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Presentation to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee. Presentation by COO 25 May 2007. Corporate Services. This presentation will provide a brief overview of:. Finance Budget, Supply Chain Management & Monies in Trust ISM
Presentation to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Presentation by COO 25 May 2007
Corporate Services This presentation will provide a brief overview of: • Finance • Budget, Supply Chain Management & Monies in Trust • ISM • HR • PEC
Ministry Office of the Director General and the COO NPA Court services: Masters Legislation Drafting Constitutional Development Litigation Unit State Law Advisors Justice College Regional Offices : One per Province Corporate Services : HR / ISM / PEC / CFO
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Achievements No audit qualification on Vote account for 2003/04 and 2004/05 Financial Capacity Building Programmes Standardised Financial Management Business Processes Monies in Trust (MMT) Public Private Partnership (PPP) Establishing a Legislative and Policy Costing Unit Unqualified audit reports on Presidents Fund Challenges & action steps Qualified audit report on Vote account for 2005/06 based on Monies in Trust financial management – Audit action plan developed and progress monitored by Audit Committee on a quarterly basis Transition from cash basis accounting to modified cash basis of accounting – Training programme implemented and Integrated Financial Management System being developed by National Treasury Disclaimed audit opinions on Monies in Trust accounts and Guardians’ Fund (see next slides) Vacancies in Supply Chain Management Unit Supply Chain Management and Asset Management – Action plan being developed for implementation 1 April 2007 Budget Management – Budget Coaching and Analysis, Quarterly Budget Review meetings; Virement in compliance with PFMA Financial Reporting Framework in terms of the Organisational Redesign Process – Monitoring of Regulatory Compliance (NOC reports) Key MTSF performance indicator: No audit qualification Corporate Services
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (cont) – Monies in Trust Public Private Partnership Achievements Preparation of financial statements for 2005/06 Issue of Request for Proposal (RFP) for Management of Monies in Trust Public Private Partnership on 6 October 2006 Receipt of bids from four consortiums on 5 February 2007 Maintenance paid by Electronic Funds Transfer to 21 138 beneficiaries at 118 courts as at 30 April 2007 (R35 m) Challenges & action steps: Evaluation of bids received Negotiations with selected bidder/s Signing of agreement with selected bidder Development and pilot of new operating model Implementation of new operating model Key MTSF performance indicator: No audit qualification in the medium to long term Corporate Services
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (cont) – Guardians’ Fund Accounting Turnaround Project Achievements Injected high caliber professional financial / accounting expertise to assess and formulate a comprehensive master plan to elevate financial / accounting environment Challenges & action steps The Auditor General has failed to express an opinion on the financial affairs of the Guardian’s Fund for the year ended 31 March 2005/6 - Formulated strategies to render assistance to the Guardians’ Fund The need to produce more sophisticated financial statements in accordance with GAAP - Extensive consultation and collaboration with other stakeholders will be is underway , including the Auditor General, Treasury department, Internal Auditors, PIC and SARS An imminent collapse of reporting ability as a result of a manual operating environment coupled with an escalating level of activity as a result of macro factors – Automation of Masters Offices Key MTSF performance indicator: The implementation of a sustainable and reliable financial accounting environment The production of GAAP compliant unqualified Financial Statements on the activities of the Guardian’s Funds Corporate Services
2006/2007Achievements The roll out of basic ICT infrastructure and services through the DNS IIII project -bringing the total number of sites networked to date to 529. This constitutes 94% of the sites country-wide The roll out of the E-Scheduler Solution (First Modules of Integrated Case Management Solution) to 425 sites as at end of February 2007: Western Cape - 54 out of 46 North West – 33 out of 34 Northern Cape – 35 out of 35 Mpumalanga – 36 out 36 Limpopoo – 37 out of 37 Kwa-Zulu Natal – 60 out of 80 Gauteng – 37 out of 44 Eastern Cape 80 out of 84 Free State – 53 out of 66 The development of the Scanning Solution and the integration thereof into the Integrated Case Management Solution. This roll out of this module of the Integrated Case Management Solution is scheduled to kick off in the new financial year. The development of Phase I of the IADE solution comprising of the registration of Estates Corporate Services ISM
2006/2007 Achievements (contd) The incorporation of the E-Scheduler statistics into the Justice Management Solution (JMIS). The system will be rolled out during the new financial year. JDAS roll-out (16 sites): North West - pilot site + 4 sites Gauteng – 2 sites (JDAS 3 migration) KZN – 2 sites (JDAS 3 migration) Northern Cape – 6 sites Western Cape – 1 site (JDAS 3 migration) Corporate Services ISM
2007/2008 Action Plan • Continuation of JDAS deployment • ICMS phase 1 deployment continuation (E-Scheduler) • Deployment of JMIS • Desktop renewal project • Enhancements to Track and Trace • Deployment of scanning solution • Deployment of IADE phase 1 • Development of IADE phase 2 • Migration of CPS to E-Scheduler • Continuation of JDAS v3 to JDAS v4 migration • Development of Justice Payment Gateway • Development and deployment of Bail Anywhere • Integration of E-Scheduler to CAS (SAPS)
Challenges and Action Steps The lack of capacity and the finalization of the ISM Structure Lack of capacity in courts for implementation The ability of the service providers to develop solutions in the given timeframes Delays in the procurement processes resulting in planned times to kick of projects slipping Corporate Services ISM (cont.)
