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PILOT PROJECT INTEGRATION OF MAR ITIME SU RVEILLANCE IN THE NO THERN EUROPEAN SEA BASINS MARSUNO. Commodore Dan Thorell Swedish Coast Guard HQ Director, Response and Law Enforcement Department Chairman of the National Advisory Board on Maritime Surveillance Project Manager project MARSUNO.
PILOT PROJECTINTEGRATION OF MARITIME SURVEILLANCE IN THE NOTHERN EUROPEAN SEA BASINSMARSUNO Commodore Dan Thorell Swedish Coast Guard HQ Director, Response and Law Enforcement Department Chairman of the National Advisory Board on Maritime Surveillance Project Manager project MARSUNO
A JOINT APPLICATION The Swedish Coast Guard - coordinated a joint application: 10 participating countries: Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania,Norway, Poland and Sweden. Discussions ongoing with Russia and UK 23 public authorities within target areas
OVER ALL OBJECTIVES The pilot project aims to achieve a higher degree of interoperability among existing monitoring and tracking systems.
Vessel Monitoring System - VMS Fishing vessels – transponder via satellite ISPS SIS-Schengen Information System Merchant vessels – (500 bt) transponder via radio Clearance of shipping AIS Automatic Identification System On board IMO 1 juli 2004 Radar Optic – IR Fotographing SMIC/MUC-G.J.-2004-09
INFORMATION LAYER ORIENTED APPROACH Integrated Border management – Law Enforcement (IBM-LE) Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System (VTMIS) Marine Pollution response (MPR) Search and Rescue (SAR) Fisheries control (FC) Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) NB! Cross-connecting layer
MARSUNOStep 1: Mapping out current procedures • To test the capacity of project partners to exchange surveillance and monitoring information • To test joint maritime surveillance operational procedures cross border • Will be performed mainly between April 2010 to November 2010
Layer 1: IBM-LELayer leader Matti Lalluka, FBG • Sub-task 1 IBM/LE surveillance requirements.The Northern European Sea Basins will be categorized in three different categories, in accordance with the different requirements on detection and reaction capabilities. The result will be utilized in the work of the layer 6 (MSA). • Sub task 2 Regional arrangement for joint surveillance activities. The Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) and the North Atlantic Coast Guard Conference (NACGF) will be studied as examples. As far as possible, a generic pattern will be proposed. • Sub task 3 Patterns for safe and lawful exchange of delicate information amongst the law enforcement community. Stock-taking of essentially Border Guards’ but also Customs’ and Police interests in this field • The juridical and operational demands and restrictions are analyzed. As an outcome, the Coastnet-information exchange system updates will be defined. If resources allow, an update of the Coastnet software and network applications may be accomplished. • Sub task 4 Enhanced efficiency of controlling activities, having the single window principle as the ultimate aim. The controls over all forms of maritime traffic to be analysed. Proposals will be made in view of facilitation and fluency of traffic. The Customs and Coast Guard authorities will be invited to join in. • Sub task 5 Improved awareness and patterns of sea-related risk analysis, criminal intelligence and criminal investigation. Stock-taking (applied methods, experienced needs, European Standards), needs and gaps analysis, legal analysis, proposals.The Border Guards, Police, Coast Guard and Customs will be invited to join in.
Status Layer 1 • Sub-task 1: IBM/LE surveillance requirements. The Northern European Sea Basins will be categorized in three different categories, in accordance with the different requirements on detection and reaction capabilities. The result will be utilized in the work of the layer 6 (MSA). • Sub-task 3: IBM/LE safe and lawful exchange of delicate information amongst the law enforcement community; • : Information that can be exchanged and could be useful to exchange amongst the LE community: • Potential crime scenarios, that may create need for information exchange • Joint activity November with ERA might be performed with focus on sub-task 3.
