible for a BOG Fee Waiver • Institutional reimbursements will be identified as a “Return to Title IV” line item in the March - 2015 Recalculation (R-1) for adjustments to prior year apportionments and categorical funding recalculations.
Tips and Quality Control • Must provide a student ID (non SSN) for each claim submitted. • Will not be able to accept any files submitted with Social Security Numbers. • Only include payments made to federal SFA program accounts to meet college obligations for returning the portion of assessed fees as required by the federal Return to Title IV policy. • No student refund obligations should be included on this report at any time, even if the college collects and returns the money to the Title IV programs on behalf of the student. • The instructions for the spreadsheet are included in comment fields built into the sample spreadsheet itself. Do not alter spreadsheet. • Place mouse pointer over any of the column headings, narrative instructions will appear to clarify acceptable values or entries for each column. • Please be sure to enter your college’s three digit MIS code and college name at the top in the cells indicated. Codes may be found on the Chancellor’s Office website at the following URL: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/TRIS/MIS/Left_Nav/DED/Appendices/District_&_College_Codes.pdf
Due Date: COB Friday October 10, 2014
BFAP SFAA - Resources • As information is developed it will be available on the SFA Programs sub-page of the system office website at the following URL: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/FinancialAid.aspx
Capacity Funding: • $34.2 Million started in 2003-04 for Increased FA Staffing and Enhanced FA Service & Capacity: • Increase awareness and participation in student financial aid programs through direct contact with students, potential students and their families. • Increase low-income and disadvantaged student participation in postsecondary education through access to financial aid information, application assistance and funding. • Assist students, prospective students and their families to overcome financial barriers in accessing postsecondary education.
Capacity Funding (cont’d): • Budget Act’s “Supplement, not Supplant,” Requirements • 2013-14 Budget Act amended to: • “… supplement, and shall not supplant, the level of funds allocated for the administration of student financial aid programs during the 2001–02 fiscal year or 2006–07, whichever is greater.” • Based on BFAP Form 3 Annual Report submitted by colleges in the Fall of 2002 and 2007.
Existing Allowable Uses:BOGFW Manual Section 7.1.2 • Funds may be expended solely for financial aid professional, technical, clerical and/or temporary staff (including student help) who report directly to the financial aid director. • Funds may be used for expenses associated with staff training. • Funds may be used for the development and production of financial aid outreach events and materials. • Funds may be used for computer hardware or software necessary for and solely dedicated to the delivery of student financial aid.
Restrictions on Allowable Uses:BOGFW Manual Section 7.1.2 • Funds cannot be used for district operations nor may they be divided among colleges within a district in a manner that differs from the annual allocation to each campus. • No exceptions to these guidelines are allowed without the written approval of the Chancellor’s Office Student Financial Assistance Programs Coordinator. • Funds may not be used for salaries for personnel at the level of financial aid manager or above. • Funds may not be used for capital outlay or office supplies. The funds may not cover expenditures made or liabilities incurred prior to July 1 of the applicable fiscal year. • Funds must supplement, not supplant, on-going college expenditures for the administration of student aid.
Allowable Uses (cont’d): • Budget Act provides definitive guidance on “allowable use,” to include: • Costs associated with providing additional SFA staff to provide “direct contact” with students in an effort to increase both FA participation and student FA program access for low-income and disadvantaged students. • Screening current students for possible financial aid eligibility; • Offering students personal assistance in completing financial aid applications and forms; • Providing information & assistance in completing FA applications in multiple languages; • Increasing financial aid staff to process additional applications and forms.
