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The Master Plan for Official Statistics and the PDCA Cycle in Japan. Seiji TAKATA Director for International Statistical Affairs, Office of the Director-General for Statistical Standards, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan
The Master Plan for Official Statisticsand the PDCA Cycle in Japan Seiji TAKATA Director for International Statistical Affairs, Office of the Director-General for Statistical Standards, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics, Vienna, 2-5 June 2014
Contents 1. Overview of the Japanese Statistical System 2. Master Plan concerning the Development of Official Statistics 3. Overview of the first-term Master Plan and its Evaluation 4. Overview of the second-term Master Plan 5. Quality Assurance Framework 6. Concluding Remarks
1. Overview of the Japanese Statistical System Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Standards) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ◆ Planning, designing and promotion of statistical system ・Establishment, revision or abolition of statistics laws and regulations ・Preparation of the basic plan for the development of official statistics ・To promote the effective use of statistical data; to manage local governments’ statistical systems,etc. Statistics Commission (Cabinet Office) ◆Examining plans and budgets for statistical censuses and surveys ・ Examining plans and budgets for statistical censuses and surveys conducted by each office and ministry ◆ Establishing statistical standards for statistical surveys ・ To establish the Japan Standard Industrial Classification, etc. ◆Cooperation concerning international statistical affairs ・ To coordinate international statistical affairs ・ Cooperation on the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cabinet Office Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Statistics Bureau) Production of Fundamental Statistics of the state of the Nation Ministry of Justice Ministry of Finance Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Defense
1. Overview of the Japanese Statistical System Statistical system in Japan is de-centralized. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) - Statistical standards - Population Census, Economic Census, Consumer Price, Labor Force Survey, Household Survey, Cabinet Office - National accounts etc. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) - Economic Census, Census of Manufacturers, etc.
2. Master Plan concerning the Development of Official Statistics ~ Revision of Statistics Act ~ To overcome the weakness of the de-centralized system (and to respond to several socio-economic changes), theStatistics Act was thoroughly revised for the first time in 60 years in 2007. The pillars of the revised Act are: i) the establishment of the Master Plan ii) the foundation of the Statistics Commission iii) the promotion of use of statistical data iv) the enhancement of confidentiality protection v) the promotion of use of administrative record information
2. Master Plan concerning the Development of Official Statistics Under the decentralized system of Japan, theMaster Plan Concerning the Development of Official Statistics (Master Plan) is crucial. The Master Plan contains -Basic policies for developing official statistics - Measures to be implemented in order to develop official statistics - Management of the progress The plan is revised approximately every 5 years.
2. Master Plan Consultation on the Master Plan is held with the Statistics Commission, which consists of distinguished scholars (statistics, economics, law, etc.). After the consultation with the Statistics Commission and public comments, the Master Plan is decided (as a Cabinet decision). i.e. the consensus of all ministries
2. Master Plan ~ PDCA cycle in the Master Plan ~ Annually, the government reports the situation of implementation of the Master Plan. The report is reviewed by the Statistics Commission, and the Commission makes recommendations.
PlanningoftheMasterPlan Response to the evaluation PLAN DO ACT CHECK Efforts by the whole government Evaluation by the Statistics Commission PDCA Cycles in the Master Plan
3. Overview of the first-term Master Plan and its Evaluation ~ Topics in the current Master Plan (FY2009-FY2013) Development of National Accounts Construction and Utilization of Business-Register Development of statistics on welfare and social security Utilization of administrative records etc.
3. Overview of Master Plan ~ Results of 2012 review ~ By the end of FY 2012, of 196 items in the Master Plan, 99 items are finished, 59 items are in the process of implementation. i.e. more than 80% items are implemented. Based on the review, the Statistics Commission made recommendations for the second-term Master Plan (2014-2018).
4.Overview of the second-term Master Plan (2014-2018) Development of National Accounts, corresponding to 2008SNA Development of labour-related statistics, corresponding to ICLS resolutions Promotion of on-line surveys Further promotion of quality assurance Promotion of international cooperation (UN-SIAP)
5. Quality Assurance Framework In Japan, the Office of Director-General for Statistical Standards examines and approves the plan for each statistical survey. methodological soundness cost-effectiveness soundness of implementation respondent burden etc.
5. Quality Assurance Framework After the approval, each ministry conducts surveys and makes self-assessment of the quality. The result of the self-assessment is utilized in the next approval process. The PDCA cycle works in such a way.
6. Concluding Remarks Under the de-centralized system, a powerful coordination mechanism is necessary. Master Plan and PDCA Cycle - annual review - evaluation and recommendation by the Statistics Commission Examination/Approval Process and Quality Assurance Framework
Thank you for your attention ! The views expressed herein are those of the author and should not necessarily be attributed to the Japanese government. Contact: internat@soumu.go.jp