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ADHD. By Evan, Nat and Jesse. What is ADHD?. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder A neurodevelopmental disorder which usually appears before the age of 7% Affects 5% of children, 3.25 % of teenagers and 3% of adults Demonstrate inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ADHD By Evan, Nat and Jesse

  2. What is ADHD? • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder • A neurodevelopmental disorder which usually appears before the age of 7% • Affects 5% of children, 3.25 % of teenagers and 3% of adults • Demonstrate inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity • Symptoms will be less visible in physical activities or video games

  3. What Causes ADHD • Believed to be genetic – 75% of immediate family members have ADHD • Children who have ADHD have a smaller posterior inferior vermis • This affects motor coordination, impulse control and shifting of attention • Alcohol or smoking during pregnancy may be a cause

  4. Boys vs Girls • Diagnosed more often in boys – more like to play with things/move around than girls • Most kids with ADHD have another developmental problem such as: • a learning disability • oppositional defiant disorder • conduct disorder • Tourette syndrome • bipolar disorder

  5. Symptoms • Inattention (at least six of the following)1 - failure to give close attention or many careless errors in work requiring sustained attention (such as school work)2 - difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play3 - does not seem to listen when spoken to directly4 - does not follow through on instructions5 - has difficulty organizing tasks and activities6 - avoids tasks that require sustained attention (such as homework)7 - loses things needed for tasks and activities8 - easily distracted by the environment9- forgetful in daily activities • Hyperactivity (at least six of the following)1 - fidgets or squirms while seated2 - leaves seat in classroom or when is suppose to be seated3 - runs about or climbs excessively when not appropriate4 - has difficulty in solitary play or quiet activities5 - is usually on the go, as if motor driven6 - often talks excessively • Impulsivity (are included in the number of symptoms for hyperactivity)7 - blurts out comments or answers to questions before he/she should8 - has difficulty waiting for his/her turn9 - often interrupts or intrudes on others

  6. Treatment • Medication and Behaviour Therapy • Medications include: amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate • Side effects: Decreased appetite, sleep problems, personality change • Make a schedule for the child, be organized and establish clear rules • Family therapy is helpful

  7. Bibliography • http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/complete-index.shtml • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002518/ • http://teenmentalhealth.org/index.php/families/adhd/

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