Exception Form • Fillable PDF form • Request exception to “allowable use” • Request exception to “Maintenance of Effort” (MOE) Guidelines and clarification • Exception form at: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/FinancialAid/SFAPAllocationsReporting.aspx
Exception Requests • Find Annual Exception form (fillable PDF) at: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/FinancialAid/SFAPAllocationsReporting.aspx • Use for exceptions to the BFAP-SFAA Allowable Use Guidelines • Use for Exceptions to the BFAP-SFAA MOE Guidelines and Clarification • Exceptions require a specified amount and may include a specific duration. • Exceptions require advanced approval. No retroactive approvals. • Exceptions require annual submission/review and approval . • Failure to secure advanced approval may result in recovery of disallowed categorical expenditures, resubmission of reports, and potential penalties for underutilization or failure to meet MOE. • Separate request for each exception
Communications & Funding Cycles • Preliminary allocation from Governor’s May Revise available early to mid-June • Official Initial Allocations after budget signing (July?) • P-1 Adjustments in Winter (Jan) • P-2 Adjustments in Spring (May) • R-1 Adjustments in subsequent year Winter (Jan)
Allocation Formulas • BFAP SFAA Base ($0.91) • Minimum $12,500 • Guarantee Prior Year 90% • Remaining allocation for colleges eligible for 90% based on fair-share calculation of the colleges BOGFW as a percent of the system total. • Underutilization penalties may apply • BFAP SFAA Capacity • Minimum $50,000 • No other Minimum Guarantee (i.e. % of Prior year) • Remaining allocation for colleges based upon: • 50% allocated on fair-share calculation of the college’s MIS data submissions BOGFW as a percent of the system total 50% allocated on fair-share calculation of the college’s FTES (A-320 report) as a percent of the system total • Underutilization penalties may apply • BFAP 2% • Entire allocation for colleges based upon allocated on fair-share calculation of the college’s MIS data submission for BOGFW award dollars as a percent of the system total • MOE Penalties may apply
Allocation Penalties: • Underutilization if not returned/de-obligated: • $ for $ equal to unutilized funds in excess of one percent (1%) of the total BFAP SFAA allocation • Failure to meet FA MOE Spending Requirements: • $ for $ assessment for the maintenance shortfall against 2% allocation
Reporting • Adhoc reporting as required/requested • BFAP Form 2 due March/April of current year to: • release funds, or • confirm spending, or • confirm spending and request funds • BFAP Form 3 (SSARC_FA) due in October of subsequent fiscal year to: • close out fiscal year • report full fiscal year actual expenditures • report MOE compliance/non-compliance • additional data as requested/required
Form 2 • Carefully review spending to determine if all funds will be utilized. • Only opportunity to release any funds that will be unspent WITHOUT the college incurring a penalty. • Future allocation of a college returning funds WILL NOT BE IMPACTEDbecause a portion of the funds were returned. • Request release of outreach event holdback for Spring Financial Aid Awareness activities. • Request for additional BFAP allocation (contingent on availability of released funds). • Must complete the appropriate box(es) on form 2, page 3 and write a brief explanation as to how the funds will be spent if awarded. • Signatures from FA Director and CBO (college or district)
System Office Support & Intervention Contact us if: • Having difficulty securing approval of budget for allowable use • Potentially at risk of not meeting MOE due to spending/budget restrictions • BFAP-SFAA Funding is redirected outside of FA operations or allowable use purpose • Need consultation or response on strategy or exceptions • Contacted by media or legislature regarding your FA program participation or spending.
SSARCC Student Services Automated Reporting for Community College
What Is SSARCC? • SSARCC = Student Services Automated Reporting for Community Colleges • Developed or being developed for most student service categorically funded programs • A web-based computer application used to report key fiscal data points to the Chancellor’s Office (final expenditures for BFAP-SFAA)
Purpose • Standardize college reporting for FA Program expenditures. • Allow for more efficient review time by college and by Chancellor’s Office • Allow Chancellor’s Office to have electronic access to statewide budget data • Extracted SSARCC data can be used locally and at the State level • Creates audit trail for categorical compliance
SSARCC_FA Timeline • Available now: SSARCC_FA reports prepopulated with prior year staffing for less data entry • August 13, 21, 26, 2014: CCC Confer trainings on SSARCC_FA final expenditure screens • Available now: Colleges may use SSARCC_FAto submit 2013-14 final expenditures (with hard-copy signature pages scanned or mailed) • Friday, October 17, 2014: Deadline for Colleges to submit 2013-14 SSARCC_FA final expenditures.
