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Civics Core 100, Goal 1

Civics Core 100, Goal 1. Goal 1: The learner will investigate the foundations of the American political system and explore basic values and principles of American democracy. . Colonial Regional Differences. THREE REGIONS OF COLONIES. NEW ENGLAND MIDDLE SOUTHERN. New England.

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Civics Core 100, Goal 1

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  1. Civics Core 100, Goal 1 Goal 1: The learner will investigate the foundations of the American political system and explore basic values and principles of American democracy.

  2. Colonial Regional Differences


  4. New England

  5. New England Colonies • Religious freedom sought • Hilly, rocky soil • Shipbuilding and trade • Puritans, pilgrims New England Colonies = Blue

  6. Middle Colonies

  7. Middle Colonies • Bread basket colonies • Farmers: wheat and other cash crops • Busy ports (New York and Philadelphia) because of foreign trade • Industries: sawmills, mines, ironworks • Quakers(peace loving peoples) in Philadelphia Middle Colonies = Yellow

  8. Southern Colonies

  9. Southern Colonies • Warm climate and long growing season = large-scale agriculture (tobacco) • Rice, indigo, and grain -Cash crops • Dependent on slave labor Southern Colonies = Pink

  10. mercantilism

  11. Mercantilism • Great Britain’s policy toward the American Colonies under George III around 1760. • Theory that a country’s power depends on its wealth: • Sellmore goods to other countries than it buys • Favorable balance of trade: more exports, fewer imports • EXPORTS >IMPORTS

  12. Triangular Trade

  13. Triangular Trade • Brought African Slaves to America through three part process • From molasses to rum to slaves • From southern America, from New England, from Africa

  14. Triangular Trade Trip from Africa to Americas known as Middle Passage

  15. Mayflower Compact

  16. Mayflower Compact • Precedent for Direct Democracy and Self-Government: Every citizen is involved • town meetings to discuss and vote on issues of the town • Created by Pilgrims on arrival from England • Begins New World tradition of self-rule

  17. House of Burgesses

  18. House of Burgesses • In 1619 in Jamestown, Va. • 1st representative assembly • beginning of self-government in the colonies

  19. Long-Term Causes of the American Revolution

  20. Long-Term Causes of the American Revolution • Taxation without Representation • The colonies had no representatives to Parliament. • Stamp Act of 1765: colonists must attach expensive stamps to all newspapers and legal documents • Mercantilism • Policy of Britain wanting to export more than import • Requires colonies to trade solely with Britain and provide resources. • Salutary Neglect • Colonies had gotten use to governing themselves with little interference from England. • This changes after the French-Indian War. • Tradition of Self-government • Stamp Act Congress: Oct 1765, 9 of 13 colonies sent representatives to the Stamp Act Congress in NYC • 1st time majority of colonies join together to oppose British rule • British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act

  21. Short-Term Causes of the American Revolution

  22. Short-Term Causes of the American Revolution • Declaratory Act of 1766: Parliament had right to tax and make decisions for the American colonies “in all cases” • Townshend Acts: legalize the use of writs of assistance to assist customs officers in arresting smugglers • General search warrants • Enter any location to look for evidence of smuggling • March 5, 1770: Boston Massacre: British soldiers fired into a crowd, killing 5 • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense • Protests and Boycotts of British Policy • Sons of Liberty • Committees of Correspondence

  23. Short Term Causes of the American Revolution continued… “No taxation without representation!” 6. Tea Act: British East India Company gets the right to ship tea to the colonies without paying most of the taxes usually placed on tea • Their tea is cheaper than any other tea in the colonies • Boston Tea Party: Dec. 1773, group of angry colonists dressed as Native Americans dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor 7. Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts: response of Britain to the Boston Tea Party • restricted the colonists’ civil rights, including right to a trial by jury • Closed Boston Harbor • Placed Soldiers within Boston to control the port

  24. Republic


  26. Representative Democracy

  27. Representative Democracy • Citizens choose smaller group to represent them, make laws, and govern on their behalf • What Form of Gov’t do we have? • Representative Democracy • U.S. is the oldest Representative Democracy in the world

  28. Purpose of Government

  29. Purpose of Government • PEPP: • Provide Laws • Enforce Laws • Provide Services • Plan for the Future

  30. Declaration of Independence

  31. Declaration of Independence • AUTHORE: Thomas Jefferson • INFLUENCES: • Enlightenment ideas • Social Contract Theory of John Locke • John Locke’s Natural Rights-Life, liberty and property • Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “All Men are created equal” • Approved by the 2nd Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 • Included • long list of abuses by King George III and called him a tyrant • Also included the purpose of government (to protect the rights of the people)

  32. Social Contract Theory

  33. Social Contract Theory • Agreement between the government and the governed: the government and the people • Contract states that the people will follow the rules of the government so long as the government looks out for their best interest. When the government stops looking out for the people, the people have a right to abolish the government. • People agree to give up part of their freedom to a government in exchange for protection of natural rights

  34. Social Contract within Declaration of Independence • That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

  35. Constitutional Convention

  36. Constitutional Convention • 1787 in Philadelphia • Purpose: To Revise the Articles of Confederation which weren’t working • 12 of 13 states attended: Rhode Island didn’t • Federalists vs. Anti-federalists • Federalists wanted to strengthen the national government • Anti-Federalists wanted states’ and people to maintain the power

  37. Compromises

  38. The Great Compromise • The two plans • Virginia Plan: representation based on states’ population • New Jersey Plan: Equal representation • The Great Compromise(Connecticut Compromise) • 2 house legislature-bicameral • Senate based on equal representation(2 per state) • House of Representatives based based on states’ population as determined by census every 10 years

  39. The Three-Fifths Compromise • Delegates agreed that every 5 enslaved persons would count as 3 free people • 3/5 of the slave population in each state would be used in determining representation in Congress and for taxing purposes as well

  40. Articles of Confederation

  41. Articles of Confederation • Our first national government in the United States • It DID NOT WORK

  42. First Political Parties

  43. First Political Parties

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