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ABDOMINAL MUSCLES ABDOMINAL WALL. Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D . 24.April.2014 Thursday. Anterior Lateral Posterior Anterolateral. ABDOMINAL WALL. enclose and protect abdominal contents while providing the flexibility required by respiration , posture , and locomotion . Rectus abdominis.

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  1. ABDOMINAL MUSCLES ABDOMINAL WALL • Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D. • 24.April.2014 Thursday

  2. AnteriorLateralPosterior Anterolateral ABDOMINAL WALL encloseandprotectabdominalcontentswhileprovidingtheflexibilityrequiredbyrespiration, posture, andlocomotion.

  3. Rectusabdominis

  4. Pyramidalismuscle Frompubic bone tolineaalba Anterior rami of T12

  5. EXTERNAL OBLIQUE O Externalsurfaces of 5th-12th ribs I Lineaalba Pubictubercle Anteriorhalf of iliaccrest T7-T11 spinalnervesandsubcostalnerve

  6. Thelowerborder of theexternalobliqueaponeurosisformstheinguinalligament(Poupart’sligament) thickenedreinforcedfreeedge of theexternalobliqueaponeurosisbetweenanteriorsuperioriliacspinelaterallyandpubictuberclemedially. Itfoldsunderitselfforming a trough, whichplays an important role in theformation of theinguinalcanal.

  7. fromextensions of thefibers at themedialend of theinguinalligament: lacunarligament crescent-shapedextension of fibers at themedialend of theinguinalligament passbackward attachtopectenpubis on thesuperiorramus of thepubicbone pectineal(Cooper's) ligament fromthelacunarligamentalongthepectenpubis of thepelvicbrim

  8. Anterior rami of T6-T12 spinalnerves) andfirstlumbarnerves INTERNAL OBLIQUE O Thoracolumbarfascia Anterior2/3 of iliaccrest Connectivetissuedeeptolateral 1/3 of inguinalligament I Inferior borders of 10th-12th ribsLinea alba Pectenpubis via conjoint tendon

  9. TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS Anterior rami of T6-T12 spinalnerves) andfirstlumbarnerves I Lineaalbawithaponeurosis of internaloblique Pubiccrest Pectenpubisviaconjointtendon Internalsurfaces of 7th-12th costalcartilagesThoracolumbarfascia Iliaccrest Connectivetissuedeeptolateral 1/3 of inguinalligament O

  10. RECTUS ABDOMINIS O: Pubic symphysis Pubic crest I:Xp 5-7 costalcartilages Anterior rami of T6-T12 spinalnerves) andfirstlumbarnerves

  11. Rectussheath uniquelayering of theaponeuroses of theexternalandinternaloblique, andtransversusabdominismuscles Ant. + Post. of ¾ rectusabdominisclosed. Post. of ¼ rectusabdominisclosed.

  12. no sheath covers the posterior surface of the lower quarter of the rectus abdominisat this point is in direct contact with the transversalis fascia. Marking this point of transition is an arch of fibers (arcuate line).

  13. Rectussheath & Transversalisfascia • Rectussheath • anteriorwall • aponeurosisof externaloblique& halfof aponeurosisof internaloblique, splitsat lateralmargin of rectusabdominis • posteriorwall • otherhalf of aponeurosisof internaloblique& aponeurosisof transversusabdominis

  14. FUNCTIONS AND ACTIONS OF ANTEROLATERAL ABDOMINAL MUSCLES • Form a strongexpandablesupportfortheanterolateralabdominalwall. • Supporttheabdominalvisceraandprotectthemfrommostinjuries. • Compresstheabdominalcontentstomaintainorincreasetheintra-abdominalpressureand, in sodoing, opposethediaphragm (increasedintra-abdominalpressurefacilitatesexpulsion). • Movethetrunkandhelptomaintainposture.

  15. SPINE FLEXION Rectusabdominis is a powerfulflexor of thethoracicandespeciallylumbarregions of thevertebralcolumn. VIDEO HERE

  16. SPINE LATERAL FLEXION Theobliqueabdominalmusclesalsoassist in movements of thetrunk, especiallylateralflexionandrotation of thelumbarandlowerthoracicvertebralcolumn. • VIDEO HERE


  18. quietandforcedexpirationbypushingthevisceraupward(helpspushtherelaxeddiaphragmfurtherintothethoraciccavity) coughing vomiting sneezing eructation screaming ABDOMINAL CAVITY parturition micturition defecation flatus

  19. Psoasmajor Psoasminor (80%) Quadratuslumborum Iliacus

  20. Psoasmajor fillsthe space between vertebral bodies &transverse processes Anteriorrami of L1, L2, L3 Flexion of thigh Lateralflexion of spine Psoasminor (80%) Anterior rami of L1 Weakflexion of lumbarvertebralcolumn

  21. Iliacus Femoralnerve fillstheiliac fossa on eachside. • Psoasmajor + Iliacus = Iliopsoas chiefflexor of thethigh Lessertroachanter of femur

  22. Quadratuslumborum fillthespacebetweenribs XII andtheiliaccrest on bothsides of thevertebralcolumn. I Transverseprocess of firstfourlumbarvertebraeandtheinferiorborder of rib XII O Transverse process of L5, Iliolumbar ligament, iliac crest Depressand stabilize 12th ribs Lateralbending of thetrunk. Actingtogether, extendlumbarpart of thespine. anteriorrami of T12 and L1 to L4 spinalnerves

  23. VIDEO HERE http://www.getbodysmart.com

  24. Thesuperficialfattylayer of superficialfascia (Camper'sfascia) continuousovertheinguinalligamentwiththesuperficialfascia of thethighandwith a similarlayer in theperineum. In men, continuesoverthe penis and, fusingwiththedeeperlayer of superficialfascia, continuesintothescrotumspecializedfasciallayercontainingsmoothmusclefibers (thedartosfascia). Inwomen, retainssomefatand is a component of thelabiamajora.

  25. Thedeepermembranouslayer of superficialfascia (Scarpa'sfascia) thinandmembranous containslittleornofat. Inferiorly, continuesintothethigh, justbelowtheinguinalligament, fuseswithdeepfascia of thethigh (thefascia lata). Inthemidline, firmlyattachedtothelineaalba& symphysispubis. continuesintotheanteriorpart of theperineumwhere it is firmlyattachedtotheischiopubic rami andtotheposteriormargin of theperinealmembrane. Here, referredto as superficialperinealfascia (Colles' fascia).

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