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Dive into non-accelerator particle physics with Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, exploring dark matter, proton decay, and astroparticle phenomena. Discover the latest in particle astrophysics and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.
Non-accelerator particle andastroparticle physics - Dark matter - Proton decay - Particle Astrophysics Ultra high energy cosmic rays Gamma rays Neutrinos - Dark energy Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Cosmological evidence for DM CMB + SNs + LSS concordance model Stable relic from big bang : 1 / A v = 23% A weak Stars (0.5%) Dark Energy (72%) Baryonic DM (4%) Natural candidate with SUSY theories: the LSP (neutralino) M > 50 GeV from searches at colliders Non-baryonic DM (23%) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
A non-baryonic dark halo Microlensing baryonic matter not the solution Excluded by MACHO MACHO detection Milky Way: Mhalo ~ 10 x Mvisible A dark non-baryonic halo, ~ 0.3 GeV / cm3 v ~ 220 km / s Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Liquid Xe ZEPLIN Ionization Scintillation DAMA NaI EDELWEISS, CDMS CRESST Heat CaWO4 Ge Detection challenge WIMP: elastic scattering on detector nucleus 1evt / kg / day - Deep underground - Low radioactivity of materials - Discrimination against radioactive background Nuclear (vs. electronic) recoil discrimination: event by event or statistical WIMP signal Radioactive background Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Event by event discriminationEdelweiss / CDMS : heat + ionization Edelweiss (Modane lab) CDMS (Soudan mine) 1.5 1.5 Electronic recoil (g) Few (no) events in signal region 1 1 Ionization / recoil Ionization / recoil Surf. evts? 0.5 0.5 Nuclear recoil band (WIMP, n) 0 0 0 50 100 0 50 100 150 200 Recoil energy (keV) Recoil energy (keV) - 250g Ge or 100g Si crystal - sensors to detect vibration & charge - Allows surface event rejection based on pulse shape veto - Edelweiss I 1kg - Edelweiss II 9 kg (up to 36 kg) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 10 100 10 100 Other technologiesCRESST: scintillation + heat, ZEPLIN: scintillation + charge CRESST : event by event light + phonon discrimination works with many absorber materials (CaWO4, PbWO4, BGO…) ZEPLIN : statistical light + charge discrimination liquid scintillators (Xe) gammas neutrons Pulse time constant (ns) Pulse time constant (ns) some caveats : - no calibration in range of interest for WIMP recoils - no low en. nuclear recoils observed in presence of neutron source overestimated sensitivity ? Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Annual modulationa possible WIMP signature Motion of Earth in the c wind d = 30o Modulation of annual rate ± 7% Max in June vSun = 220 km/s vEarth = 30 km/s DAMA: Total exposure of 295 kg.yr Annual modulation at 6.3 mc ~ 44-62 GeV BUT 1 signature only Result in contradiction with other expts. 2nd phase 250 kg (NaI) LIBRA running Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Current limits on WIMP CRESST, EDELWEISS CDMS CDMS-II, EDELWEISS-II, CRESST-II XENON, XMASS - sensitivity goal Testing most SUSY param. space (MSSM) requires 3 orders of magnitude beyond present best performances 1-ton sensitivity goal Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Future 1-ton projects EURECA (Europe) EDELWEISS + CRESST collaborations + CERN + … First studies: cryogeny, electronics, shielding Multi target approach: Ge (phonon ionization) CaWO4 (phonon scintillation) Detector R&D ongoing Super-CDMSGe, Si (US) XENON (US), XMASS (Japan) Liquid Xenon (an easier target than a crystal) XENON: 10 kg proto at Gran Sasso ArDM, WARP (Europe) Liquid Argon OK on the paper, feasibility study (calibration w/ source) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
10-6 ga (GeV-1) 10-8 PVLAS 10-10 10-12 10-14 CAST 10-5 10-3 10-1 10 Ma (eV) Axion : a DM candidate? Postulated to solve the strong CP problem Interesting CDM candidates if ma in 10-5 eV - 10-3 eV (a~ 1) Primakoff effect: 2-photon interaction in external B field ADMX CAST PVLAS Microwave cavity for galactic axions 9T field to convert solar axions into X-rays strong upper limit 6.6T field to search for ellipticity in laser polarization due to axion-induced birefringence axion-like signal? Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Rare processes : proton decay Test of GUTs (MGUT~ 1016 GeV) at low energy 1st generation (IMB, Fréjus,Kamiokande: ~1 kton) non supersymmetric SU(5) excluded 2nd generation (SuperKamiokande: ~50 kton) minimal supersymmetric SU(5) excluded Next generation more general supersymmetric models Need to reach ~ 1035 yrs 1035 nucleons With 6x1023 nucleons / g Megaton scale detectors Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Current limits on proton decay Dominant decay channel in SS GUTs:p K+ a few x 1034 yrs (in many models) SK limit: 1.6 x 1033 yrs expected sensitivity (MEMPHYS): 2 x 1034 yrs after 10 yrs but model-dependent decay mode Most model independent decay channel:p e+0 ~ a few x 1034 yrs — 1035 yrs SK limit: 5 x 1033 yrs expected sensitivity (MEMPHYS): 1035 yrs after 10 yrs Within reach of next generation experiments ! Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Proton decay : future initiatives UNO(Underground Nucleon decay and neutrino Observatory) Mine in US 440 kT MEMPHYS(MEgaton Mass PHYSics) Fréjus 440 kT HyperK Japan 550 kT Liquid Argon TPCs (FLARE (US), GLACIER (Europe)) ? 100 kT p e+0 e+ Complementarity liquid argon vs. water Cerenkov p K+ (higher detection eff.) p e+0 (larger mass) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Physics with Megaton detectors - Proton decay - from SN II (20 from SN1987A) out to Galactic Center (spectrum, ms timing structure in collapse) out to the Andromeda galaxy (~10) - diffuse flux of SN relic neutrinos ( insight on history of star formation in Universe) - properties - atmospheric osc. parameters determined with better resolution - (13, ) finally within reach with super- and beta- beams (~100 km away) - The Unexpected Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Particle astrophysicsor the use of multi-messengers The high energy Universe as seen with Cosmic rays Charged ( do not point except at UHE) Highest energies observed Gamma rays Traditional messenger yet unexplained phenomena (GRBs…) Neutrinos Most challenging to detect, but no GZK Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Galactic (SNR) cross calibration needed not confined by galactic B Extragalactic LEP LHC Complete mystery! On the Ultra High Energy side AGASA: 17 events above 6x1019 eV HiRes : 2 events (~ 20 expected) Emax = 3.2 1020 eV = 50 J ! Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Detection techniques for UHECR Primary cosmic ray UV fluorescence Isotropic emission Hadronic and electromagnetic showers Height where shower is maximal E Xmax Cerenkov radiation forward emission Auger Cerenkov telescope X Air fluorescence HiRes Ground detectors AGASA Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
GZK cut-off? 1022 Auger: neither cut-off nor ankle (not much stat above 50 EeV) Energy loss due to interaction on CMB photons Not solved yet 1022 eV 1021 eV 1021 Energy (eV) Nb @ E>3 EeV 1020 eV 1020 1019 10 100 103 Propagation distance (Mpc) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Status on experiments Auger South (as of August 2005) - 3 fluorescence stations (out of 4) - 60% of ground detectors (out of a total of 3000 km2) - Emax = 86 EeV (one at 140 EeV but not selected by cuts) Auger North? Would allow - improved statistics - test of isotropy - more possible sources (North: local supercluster) EUSO on ISS: stopped OWL (Orbiting Wide-angle Light-collectors): design with 2 satellites to measure atmospheric scintillation Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Gamma ray astronomy Photon = traditional astronomy Straight propagation allows study of sources Interacts with CMB… backgrounds existence of a gamma horizon Gamma ray “telescopes” keV — GeV : satellites GeV — TeV : ground-based (IACTs) Recent results with INTEGRAL, HESS, MAGIC, SWIFT Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
INTEGRAL (20 keV - 10 MeV)INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory Very strong 511 keV emission (e+e-) in Galactic Center Dark matter? e+ annihilation at rest (positronium) New form of DM particle? (1-100 MeV) Hypernovae? needs 1 / 5000 yrs e+ from radioactive decay of CO56 90% of “gamma fog” = 91 sources (47 binary stars, 3 pulsars, … 37 new sources) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
H.E.S.S. Radio Contour 20 TeV Neutralino 20 TeV KK particle Systematic pointing error Radio H.E.S.S.: Dark Matter at GC?High Energy Stereoscopic System Preliminary based on early data proposed before H.E.S.S. data Unlikely pure DM Astrophysical source candidates: - 3x106 Msun black hole SgR A - Supernova Remnant Sgr A East Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
H.E.S.S. HESS + ASCA HESS + Rosat X and from same source first confirmation of SNRs as particle accelerators up to 1014 eV (~knee of CR spectrum) Are they protons/nuclei or e-? Survey of galactic plane 14 new sources (+ 3 already known ones): - SNRs, X-ray binaries, pulsars - 3 with no counterpart at any Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Gamma Ray Bursts Galaxies Quasars GRBs swift Optical counterparts 6 4 Redshift record Cosmological phenomena! out to z = 6.3 (Sept. 2005) 2 0 +6.5h Fading afterglow in X-ray 1960 1980 2000 +12h Afterglow in optical +52h Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Future in gamma ray astronomy - GLAST satellite (launch in 2007): 20 MeV - 100 GeV imager 10 keV - 25 MeV GRB detector - HESS 2 with a 5th larger telescope lower threshold (50-100 GeV): overlap with satellites improved sensitivity at high E in coïncidence mode - VERITAS (Arizona), CANGAROO III (Australia) - MAGIC 2 x 17m telescopes Dark Matter searches : gamma rays from neutralino annihilation Several thousand sources (GLAST) study of source populations Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Neutrinos in astronomy Photons: absorbed (GZK) Neutrons: t ~ 15 mn dmax=10 kpc (E=1018 eV) Protons: absorbed (GZK) & deviated (E<1018 eV) Neutrinos:no charge, “no” interaction with matter nor radiation Ideal probes of: dense regions, sources on cosmological scales, acceleration processes Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
