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Gluteal region. IN 10 QUESTIONS. Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D. 25.April.2014 Friday. 1. What is gluteal region?. ( G. gloutos , buttocks ) transitional region between trunk & lower limbs. . . A nterior superior iliac spine . 2. How are the muscles of the gluteal region organized?.
Gluteal region • IN 10 QUESTIONS • Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D. • 25.April.2014 Friday
1. What is gluteal region? (G. gloutos, buttocks) transitionalregionbetweentrunk & lowerlimbs . Anteriorsuperior iliac spine
2. How are the muscles of the gluteal region organized? Deep lateral rotators of the femur @ hip joint piriformis, obturatorinternus, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, and quadratusfemoris Superficial abduct and extend the hip gluteusminimus, gluteusmedius, andgluteusmaximus .
Gluteusmaximus Powerful extensor of (especially) flexed femur at hip joint; lateral stabilizer of hip joint and knee joint; laterally rotates and abducts thigh; steadies thigh and assists in rising from sitting position. • Gluteus mediuset minimus • Abduct and medially rotate thigh; keep pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight-bearing and advance opposite (unsupported) side during its swing phase
Gluteusmedius paralysis
Piriformis Anterior surface of sacrum Sacrotuberous ligament Superior border of greater trochanter of femur
Superiorgemellus-Obturatorinternus-Inferiorgemellus • Ischialspine • Pelvic surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bones • Ischialtuberosity • Medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa) of femur
Quadratusfemoris Ischial tuberosity Quadrate tubercle on intertrochanteric crest of femur and area inferior to it
4...superficial muscles in the gluteal region? Externalsurface of iliumbetweenanteriorandposteriorgluteallines . Iliumposteriortoposteriorglutealline; dorsalsurface of sacrumandcoccyx; sacrotuberousligament Externalsurface of iliumbetweenanteriorandinferiorgluteallines Lateralsurface of greatertrochanter of femur Anteriorsurface of greatertrochanter of femur Iliotibialtract & glutealtuberosity of femur
5...functions of the gluteal region muscles? Muscles in theglutealregionmainly abduct, extend, andlaterallyrotatethefemurrelativetothepelvic bone. .
6....innervation of the gluteal region muscles? Superiorglutealnerve Gluteusminimus& medius Tensorfascialatae Inferiorglutealnerve Gluteusmaximus . Nervetothequadratusfemoris Quadratusfemoris Gemellusinferior Nervetotheobturatorinternus Obturatorinternus Gemellussuperior Nervetothepiriformis Piriformis
G L U T E A L BURSAE Betweengluteusmaximus & greatertrochanter Present @ birth
7....nerves of the glutealregion? Superiorgluteal nerve Inferiorglutealnerve Sciatic nerve Nerveto the quadratusfemoris Nerveto the obturatorinternus Posteriorcutaneous nerve of the thigh Pudendal nerve greater sciatic foramen .
Superior & inferiorglutealnerves * Abovethepiriformis . tensor fasciae latae Posteriorto
Sciaticnerve Superficialmuscles Deepmuscles . lies just deep to gluteus maximus midpoint between ischial tuberosity & greater trochanter Entersthigh
NervetoQuadratusFemoris Inferiortopiriformis Deeptosciaticnerve * anterior to the plane of the deep muscles .
NervetoObturatorInternus between posteriorcutaneous nerve of thigh & pudendalnerve . + GS
PosteriorCutaneousNerve of Thigh . Medialtosciaticnerve Skin overtheglutealfold
SensoryInnervation of theGlutealRegion . • Lateral cutaneous nerve of thighskin overlying the lower lateral quadrant of the buttock. • Perforating cutaneous nerve skin over the medial aspect of the gluteus maximus.
9...veins in the gluteal region? Internaliliacveins . Femoralvein
10...lymphatics of the gluteal region? Lymphfromdeeptissue superior & inferiorgluteallymphnodes internal,external,commoniliaclymphnodes laterallumbar (aortic/caval) lymphnodes . Lymphfromsuperficialtissue superficialinguinallymphnodes externaliliaclymphnodes