Organisational Efficiency Human Capital Development DOJ HCM Strategy (3 Pronged) • Performance and Career • Management • Learnerships and • internships • Skills programs • HR Automation • Back office Support • Business processes Organisational Development • Organisational design • Change management • Organisational restructuring • Employment relations • Management & leadership practices • Employee wellness • Talent Sourcing and succession planning
The current staff establishment population rate is currently @ 88,8% [13442] [filled positions] The vacancy rate is therefore 11,2% [1689] Post advertisement on average per month:[+/- 300] Average Exit per month: [50] Turn around time for filling posts is 3-4 months [due to compliance to PSR e.g. Job Evaluation & posting of adverts, notice periods, competency tests] Strategies to improve turn around time: - on time HR notification on resignation - automation of recruitment process Vacancies
Achievements cont…. DOJ Establishment The DOJ establishment has grown with 7,21% in that 1017 posts were created in 2006/7. The improvement to the enhance capacity in the staff establishment ensured that the Department is able to respond positively to Legislative imperatives as well as population growth. The Department was able to source requisite and competent staff in support of the above. Our recruitment drives were successful in sourcing the following staff to capacitate our Courts: Court Stenographers 1781 E-scheduler Clerks 345 (Case flow management) Court Managers 215 Senior and Family Councillors 100 Maintenance investigators 142 Maintenance officers 85 Corporate Services HUMAN RESOURCES
90% of SMS have declared financial interest; 90% performance agreements signed; Promoting a Culture of Performance management; Submission of WSP & EE report to Labour Dept. Compliance
Achievement cont…… Employment Equity Employment Equity Plan signed and displayed in the department Employment Equity report submitted to the Department of Labour Reasonable accommodation provided for employment of people with disabilities e.g 5 Personal assistant for employees with visual impairments Assistives for employees with visual impairments Sign language training for court interpreters in Gauteng - Pilot project that will be rolled out when funds become available. Corporate ServicesHuman Resources
Recruitment Improvement Plan Comprehensive Organizational Re-Design Competency Modelling Job Profiling, Job Analysis & Job Evaluation Skills Auditing Developing Human Capital Plan HR Projects – 2007/2008 Financial Year
Implementation of the Target Selection Tool Fast tracking recruitment: Outsourcing of Response Handling Automation of the recruitment Devolve Recruitment to Regions speed up recruitment Conduct workshops on national guidelines HR 2007/8 : Project 1Recruitment Improvement Plan Budgeted for: R 2,5 million
Review existingorganizational structure: Identify key functions in the organisation Identify geographical spread of the organisation Identify key reporting relationships Identify spans of control Identify number of positions Identify number of employees per process area on the structure Identify advantages/benefits/best practice to retain. This project will mainly focus new court structures following the Re Aga Boswa project HR 2007/8 : Project 2Comprehensive Organizational Re-Design Budgeted for: R 1,5 million
Assess and Develop This will embark on different approaches such as employee, manager, focus groups and one-on-one interviews to collect data. This stage will comprise of the following activities: Analyse the Department’s proposed organisation structure and key areas Conduct one-on-one interviews or facilitate focus group sessions; Assess the existing competency model, if any Modify or create an ideal model; and Compile data, draft and present the findings report and a competency model. The Deliverables for this stage are: Competency Model Findings Report HR 2007/8 : Project 3Competency Modelling Budgeted for: R 1,5 million
Conducting scientific job analysis to determine the right levels of remunerations and scoping thereof. This involves over 600 job classes for the entire department HR 2007/8 : Project 4Job Profiling, Job Analysis & Job Evaluation Budgeted for: R2,5 million
Key activities will include the following: Review the strategic plan and determine its implications for skills required by the company. Key stakeholders will be engaged to agree the implications of the strategic plan; Review the skills profile, especially as it relates to the new strategic objectives. The output of this analysis will form the basis for the design of a Workplace Skills Development Plan; Design and disseminate the skills audit questionnaire to employees, relying on the Skills Audit Network to ensure common understanding of the questionnaire and their completion; Analyze the responses from the skills audit questionnaire HR 2007/8 : Project 5Skills Auditing Budgeted for: R 3 million