e- g p g g po g p+ - High energy n sources ! nm m+ - nmnee+ - Acceleration processes Low energy emission (X-ray) : Synchrotron emission of e- in jet • High energy emission (g-ray): • self-compton (electro-magnetic) ? • p0 decay (hadronic) ? e- g Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Neutrino telescopes Low fluxes @ high E Low cross-sections Large volume (lake, sea, polar ice) High background (atmospheric m) Good shielding (> 1000m water eq.) Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
ANTARES / AMANDA ANTARES ANTARES (43o North) deployment by end 2007 Better angular resolution (~0.2°) <25% exposure ANTARES/AMANDA 0.6p sr overlap AMANDA AMANDA (South pole) taking data Better sensitivity (less absorption) not visible Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Science reach Medium Energy (10 GeV - 1 TeV): - Dark matter searches from dense regions (neutralino concentration & annihilation) AMANDA: reaching the level of direct searches nfrom supernovae High Energy (> 1 TeV): - n from (extra-)galactic sources (cf. gamma rays) - PeV & EeV n - ndetection 1 PeV Double-bang signature Typical 10 TeV Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Status & future of astronomy ANTARES, AMANDA: 0,1 km2 arrays Allow assessment of under-ice, under-water telescopes Possible observation of diffuse neutrino fluxes (from AGN) (current limits from AMANDA reaching predictions from some models) No point sources so far Actual astronomy (point sources) requires 1 km3 IceCube: 80 1-km long strings over ~1 km2 January 2006: 6 lines deployed KM3: design study in FP6 through network KM3Net Joint study from ANTARES, NESTOR, NEMO Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
(0,1) (.5,.5) (1,0) (1.5,-.5) (M, ) = (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) Stars Dark Energy Non baryo. DM Baryo DM Revolutions in cosmology Great achievements in past decade with observations of Cosmic Microwave Background Type Ia Supernovae 3K black body (COBE) expansion of Universe Anisotropies (balloons, WMAP) composition of Universe + seeds for structure formation Hubble diagram of SNIa (flux vs. redshift) accelerated expansion Magnitude m Redshift z Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
reference discovery SNLS SuperNova Legacy Survey : 2003-2008 Megacam (380 million pixels) SN discovery & follow-up simultaneously Evolution of expansion of Universe since explosion dark energy Homogeneous set of SN (systematics) Larger statistics: ~150 SN after 1 year of data taking exceeds previous world stat of SNIa Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
A dark UniverseA challenge for cosmology and fundamental physics • - Nature of dark matter ? • - What is dark energy ? • Vacuum energy, quintessence, modified gravity, more exotic field? • - Cosmological constant problem: • field theory tends to predict quantum vacuum energy • 1060 - 10120 times higher than closure density • - Coincidence problem: • just at transition (Dark) Matter / Dark Energy • - … or … • - are we totally wrong? Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Dark energy status Cosmological equation of state : p = w matter: w = 0 cosmological constant: w = -1 radiation: w = 1/3 quintessence: w > -1 SNLS, 2008 w = p/ SNLS, 2008 2002 M Aim of SNLS Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Future with DUNE, SNAP … Dark energy modifies: expansion rate of the Universe supernovae growth rate of structures gravitational distortions Future : caracterization of dark energy Space projects SNAP SNAP: several thousand SNIa Population study (environment, spectral features …) to reduce intrinsic dispersion > 2015 (NASA : Beyond Einstein) DUNE: weak shear analysis Statistics of grav. distortions depend on geometry of universe ~ 2012 (french CNES) or ~ 2015 (ESA) Gravitationally distorted galaxies Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
The cost of knowledge… *(per experiment) 500 - 1000 M€ proton decay 100 - 500 M€ Space-based dark energy missions 1 km3 neutrino telescopes Other space missions (AMS, EUSO) 10 - 100 M€ Each gamma astro experiment Cosmic rays (per detection site) Direct dark matter detection Much less expensive than particle physics at the energy frontier, yet requires at least regional (world-wide?) coordination * Based on inputs from ApPEC, courtesy of C. Spiering Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Do nucleons decay? What physics is there at 1016 GeV? How large can detectors become? Dark energy: Quantum field? New laws of gravity? Messages from the sky: Nature of most energetic phenomena (AGN, GRBs…)? Origin of cosmic rays? Acceleration processes? Dark matter: WIMPS? axions? What knowledge will come from accelerators (LHC, ILC or CLIC)? direct detection (sensitive enough)? sky (gamma rays or UHECR)? Questions as conclusions… Non accelerator physics Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille