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FALTA? Probar modelo de esperanza unidimensional Diferencias entre 1º modelo y el el final. Significativas estadisticamente?. 2013 International Conference Life Design and Career Counseling : Building Hope and Resilience. Can Time Perspective predict Hope? A SEM Approach.
FALTA? • Probar modelo de esperanza unidimensional • Diferencias entre 1º modelo y el el final. Significativas estadisticamente? 2013 International Conference Life Design andCareerCounseling: BuildingHopeandResilience Can Time Perspective predict Hope? A SEM Approach Victor E.C. Ortuño1,3, Catarina V. M. Gomes, Maria Paula Paixão1& Isabel N. Janeiro2 1Faculty of PsychologyandEducationalSciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal 2Faculty ofPsychology, UniversityofLisbon, Portugal 3victortuno@gmail.com // www.victortuno.netii.net Projectsupportedby Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – FCT (Project Nº SFRH/BD/33648/2009)
What is Time Perspective Future Past Positive PresentHedonist Future Past Present Transcendental-Future Past Negative PresentFatalist Future Negative
What is Time Perspective Future Past Positive PresentHedonist Past Future Present Transcendental-Future Past Negative PresentFatalist Future Negative
What is Time Perspective Future Past Positive PresentHedonist «I try to live my life as fully as possible, one day at a time» «Familiar childhoodsights, soundsmellsoftenbringsback a floodofwonderful memories» «Painful past experiences keep being replayed in my mind» «Fate determines muchinmylife» «I believe that a person’s day should be planned ahead each morning» «I willbeheldaccountable for myactionsonearthwhen I die» «I walk to nowhere, notbyoptionbutbecause I can´t stop Transcendental-Future Past Negative PresentFatalist Future Negative
What is Time Perspective Future Past Positive PresentHedonist (+) Self-Esteem 40% Transcendental-Future (-) (-) Past Negative PresentFatalist Future Negative Ortuño, Paixão & Janeiro (2013)
What is Time Perspective Future PresentHedonist (+) (-) 16% Transcendental-Future Past Positive AlcoholConsumption Past Negative Future Negative PresentFatalist Ortuño (2007)
What is Hope • A cognitive set, composed by a notion of goal-directed determination (agency) and planning (pathways) • Positively related with Self-Esteem, problem solving perceptions and more positive perceptions about life stimuli • Negatively related with depression, hypochondria, hysteria and paranoia
What is Hope • Is not anymore a “passive emotional phenomenon… <but now>…a process through which individuals actively pursue their goals.” • (Snyder, Feldman, Shorey & Rand, 2002, p. 299) • Hopefully thinking is necessary to achieve virtually any task • (Snyder, 1994)
Why Time Perspective and Hope • Both concepts are important variables to an adaptive psychological functioning • Yet, very few studies have studied the relation between this two concepts • (Phan, 2009) • Phan´s model used a partial measurement of Time Perspective • Also, a way to confirm that Hope – as an cognitive process – is not only related with the Future but as well with the Past and the Present
Sample • 235 participants • PsychologyCollegestudents(FacultyofPsychologyandEducationalSciences, Universityof Coimbra, Portugal) • 216 (91.9%) are female and 19 (8.1%) are male • Ages between 17 and 45 years old (M = 19.38; SD = 2.86).
Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI • The inventory consists of 56 items, designed in a Likert scale of 5 points • It´s composed by 5 sub-scales that explain 36% of the reported variance • The sub-scales are: Past Negative (10 items), Past Positive (9 items), Present Fatalist (9 items), Present Hedonist (15 items) and Future (13 items) • Items examples (original version): • «Painful past experiences keep being replayed in my mind» • «Familiar childhood sights, sounds, smells often bring back a flood of wonderful memories» • «Fate determines much in my life» • «I try to live my life as fully as possible, one day at a time» • «I believe that a person´s day should be planned ahead each morning» • (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999)
Time Perspective Scales – TPS • The inventory consists of 32 items, designed in a Likert scale of 7 points • It´s composed by 4 sub-scales that explain 45% of the reported variance • The sub-scales are: Past Orientation (4 items), Present Orientation (8 items), Future Orientation (16 items) and Negative Future (4 items) • Items examples (translated from Portuguese): • «I have many projects for the future» • «I think that life should be lived one day at a time» • «I walk to an empty future, not by my own choice but because I can´t stop» • «I think frequently in the good things that happened to me in the past» • (Janeiro, 2006, 2012)
Transcendental Future Time Perspective Scale – TFTPS • The inventory consists of 10 items, designed in a Likert scale of 5 points • It´s composed by an unique component, which explains 44.93% of the reported variance • Items examples (original version): • «Death is just a new beginning» • «I will be held accountable for my actions on earth when I die» • (Boyd & Zimbardo, 1997; Ortuño, Paixão & Janeiro, in press)
Adult Hope Scale – AHS • The inventory consists of 12 items, designed in a Likert scale of 8 points • It´s composed by 2 sub-scales that explain 63.44% of the reported variance • The sub-scales are: Agency (4 items) and Pathways (4 items). The remaining 4 items are distractors • Items examples (original version): • «I energetically pursue my goals» • «There are lots of ways around any problem» • (Pais-Ribeiro, Pedro & Marques, 2006; Snyder et al., 1991)
Results & Discussion
Hope Differences: Age • A small, yet statistically significant correlation was found between participants age and AHS total score (Hope) • r = .13, p < .05
Hope Differences: Gender 53.42 p < .01 48.48
Hope Differences: Brothers Existence 49.28 p < .05 46.50
Initial Model Past Positive Past Negative Agency PresentHedonist PresentFatalist Pathways Future Future Negative X2 = 5388.03; p < .001; X2df = 1.87 CFI = .61; GFI = .62 RMSEA = .06, p < .05 AIC = 5772.03; MECVI = 25.50 Transcend. Future
Proposed Causal Model 2 items removed Past Negative -.20** .64 -.11 Agency 9 items removed .25** PresentHedonist .43** .84*** .66*** 7 items removed Future .48*** .49 Pathways -.22** 0 items removed X2 = 596.12; p < .001; X2df = 1.55 CFI = .91; GFI = .86 RMSEA = .05, p > .05 AIC = 758.12; MECVI = 3.35 -.29** Future Negative
Final Thoughts • Hope Differences: • Small but statistically significant differences regarding • Gender: Male > Female • Brothers existence: With brothers > Without brothers • Age Differences: • A small relation between Hope and participants age (still, a more heterogeneous sample is needed)
Final Thoughts • Model adjustment • The final model is formed by four explicative dimensions (Past Negative, Present Hedonist, Future and Future Negative) • Several of the adjustment indices are acceptable (CFI, RMSEA, X2df)
Final Thoughts • Model overview • A valid model to explore its direct and indirect effects on adaptive behaviors • The negative dimensions of TP were the only ones to correlate negatively with Hope • Yet, Past Negative failed to achieve a significant relation with Hope subscale Agency (λ = -.11, p > .05)
Final Thoughts • Model overview • Present Hedonist and Future presented a positive association with both dimensions of Hope • Still, Future was the temporal dimension with the strongest association with Agency (λ = .66, p > .001) and Pathways (λ = .48, p > .001). Results that are expected due Future´s nature highly related with planning and goals
Final Thoughts • Model overview • It´s proven that Hope isn´t only related with the future, since both Agency and Pathways dimensions are associated with temporal dimensions related with the past, present and future • Also, the predictive value of TP is considerable regarding Agency (R2 = .64) and Pathways (R2 = .49)
Final Thoughts • Instruments • ZTPI usually fails to present a strong confirmatory factor structure • This is an obstacle to the analysis of ZTPI´s predictive power through more robust statistical analyses, such as structural equation modeling
Final Thoughts • Instruments • A brief version of ZTPI must be developed, using only the items with higher factor loadings and reliabilities • TFTPS failed to contribute with the predictive model, which is an unexpected result due its future oriented content
2013 International Conference Life Design andCareerCounseling: BuildingHopeandResilience Thanks for your attention This presentation is available at www.victortuno.netii.net Victor E.C. Ortuño1,3, Catarina V. M. Gomes, Maria Paula Paixão1& Isabel N. Janeiro2 1Faculty of PsychologyandEducationalSciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal 2Faculty ofPsychology, UniversityofLisbon, Portugal 3victortuno@gmail.com Projectsupportedby Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – FCT (Project Nº SFRH/BD/33648/2009)