SSARCC_FA • Collects information on your college’s expenditure related to the administration of Student Financial Aid Programs and includes: • District/College Maintenance of Effort (MOE) expenditures • General Fund and Other Sources • BFAP-SFAA base allocation expenditures • BFAP-SFAA Capacity funding allocation expenditures • Enclosure 1 – 2013-14 Annual Board Financial Assistance Program Student Financial Aid Administration (BFAP-SFAA) Expenditure Report (Form #3 in SSARCC portal) • Enclosure 2 Memo and Attachments (PDF format) including: • 2013-14 BFAP-SFAA Allocation as of P-2 • District/college MOE requirements for 2013-14 • Board of Governors Expenditure Guidelines for BFAP-SFAA Allocations • 2013-14 Budget Act Language regarding BFAP-SFAA funding.
Object Code Structure • 1000 = Certificated Salaries • 2000 = Classified Salaries • 3000 = Employment Benefits • 4000 = Supplies & Equipment • 5000 = Other Operating Expenses • 6000 = Capital Outlay
Instructions • Prepare spending report to reflect the entire augmentation unless a decision was reached to return some portion of the augmentation on the BFAP Form #2. • Report requires general summary by object code of: • Institutional general fund support, • Other sources of support and • Base BFAP allocation spending by object code. • Report requires detailed line item spending by object code for the augmentation.
Reminders & Suggestions: • Title IV Audit Expenses • FWS or CWWS employed in FA • Not permitted to include any staff in categorical funding or in the MOE that do not report to the FA Director. • No office supplies from categorical funding • No maintenance contracts on office equipment from categorical • No office equipment other than allowable computers and peripherals from categorical funding. • Only hardware/software solely dedicated and used in and for financial aid is permitted from categorical or included in MOE.
Reminders & Suggestions: cont’d • Larger dollar line items should provide a thorough explanation of expenditure (categorical or MOE) • Promotional items should specify the type and purpose and should not be rolled up into an aggregate number for the year. Each item or invoice should be reflected separately. The use of these items are for FA outreach and awareness not general outreach and awareness. • Food/refreshment cost should specify the purpose and or event number served and whether the event was for FA only or a combination of groups/general students. They should not be rolled up into an aggregate number for the year but reported separately.
Reminders & Suggestions: cont’d • More detail in the explanation explaining the purpose of the expenditure, the equipment, or nature or strategy will result in less rejected reports and calls/emails for clarification. • Time basis of positions will be a focus this year as we definitely want to be able to compare staffing year to year. • Exception will be tracked and as a result a failure to secure approval could result in disallowed expenses and repayment of categorical funds. • Identify the Director/ Manager as the Designated coordinating official.
Future developments in SSARCC-FA: • User enhancements: • What does your wish list include? • SSARCC-FA@cccco.edu • Our wish list includes: • Inclusion of a contact email/direct line for the preparer/submitter so we know who to communicate with • A flag for incomplete/unacceptable entries • A note field for communicating on specific issues or concerns • A field to identify who is reviewing/commenting or rejecting the report for the CCCCO
“Validate” Final Expenditures • You should use this to double-check work prior to submitting • Address any “error” messages that appear
“View Draft Expenditure Report” Do this when: • You think you’re ready to submit to Chancellor’s Office • Ready for review by local district/college staff before submitting to Chancellor’s Office You can still go back into screens to make changes to data
“Submit to Chancellor’s Office” • “Submit” after error messages have been addressed and after appropriate local staff have reviewed • “Submit” locks final expenditure screens • “Submit” means final expenditures are officially transmitted to Chancellor’s Office • To unlock screens, send email to SSARCC help desk: ssarcc-fa@cccco.edu