Appointment of part-time commissioners Training of Investigating/Presiding officers Out-sourcing of SMS members cases to external parties Pre-dismissal arbitration system HR 2007/8 : Project 7Fast-tracking of Disciplinary Cases Budgeted for: R 2 million
The department hopes to scientifically determine the current and future needs [demands] of the key, core and scares skills required to deliver on its mandate and strategic objectives. Through the same analysis, we will further determine the magnitude of Supplyof these required Skills, Qualifications and the requisite Knowledge Economy Development relevant to our environment. Some high level Supply interventions will include interaction with University Schools of Law, Law Societies, The Bar Councils, targeted Training & Development, International Internship Placement programs, etc HR 2007/8 : Project 6Developing Human Capital Plan Budgeted for: R 2 million
Learner-ships: court interpreters; court management; para-legal; Internships: Per branches’ competency framework Skills Programs: supervisory management development; Legal Interpreting and sign language interpreting Continuous Professional Development: Legislative drafting; Maritime Law; International Trade Law; Commercial and Constitutional Litigation; Family Law; Civil litigation; Commercial Law; Other skills programs: Customer Relations Management - front line staff in courts; HR 2007/8 : Project 8Enhancing a Learning Organization (Learning & Development) Budgeted for: R 2 million
Employee assistance programme for all employees in all regions Trauma counselling as and when needed Preventative programmes e.g. alcohol abuse, financial counselling, etc. Training of peer counsellors for HIV/AIDS HIV Prevalent studies Stress management KAP (knowledge, attitudes and practice) studies Comprehensive psycho, social, physical and mental programme. HR 2007/8 : Project 6Employee Wellness Program Budgeted for: R 6 million
Had low percentages of SMS’s with performance agreements Moved to over 90% of SMS’s with performance agreements in 2006/08 Train all staff on the departmental performance management policy Train all employees performance management soft skills Train managers and supervisors on how to give feedback and how to rate employees HR 2007/8 : Project 6Performance Management Training Budgeted for: R 4 million
Public Education and Communication (PEC) Deliverable Outreach programmes 1. Rolling-out of Operation Isondlo 2. Community education on Victim's Charter and Equality Courts, maintenance, domestic violence, the Constitution 3. Participation in various Justice services fairs 4. Production of Justice newsletter Production of various annual reports and other publicity materials on justice related topics Web and intranet management Marketing departmental services at national exhibitions such as the Pretoria and Rand Show Management of departmental events and conferences, such as major Legal Services Sector Charter consultative workshops, Gender Justice Conference, the IT Highway Launch violence Against women and children Media Services, including monitoring and evaluation, media advertisements media liaison and responding to media enquiries Internal communication on Batho Pele principles Translation and editing services Corporate Services
Public Education and Communication (PEC) Possible challenges & anticipated action steps Strengthening the capacity of the Chief Directorate by filling vacancies, creation of additional posts where necessary and training of current staff Review of the PEC structure and placing of staff according to capabilities Acquire additional for goods and services to fund communication projects. Fostering existing relationships with members of the media Strengthening internal communication especially with top management by setting regular meetings. Setting up of a functional News Room through training and recruiting suitable staff Inter-branch co-operation through regular meetings Development of a feedback mechanism guiding communication strategy Key MTSF performance indicator: More positive media coverage and better relationships with the media Informed communities in terms of Justice services The production of attractive and informative communication materials Confident and informed employees Corporate Services
Public Education and Communication (PEC) Programmes for 2007/08 Continuation of operation Isondlo Continuation of awareness on Victim’s Charter Promotion of Masters Services – Operation Sesifikile 365 Days of No Violence against Women and Children Creating awareness on the Constitution and Human Rights Batho Pele campaign Izimbizo Participation in National exhibitions and Service Fairs The promotion of previously disadvantaged languages internally Redevelopment of the website Corporate Services