Layer 2: VTMISLayer leader: Kaisu Heikkonen/FTA • Sub-task 1: Creation of prerequisites for integration and information exchange between the traffic monitoring systems to enhance the efficiency of maritime traffic and maritime transport that take place in the Northern European Sea. • Sub-task 2: Harmonization and sharing of best practices among the operation, guidance and supporting activities of vessel traffic monitoring and information systems. • Sub-task 3: Technical realisation of systems integration and tools for added-value services to shipping and effective operation of authorities. • Sub-task 4: Implementation and communication of the achieved results.
Status Layer 2 • Sub-task 1 will output • An inventory of vessel traffic information currently available for VTS authorities participating this project • Sensor system information (AIS, LRIT, radar etc., identifies where information is shared with other authorities - METO) • Database information (SafeSeaNet, Ship Databases, SRS, registers, other local reporting systems, identifies where information is shared with other authorities - PortNet) • and produces an inventory of information currently exchanged between VTS/SRS authorities (for example GOFREP) • A report on the overall ability of VTS/SRS to exchange information including identified obstacles (legal, administrative, technical). • A proposal for a harmonised reporting procedure for vessels in Northern European waters. • A proposal for a harmonised way of providing information from VTS/SRS to vessels (safety of navigation related information).
…Layer 2 SUB-TASK 2 will output • An inventory of what guidance and practices the participating VTS authorities have on • VTS operators training and qualification, • Operational procedures, • Recommendations on minimum technical requirements for VTS/SRS operations and reporting procedures and handling of contraventions and other deviations in vessel traffic. • how they ensure the quality of the work. (This part also includes operator visits!) • A proposal for a harmonised way to carry out above actions (VTS training, operation and quality control).
Layer 3: MPRLayer leader: Thomas Fagö/SCG • Sub-task 1: give a comprehensive description of the well developed co-operation in the Northern sea basins for possible application in other parts of The EU or outside and to generate further proposals for co-operation. • By: The method will be to compare the state of the art of response co-operation between the different agreements etc in order to find similarities, dissimilarities and gaps. If applicable the aim will also be to make proposals how to align the work and operative plans in order to make cooperation in operation easier for especially those parties that operate in more than one sea area and to highlight obstacles for cooperation and to generate proposals how to overcome them, if possible. The same aim will be applicable for the use of drift modelling and integration of AIS and satellite information in that model making it easier to catch polluters red handed • The work within HELCOM in the field of risk assessment and mutual use of Places of Refuge will be analysed and the result will be described, hopefully for consideration in the other regional areas. • With respect to Marine Resources, the subtask will involve identification of current situation and the described existing systems will be used as a base for possible common solutions. The steps will further be identification of similarities and problem areas, including legal issues, between Member States. The final goal is to define the requirements for a common system.
Status Layer 3 The 4 sub-tasks will be initiated and performed parallel, divided responsibility between work group members • Response to oil /Response to HNS • Intelligence and surveillance regarding marine pollution • Tools and systems for protection of marine resources in cases of acute pollution (Environmental maps, STW,) and • Judicial matters / administrative matters in all the four fields, based on current ratification of relevant conventions, reimbursement between EU-states and places of refuge
Layer 4: SARLayer leader: Christer Waldegren/SMA • Examine to what extent SAR regions are established by agreements with neighbouring countries and, to ensure effective cooperation in multi task operations, that responsibility areas for SAR and OPRC coincide and not overlap. Describe the overall situation and recommend improvements. • Investigate current Member States’ maritime operational organizations and develop requirements and an implementation plan aiming at integration of maritime functions as recommended in MOS concept. • Develop requirements to establish joint Mass Rescue Operation (MRO) plans and the improvement of operational procedures for use of Aircraft Co-ordinator (ACO) in SAR. • Study how different drift calculation/modelling software are used among the member states and develop requirements focussing on a possible future co-operative use of similar software and search planning/evaluations. • Study how different drift calculation/modelling software are used among the member states and develop requirements focussing on a possible future co-operative use of similar software and search planning/evaluations. • Develop SAR training requirements aiming at a SAR Mission Co-ordinator (SMC) Model Course to be valid for the member states.
