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Star Stuff How did the universe get here…Scientific view.

What sort of questions do you have about the universe ??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAVjF_7ensg&feature=channel. Star Stuff How did the universe get here…Scientific view. The Origins of the Universe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEheh1BH34Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nroo-i8t8vg.

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Star Stuff How did the universe get here…Scientific view.

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  1. What sort of questions do you have about the universe???http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAVjF_7ensg&feature=channel

  2. Star Stuff How did the universe get here…Scientific view.

  3. The Origins of the Universe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEheh1BH34Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nroo-i8t8vg

  4. Origins of the Universe –(Science)

  5. The History of Cosmology Geocentrism Heliocentrism Acentrism Earth at the centre Space is infinite Universe not perfect Ancient universe Big Bang Theory Microwave radiation Heat detected Acceptance of Big Bang Ptolemy Digges Galileo Darwin Lemaitre Penzias COBE Most c1500 c1575 c1650 c1880 c1930 c1980 c2000 200 BCE c1550 c1600 c1850 c1925 c1970 c1990 2010 Copernicus Kepler Newton Heisenberg Hubble Guth NASA Age confirmed Sun at the centre Universe is changing Mechanical universe Random universe Red shift of galaxies Something from nothing Divine creation Divine direction Natural forces

  6. How did the Universe get here? There is really only two possible explanations, (well three - sort of) • Someone made the Universe • The Universe made itself • (The last choice that the universe was always here is not really viable with modern science)

  7. The Big Bang Theory

  8. The Big Bang

  9. So, what exactly is “Big Bang Theory”? Something we need to keep in mind. What does this word tell us?

  10. 14 Billion years ago the entire Universe was inside a bubble (singularity) that was thousands of times smaller than a pinhead.

  11. It was hotter and denser than anything we can imagine. Then it suddenly exploded. (well expanded really)

  12. Not so much like this… But like this…

  13. The Universe that we know was born. Time, space and matter all began with the Big Bang.

  14. In a fraction of a second, the Universe grew from smaller than a single atom to bigger than a galaxy. And it kept on growing at a fantastic rate. It is still expanding today.

  15. Big Bang Theory • 13.7 billion years ago the universe was contained in a singularity where everything that exists now held. • This singularity was incredibly hot (so hot it contained only energy) and unbelievably small. • An expansion occurred and after 1 second the universe filled with a dense fog. After 400,000 years the fog settled to form atoms. • Vast clouds of gas floated around until after 1 billion years one cloud became so dense that the first star was born. • Stars grouped into galaxies and the night sky came to look as it does today.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV6aQbnHSRo • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lQjMMvdze4

  17. We can be reasonably sure the Universe has a beginning. Galaxies and stars are born and die! (this suggests a beginning and an end)

  18. Galaxies / stars are born and die!

  19. 2) “Hubble’s Law” • In 1929, astronomer Edwin Hubble made his greatest discovery. • It was that the light coming from other galaxies was redder than expected. • He took this to mean that the galaxies were all moving away from us.

  20. He observed this because of something called the ‘Red Shift’ It’s about wave length Something moving away very fast looksred while something moving towards us looks more blue

  21. It’s the same sort of thing as the Doppler effect with sound waves • Which means that a sound coming towards us is different from a sound going away from us. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg9F5pN5tlI

  22. So By measuring the light coming from stars Hubble deduced that stars were moving “outwards” And therefore the whole universe is expanding at a rapid rate.

  23. The Spread of the Universe/Galaxieshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZluYqczFM&feature=player_embedded

  24. 3) If the Universe was initially very, very, hot as the Big Bang suggests we should be able to find some remnant of this heat. This has been discovered and is known as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Cosmic radiation penetrating the atmosphere promotes the formation of clouds which have a cooling effect on Earth's climate.

  25. 4) Finally the abundance of the “light elements” Hydrogen and Helium.

  26. Big Bang Evidence Red shift of galaxies Background radiation Primordial elements Spread of galaxies Moving away from each other as if from an explosion Heat from explosion has been detected everywhere Hydrogen + helium amounts today suggest explosion Galaxies appear to age- universe had a beginning

  27. Big Bang Strengths Physical evidence supports it Independently checked by scientists Universe is not infinite, everything is in decay Neutral- does not set out to support belief system e.g. cmbr, primordial elements e.g. always being reviewed e.g. everything gets old and dies e.g. not trying to prove or Disprove God Big Bang Weaknesses: physical evidence Magnetic monopole Age Tests The horizon problem The flatness problem Temperatures at opposite ends of the universe should be different but they are the same Universe is curved. Big Bang would not produce a curved Universe but it is curved Should produce particles but none can be detected which means that this evidence is missing Estimates of the age of the universe vary so much that they cannot really be trusted

  28. Big Bang Weaknesses: other considerations Add ons Paradigm Assumptions Add to the theory to make it work Currently accepted approach Assumptions about natural laws Making it up as they go along Other approaches not accepted Assumptions could be wrong weaknesses not widely accepted in the scientific community

  29. Did God “Bang” the Big Bang?

  30. Many people say that The Big Bang proves that there is no God • But does the theory actually say anything about God at all? • No one knows where the matter in the explosion came from • Or what caused it to explode • Neither does The Big Bang Theory explain how life started.

  31. Many believers in God would say That “The Big Bang” was the way in which God chose to create the universe

  32. The Steady State Theory • The steady state theory asserts that although the universe is expanding, it nevertheless does not change its look over time it has no beginning and no end.

  33. The Oscillating Universe Theory • The Universe grows and expands but eventually stops. • Then the Universe starts to contract and eventually implodes into a singularity and either get crushed out of existence or gives rise to a new Big Bang.

  34. Give a brief outline of the Big Bang Theory and the evidence used to support it 5KU

  35. Universe had point of beginning Universe 13.7 billion years old. Massive explosion/expansion Star stuff emerged from the explosion Over billions of years stuff evolved into what we know today Galaxies moving out and away even now (red shift). Cosmic microwave background radiation Hydrogen and helium proportions Stars are born and die suggesting a beginning and an end. Answers

  36. Give two reasons that some Christians give for accepting the Big Bang Theory. 6AE • It has evidence to back it up. • It confirms God as the creator. • It is God’s way of creating. • It does not deny the existence of God. • The Bible version is clearly mythological. • They would lose credibility if they did not accept it. • God can reveal himself through natural events. • It is the best explanation we have at present.

  37. 'Big Bang Theory contradicts revelation andmust be rejected for this reason.'Would Christians agree with this statement? 8AE Creationist response yes reject • Scripture is factual. • Big Bang Theory is only a theory. • Science has been wrong in the past. • Bible contains no errors.

  38. Concordist- No contradiction no need to reject • Big Bang is God's method. • Revelation contained in nature too. • Bible to be seen in its context. • Science can be revelation too.

  39. Scientific materialism • Revelation should be rejected, based on faith not observation. • Proves the intransigence of certain Christians. • Statement based on blind and obstinate faith. • Statement is contrary to observations and evidence.

  40. Describe the account of the creation of the universe in Genesis 1. 4KU • Describe the Big Bang Theory and the evidence used to support it. 6KU • “Human beings are important” Why would a Christian agree with this? 4AE

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