1. EC FP7 5th Call and beyond „To guess or not to guess“…..
2. 2 London, July 12th 2010
3. 3 London, July 12th 2010
4. 4 London, July 12th 2010
5. 5 London, July 12th 2010 The first ideas about the Strategic Transport technology Plan(STTP)
6. 6 London, July 12th 2010 Basis and background for the STTP Flagship initiative “Resource efficient Europe”:proposals for clean and more sustainable transport (Transport White Paper)Flagship initiative “Innovation Union”: develop strategic research agenda, innovation chain, synergies through better coordination +Need for clearer long term technology perspective (transport policy)Need for better management of innovative pathways (research and innovation policy)Wish for stronger alignment between the EU transport policy and the research & innovation policy
7. 7 London, July 12th 2010 Working method * Task Force DG MOVE and DG RTD* Support DG JRC (technology foresight, “research intelligence” and impact assessment)* Inter-service group: DG INFSO, DG ENTR, other DG’s…* Mix of research and policy staff +* Hearings of* Public-private sector initiatives (JTI’s, …)* Technology Platforms (ERRAC, …)* Other stakeholders and platforms (ERA-nets, …) * Organisation of a Stakeholder consultation event* Input from Member States and FP7 Transport Advisory Group
8. 8 London, July 12th 2010 Expected outcome* Strategic research and innovation agenda* Identification of priority fields (technologies)Roadmaps with time horizon 2020 – 2025* Overview of financial needs and policy requirements, taking into account deployment perspective* Proposals for “implementation instruments”? NEW: innovation partnerships, joint programming…..* Additional strategic (policy) research needs* Background information (additional reports)* All modes, freight and passenger transport covered* Priorities will be in line with EU 2020 Strategy and directions new Transport Policy White Paper* Basis for preparation of FP8 and input to the debate on the next EU financial framework
9. 9 London, July 12th 2010 Tentative time planning June – August 2010: definition and set-up of working structures and proceduresAugust – September 2010: problem analysisSeptember – November 2010: collection of information, consultation event, hearingsOctober – December 2010: consolidation of information, prioritisation December 2010 – January 2011: assessment of options and impactsFebruary – May 2011: preparation of reportsMay – June 2011: results Impact Assessment, preparation adoption packageJune – July 2011: adoption by the European Commission
10. 10 London, July 12th 2010
11. 11 London, July 12th 2010
12. 12 London, July 12th 2010
13. 13 London, July 12th 2010