Status Layer 4 • First step: sub-tasks 1-4 have already been initiated, • Second step: sub-tasks 5-6 from October 2010 • A questionnaire has been e-mailed to relevant authorities around the 30th of June and the results will be analyzed next months • A joint work shop between layer 2 and 4 will be conducted in October, • Closer cooperation will be started up with work group 6, MSA-layer.
Layer 5: FCLayer leader: Kristina Falk Strand/SCG Sub task 1 Fisheries Control at Sea Improving exchange of: • VMS data cross sectoral and cross border • Information on inspections at sea • Sightings Sub task 2 Fisheries Control in Port Improving exchange of: • Information on inspections in port, cross sectoral and cross border including Port state measures according to IUU. • Information on reporting regimes according to landings
Status Layer 5 • Focus on sector cooperation, for instance civil-military cooperation regarding use of VMS-signals • Joint Deployment plans (JDP) and testing of operations • Issues regarding pre-notifications for landings. • A case study is planned to take place in the end of 2011 on how to coordinate JDP HOW: • Plan to invite other countries to work shops/seminars, involve CFCA, Case study in connection with JDP (April 2011) • 2 seminars (Oct/Nov 2010), followed by 2 workshops (March/May 2011)
Layer 6: MSALayer leader: Staffan Kvarnström/SCG • Sub task 1: The capacity of project partners to exchange surveillance and monitoring information will be identified as well as the present status of information exchange cross sectoral and cross border by using the results and information from layer 1-5. • Sub task 2: The extent to which project partners are potentially able to set up an exchange of information mechanism at a cross sectoral and cross border level will be analysed based on the needs identified in layer 1-5. Administrative obstacles that may hinder the exchange of information will be analysed and best practice will be identified in order to overcome the obstacles identified, also the cultural dimension will be analysed. • Sub task 3: Legal obstacles that may hinder the exchange of information according to the results in sub task one and two will be analysed, best practice and/or the need for legal adjustments will be identified. Also gaps and inconsistencies in fields where cooperation between civil and military assets exist or where they could be developed or enhanced in the future will be analysed.
Sub task 4: Identify and analyze technical obstacles that may hinder the exchange of information. Technical realisation of systems integration and tools for added-value services will be studied. Also gaps and inconsistencies in fields where cooperation between civil and military assets exist or where they could be developed or enhanced in the future will be analysed. • Sub task 5: Examine and analyse the possibility to establish a Common Integrated Maritime Information and Surveillance network (Maritime Situational Awareness System) in order to provide information sharing between cooperating authorities. Availability and easy access to a wide range of natural and human-activity data on the oceans is the basis for strategic decision-making on maritime policy. Given the vast quantity of data collected and stored all over Europe for a wide variety of purposes, the establishment of an appropriate maritime data and information infrastructure is of utmost importance. This data should be compiled in a comprehensive and compatible system (a system of systems) and made accessible as a tool for better governance, expansion of value-added services and sustainable development. To this end a full scale “demonstrator” of an Integrated Maritime Information and Surveillance system for the Northern European Sea basin will be set up between some or all project partners in accordance with technical specifications made. • Sub task 6: The implementation and communication of results will be accomplished by: Agreements on a road map and an action plan for the development of an Integrated Maritime Information and Surveillance System between some or all project partners.
Status Layer 6 • Sub-task 1 • The capacity of project partners to exchange surveillance and monitoring information will be identified as well as the present status of information exchange cross sectoral and cross border by using the results and information from layer 1-5. • All work group members are working on a mapping process of coast guarding responsibilities and current information exchange as well as future demand in information exchange
… Layer 6 • Focus on cross connecting activities between layers - will indicate a high need of information flow from the other layers to the MSA-layer • Prepare for the creation of a full scale demonstrator - establish a Common Integrated Maritime Information and Surveillance network, to be able to perform; • Testing operational procedures
KEY ELEMENTS Coordination between the responsible governmental bodies Assessment of the situation at sea Specialised trained professionals Provide reliable data Risk analysis Intelligence Information exchange Data flow management Reaction capability and (EPN)