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Public Health Tiger Team we will start the meeting 3 min after the hour

Public Health Tiger Team we will start the meeting 3 min after the hour. DRAFT Project Charter May 27, 2014. This session is being recorded and can be located on the S&I Public Health Tiger Team Wiki. Agenda. Announcements (2 min) PHRi and PHTT Merger

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Public Health Tiger Team we will start the meeting 3 min after the hour

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  1. Public Health Tiger Teamwe will start the meeting 3 min after the hour DRAFT Project Charter May 27, 2014

  2. This session is being recorded and can be located on the S&I Public Health Tiger Team Wiki

  3. Agenda • Announcements (2 min) • PHRi and PHTT Merger • Close Out Ceremony (PHRi Webinar Wednesday May 28, 4-5 pm EDT) • Public Health Data Element Mapping to SDC Conformed CDE (15 min) • Dina Dickerson • S&I Workgroup Overview (15 min) • PHTThttp://wiki.siframework.org/Public+Health+Tiger+Team+Meeting+Archives • SDC Wiki http://wiki.siframework.org/Structured+Data+Capture+Initiative • DAF Wiki http://wiki.siframework.org/Data+Access+Framework+Homepage • CQF Wiki http://wiki.siframework.org/Clinical+Quality+Framework+Initiative • PHTT Charter (25 min) • Risks • Deliverables • Wrap Up (1min)

  4. PHRi Closing Webinar • Please join us on Wednesday May 28th from 4-5pm eastern as we officially close out and honor the accomplishments of the Public Health Reporting Initiative (PHRi).  This initiative is being merged into the newly formed S&I Public Health Tiger Team (PHTT) which is a cross-initiative work group as it relates to public health to cover SDC, DAF, and CQF. • PHRi Closing CeremonyDate and Time: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 4:00 pm • URL: https://siframework1.webex.com/siframework1/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=664228710Dial In: +1-650-479-3208Access code: 664228710

  5. Index of Data Elements for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) with CDA Mapping

  6. Sample EHDI Data Elements Aligned with PHRI

  7. SDC SWG Template with EHDI Data Elements Inserted

  8. EHDI Value Set Mapping to IHE

  9. Start of the Charter Document

  10. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterChallenge • - (A statement of how a standards and interoperability challenge currently limits the achievement of a national health goal) • Public Health is comprised of multiple technologies and standards to support business activities and faces challenges aligning within the context of clinical partners and local, state, and federal public health.

  11. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterScope Statement • (A statement of the overarching issues that the Initiative aims to address. This should include the issues that will be tackled as well as known issues that will not be tackled by this Initiative) • Challenges with coordinating and aligning S&I Frameworks multiple initiatives - Policy vs Practice - Data Quality and sourcing

  12. Draft In Scope • Leverage existing and newly Standards and Interoperability Initiatives to include SDC/DAF/HeD/CQF/PHRi activities and influence the standard producing organizations. • Public Health Stakeholders will benefit from efforts to: • Educate and Promote • Incorporate • Harmonize • Shared Data Model

  13. Draft Out of Scope • (will not be) Creating Standards

  14. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterValue Statement • (provides the high level description of the value and/or benefit of this activity to the healthcare community) Be a trusted source to the Public Health community by advocating S&I Framework initiatives to: • Effectively communicate with stakeholders • Strategically implement best practices to Common workflow tools • Consolidate Resources • Advocacy • Data Integration

  15. Draft Value Statement Context Statement: Public Health is comprised of multiple technologies and standards to support business activities and faces challenges aligning within the context of local, state, and federal public health. (include clinical and partners) There are data sharing processes between public health and direct care that includes the capture of data (that may not be standardized in EHRs), sharing data with public health, public health conversion of the data to knowledge, and providing the knowledge as clinical decision support. End State: Overall goals of promoting healthier communities for example, occupational health, environmental health, etc. Value Statement: Ensure standards related to these processes meet public health needs to facilitate information sharing for the benefit of patient care and public health practice.

  16. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterDraft Success Criteria • (what are the criteria for knowing when the initiative has met its goal(s) • EHR systems transparently interoperate with public health systems. • Validate and support Public Health Pilots • Resources for Pilots (moving towards adoption) • Leverage Use Cases to support S&I Initiatives • Collaboration- ( S&I, PHCP, JPHIT, HL7, IHE, HIMSS Vendor assoc, internal CDC) • Leverage Population and Public Health best practices to share data among public health stakeholders. • Advocacy • Identify issues and find real world solutions • Consumer (Healthcare Professionals, Population,

  17. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterScope - Draft Scenarios • SDC- EHDI Pilot • (cost estimate) (Dina) • NIOSH (CDS) CQF/SDC/DAF (Genny) • HeD/CQF/CDS: Chlamydia (Shu Magarey) • I2B2e Profile UT DOH: (Shu/Bryant Karras, Catherine, Jon Reid) • Environmental Health (Gonza)

  18. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterDraft Scenarios

  19. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterDraft Scenarios

  20. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterStakeholders • S&I, PHCP, JPHIT, HL7, IHE, HIMSS Vendor assoc, internal CDC • APHL, CSTE, ASTHO, NACCHO, JPHIT, PHII, PHDSC, AMIA • Public Health ProgramsHealth Information Exchanges (HIE) HospitalsPayersMedicaidIndian Health Centers/ClinicsVA/DoD HealthcareState/County/City Health OfficialsHealth Care Providers • Early Education (Pre-K)K-12 Schools & Colleges • University (R&D)Patients/ClientsRetail PharmaciesPharmaceutical ManufacturersElectronic Health Record VendorsPublic health software vendorsHHS: CDC, but also AHRQ, CMS, NLM, NIH, OPA, FDA, USDA, HRSA, etc.WIC Programs • Informatics Education Programs • NASCIO • WHO

  21. Public Health Tiger Team – Project CharterExpected Deliverables • Identify Public health related use cases that span multiple S&I initiatives • Develop pilot(s) that demonstrate the use of multiple S&I Initiatives to satisfy a public health related use case(s). • Identify dependencies between S&I Initiatives and communicate these back to the Initiative leads • Incorporate and shape use cases to develop public health related models • Identify key policy, practice and technical level leads to support each S&I initiative from a public health perspective • Incorporate emerging technologies e.g. FHIR as a standards become developed and available • Develop and maintain a PHTT standards document: promote, standards, guidance, and approaches • Successfully complete at least one pilot for each initiative

  22. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterPotential Risks • (list of risks and mitigations - Addressing these items up front will help prompt discussion amongst workgroup members who may suspect that these risks will be a hindrance to the Initiative) • Resources – not only having the workforce to complete the pilots but also to include the technical expertise needed • Funding in order to complete pilots • Timeframe – small window of opportunity to complete pilots before relevant initiatives end • Dependencies on other initiatives to complete work

  23. Propose to place the following in a living document (outside of charter) • Public Health Standards, Guidance, and Approaches • Proposed Use Cases • Pilots • PHTT Workgroup Leads/ Liaisons • Policy • Technical

  24. Public Health Tiger Team– Project CharterPublic Health Standards, Guidance, and Approaches Quality Standards QRDA (3 levels) - PHI level 3 HQMF Implementation Guidance eHealth exchange specification IHE Profiles Architecture Guidance UML Federal Health Architecture (FHA) PHIN NIEM FHIMS MITA Additional Nursing (from Marcus) NANDA International (NANDA-I)/Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)/Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)                                                              Clinical Care Classification System (CCC) Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)  X12 Transactions    Standards that we may consider for our use cases and pilots: Messaging and document standards HL7 v2HL7 FHIR (currently draft, first version will be published in January 2015 includes message-based and document, transport standard. possibly a Wednesday education series)HL7 CDAHL7 CCDHITSP C-32 CCSHL7 C-CDATransport Standards IETF TLS/SSLDirect protocolSOAP-based Web ServicesHTTP POSTREST Security StandardsBPPCXACMLSAMLRelevant Semantic and Terminology Standards, includingCVX/MVXICD-9/ICD-10 (CM and PCS)SNOMED-CTCPTLOINCRxNormNDC Omaha (standards that nurses use) EHR Functional System Standards (9) The HL7 Electronic Health Records System Functional Model Release 2 (HL7 EHR-S FM R2) The HL7 EHR-S Public Health Functional Profile Release 2 (HL7 EHR-S PHFP R2) Usability and Design

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