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SCORPIO. Sam Trapani. Scorpio Facts. Eighth sign in the Zodiac Symbol is the Scorpion October 24-November 22 Zodiac Element is Water Zodiac Quality is Fixed The planet is Pluto, though… that is not a planet anymore. Passionate Powerful Intense Penetrating Determined Compelling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCORPIO Sam Trapani

  2. Scorpio Facts • Eighth sign in the Zodiac • Symbol is the Scorpion • October 24-November 22 • Zodiac Element is Water • Zodiac Quality is Fixed • The planet is Pluto, though… that is not a planet anymore

  3. Passionate Powerful Intense Penetrating Determined Compelling Brave Creative Resourceful Ambitious Complex Sensual Tenacious Dynamic Complex Mysterious Magnetic And much more… Scorpio Characteristics

  4. Ruthless Destructive Violent Dangerous Quick-tempered Over-bearing Jealous Suspicious Paranoid Insulting Moody Possessive Secretive Intolerant Vindicting Cunning Obstinate Stubborn Bad Scorpio Characteristics

  5. God of Scorpions • The scorpions symbolize a mysterious and magnetic beauty. But when the scorpion is angered it can be violent. • The God of Scorpions. I call him… Jose • He is believed to have originated from South Eastern Mexico

  6. This is a picture of my God

  7. Mars • Mars is the traditional planet asociated with Scorpio • Mars was named after the Roman God of War because of its reddish color. Red symbols blood which can be associated with war.

  8. Pluto • Scorpio is most often associated with the Olympian god Hades, God of the underworld.

  9. English words that come from Greek Mythology • Aphrodisiac (Aphrodite) - An agent that arouses sexual desire. • Atlas - A collection of maps often including illustrations, informative tables, or textual matter. From Atlas, one of the primordial Titans in Greek mythology, whose punishment was to hold the sky upon his shoulders. • Cereal (Ceres) - Relating to grain or to the plants that produce it. Derived from Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture. • Echo - The repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves. From Greek mythology, a mountain nymph who was punished by Hera to repeat only the last words of other people's sentences. • Helium (Helios) - A light colorless inert gas found especially in natural gases and used chiefly for inflating airships and balloons, in lamps, in cryogenic research, and as a component of inert atmospheres. From Helios, the Greek personification of the sun.

  10. English words that come from Greek Mythology (cont’d) • Hermaphrodite (Hermaphroditus) - An animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs. From Greek mythology, a child of Hermes and Aphrodite, who was turned into a hermaphrodite when the nymph Salmacis attempted to rape him [Hermaphroditus] and then called out to the gods requesting that they never part. • March (Mars) - The third month of the Gregorian calendar. Named after Mars, the Roman god of war. • Martial (Mars) - Of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior. Relating to an army or to military life. From Mars, the Roman god of war. • Museum (Muse) - An institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value. A place where objects are exhibited. From Greek "mouseion", a place or temple dedicated to the Muses. • Narcissism/Narcissist (Narcissus) - Love of or sexual desire for one's own body. Egoism, egocentrism. From Greek mythology, a beautiful youth who fell in love with his own reflection.

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